I just sat there...speechless...
What was I supposed to say?
I'm getting married...
You knew I would tell him...
It's your fault that you chose not to move on.
You are the father of my child...
But I don't love you like that anymore.
I love him.
You took his kindness for weakness.
You disrespected him in his own home.
You thought that just because he was quiet most of the time, he had nothing to say.
You came by when you knew your daughter wasn't home.
You thought he'd be at work.
I came to the door.
I was shocked to see you.
You said you really needed to talk.
I let you in, even though I knew in my heart it was not the best move. But I thought you may have wanted to talk about something that pertained to your child, that you didn't want her to hear because anytime you and I are in the same space, she's there.
You stood there pouring your heart out.
I felt sorry for you.
I told you to leave.
You chose to stay and keep talking.
He came out of the bedroom.
He heard the whole thing.
He walked straight up to you and knocked the heck out of you without saying a word.
I was shocked too.
I had never seen him get that mad.
As you stood there holding your broken nose.
I felt sorry for you.
Your eyes were both sad and mad at the same time.
I couldn't move.
Even though I wanted to help, my loyalty is with him now.
I couldn't call 911. I didn't want him to get into trouble.
As I drove you to the hospital, I knew this was the end of us as we know it.
I tried to be your friend. You took it too far.
I know it's not over. You are always out for revenge.
Why couldn't you just let me be happy?
You've had that problem all along.
You couldn't make me happy, so why can't you just let me be with someone who can, in peace.
How will I explain to your child?
She won't understand.
We'll just have to see where this goes...