It's Just Emotions...
Some of the comments from yesterday have me really thinking about my friend...HMMM
Even the slightest thing tends to make me cry (if said or done by someone I care about.)
One of my cousin's (w/ the 6 kids) sons called me yesterday and asked if he could come to church with me. He loves to go. His mother doesn't go that often. He is fascinated with music. He enjoyed the service so much. After church we went and got something to eat. Then went went back to my house and he played video games with my man for a little while before we took him home.
When I dropped him off he turned around and hugged me so tight. He said, can I stay with you, please? I told him that he had to go home and he started to cry. Normally this wouldn't affect me because kids cry when they don't get their way. It happens... I called back later and he was still crying. I don't know why that made me so sad.
He has always had a special place in my heart because he fought to live. He had a lot of problems when he was born but now he's fine. I remember the long nights in the hospital with him. I was right there through all of them. The first couple of years of his life were rough. He is such a sweet little boy. He loves life and it shows!
I guess I'm just in an emotional state right now. Things that wouldn't normally get to me are getting the best of me lately...I hope this passes soon because I'm getting on MY nerves.
Have you ever just been emotional for no reason at all?
Even the slightest thing tends to make me cry (if said or done by someone I care about.)
One of my cousin's (w/ the 6 kids) sons called me yesterday and asked if he could come to church with me. He loves to go. His mother doesn't go that often. He is fascinated with music. He enjoyed the service so much. After church we went and got something to eat. Then went went back to my house and he played video games with my man for a little while before we took him home.
When I dropped him off he turned around and hugged me so tight. He said, can I stay with you, please? I told him that he had to go home and he started to cry. Normally this wouldn't affect me because kids cry when they don't get their way. It happens... I called back later and he was still crying. I don't know why that made me so sad.
He has always had a special place in my heart because he fought to live. He had a lot of problems when he was born but now he's fine. I remember the long nights in the hospital with him. I was right there through all of them. The first couple of years of his life were rough. He is such a sweet little boy. He loves life and it shows!
I guess I'm just in an emotional state right now. Things that wouldn't normally get to me are getting the best of me lately...I hope this passes soon because I'm getting on MY nerves.
Have you ever just been emotional for no reason at all?
At 3:34 PM,
TTD said…
yes.. usually when i hold my feelings in about something big.. little things make me cry...
(((HUGS))) hope things get better...
At 3:38 PM,
Ladynay said…
Yes my emotions have been acting a fool lately for no reason! LOL
If I was a sibling of 6 I would think that I would cherish any special attention I got too!
At 4:26 PM,
deepnthought said…
I have been emotional all week.Maybe longer. I hope things get better.
At 7:02 PM,
fuzzy said…
I remember once. When my emotions were bottled and they ran over! I was emptying that bucket in a hurry but it came out the wrong way. Instead of pouring the bucket out slowly, when I picked it up the base fell out with everything i was feeling and whatever was on my mind! I just wish I had of been home instead of at work lol!
Thats the only time...
At 10:37 PM,
@GaryTylone said…
Yes !!! ALL The damn time!!!!
At 6:46 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...Whew...I thought I was loosing it for a minute.
@ttd...Thank you.
@ladynay...Maybe it's the holiday seaon...who knows.
I feel sorry for him sometimes. But I guess that's what happens in a big family.
@deepnthought...I hope so too.
@fuzzy...Sorry to hear that, but at least you got it out of your system. So far I havn't had any outbursts...just a tear here and there.
@valentino...LOL. I want the rollercoaster to stop!
At 1:11 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Even the iceman melteths every once in awhile. I just try to make sure I'm alone when moment of weakness happens.
At 1:24 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Yes I've been emotional for no reason...then again sometimes I have a reason but you try not to be too emotional.
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