Still Livin'...Still Luvin...
I don't blog much these days. Not because I don't have much to say...but because I can't find enough time in the day to say it all. The purpose of this blog was to help me look deep within myself to find ME, and I've done that and so much more. I found me, and so many others that were going through things as well.
Life is funny. We don't choose the cards we're dealt, we just play the game to the best of our ability with what we have. I am grateful to have found love...It surrounds me everyday.
Too often we think of the things that are going wrong in our life, and we lose focus of all the things that are going well.
Here I am thinking about all the time I don't have to do things that I like, and didn't stop to consider the time that I have to do the things that I cherish the most...being with my family.
What is happiness?
Happiness is the look on my child's face when she completes and excellent dance performance.
Happiness is the smile that my husband gives me before he walks out the door every morning.
Happiness is the choice that I made to settle down.
Happiness is the abundance of little things that give me joy.
Happiness is the fact that I haven't allowed being married to define me. It is a state of being, but it is not who I am. I was a woman before I became a wife. Too many people get lost in the thought of being married, and lose focus on themselves and the person that they married in the process.
Happiness is a process...
Take the time to look at your life. Are you happy?
Life is funny. We don't choose the cards we're dealt, we just play the game to the best of our ability with what we have. I am grateful to have found love...It surrounds me everyday.
Too often we think of the things that are going wrong in our life, and we lose focus of all the things that are going well.
Here I am thinking about all the time I don't have to do things that I like, and didn't stop to consider the time that I have to do the things that I cherish the most...being with my family.
What is happiness?
Happiness is the look on my child's face when she completes and excellent dance performance.
Happiness is the smile that my husband gives me before he walks out the door every morning.
Happiness is the choice that I made to settle down.
Happiness is the abundance of little things that give me joy.
Happiness is the fact that I haven't allowed being married to define me. It is a state of being, but it is not who I am. I was a woman before I became a wife. Too many people get lost in the thought of being married, and lose focus on themselves and the person that they married in the process.
Happiness is a process...
Take the time to look at your life. Are you happy?
At 9:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice post. Your post always make me look at myself in the mirror. Lately I've been thinking about the things that I feel aren't going right in my life and not focusing on the positive. Thank you so much for this post.
At 2:00 PM,
deepnthought said…
I needed this post. thanks
At 3:36 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...Sometimes it take others to to help us check ourselves...
@deep...glad that I could help.
At 10:19 PM,
Omar Ramon said…
I'm getting there, definitely
At 9:16 AM,
Ladynay said…
UR still happy, I'm still happy 4 u
At 7:50 PM,
Darbs said…
Soooooooooo happy!!! I know it's been a while and I don't know if/when you are coming back to Blogland. But I wanted to offer you a belated CONGRATS on your marriage....yet another thing I have to be happy about :)
At 2:40 AM,
Tha Keep It Real Diva said…
wow...this post was...refreshing. very refreshing. I might have to go and look at your other posts, seem like they're worth reading...
At 6:46 AM,
Shug said…
I'm extra late reading this but I so needed to hear this right now. Thank you for that. I really miss your blog. I hope you will come back. Peace and blessings.
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