I had interviews all day yesterday, and I finally found the right person. He starts on Monday...
I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to blog, but I'll be playing catch up today...
Life is great in my world. I'm going "car" shopping a little later. I still haven't found what I want yet.
Why don't I know how to act with extra money in my pocket every month...
I am buying my cousin's 6 kids a Playstation 3 for Christmas. But it will be ONE gift for ALL of them. My man is getting one for himself along with the Nintendo Wii. He's not really into video games. He just wants them...Go figure...
Why did my child only ask for 3 things for Christmas? Why am I happy?
Why am I so giddy about getting married but I'm keeping it all bottled up?
Why does chocolate love me so much? I try to stay away from it but it keeps calling me.
Flirting is harmless...Isn't it?
There should be a weave limit...If you can sit on your braids, they're too long...
Why wear revealing clothes if what you are trying to reveal is undesirable?
Why was he wearing the same shirt that I had on yesterday at work? Why did he roll his eyes at me because I was wearing it better? Did I miss the memo?
Why did I go right home and change?
Why did I let my friend talk me into going to the swap meet with her this past weekend?
Why were the longest lines at the 3 stores that made gold teeth?
Why were so many chics dressed like it was summertime?
Why did I feel so out of place?
Why does it seem like my girl is jealous because she can't find the same kind of love that I have found?
Oh well...Just letting some things out.
I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to blog, but I'll be playing catch up today...
Life is great in my world. I'm going "car" shopping a little later. I still haven't found what I want yet.
Why don't I know how to act with extra money in my pocket every month...
I am buying my cousin's 6 kids a Playstation 3 for Christmas. But it will be ONE gift for ALL of them. My man is getting one for himself along with the Nintendo Wii. He's not really into video games. He just wants them...Go figure...
Why did my child only ask for 3 things for Christmas? Why am I happy?
Why am I so giddy about getting married but I'm keeping it all bottled up?
Why does chocolate love me so much? I try to stay away from it but it keeps calling me.
Flirting is harmless...Isn't it?
There should be a weave limit...If you can sit on your braids, they're too long...
Why wear revealing clothes if what you are trying to reveal is undesirable?
Why was he wearing the same shirt that I had on yesterday at work? Why did he roll his eyes at me because I was wearing it better? Did I miss the memo?
Why did I go right home and change?
Why did I let my friend talk me into going to the swap meet with her this past weekend?
Why were the longest lines at the 3 stores that made gold teeth?
Why were so many chics dressed like it was summertime?
Why did I feel so out of place?
Why does it seem like my girl is jealous because she can't find the same kind of love that I have found?
Oh well...Just letting some things out.
At 8:55 AM,
Newy said…
There should be a weave limit...If you can sit on your braids, they're too long...
baaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaa ain't that the truth
Why wear revealing clothes if what you are trying to reveal is undesirable?
Why does it seem like my girl is jealous because she can't everyone find the same kind of love that I have found?
Girl it happens. But you just keep it moving and keep it positive. She will eventually understand you get what you give off. Once she starts 'luvin me(herself)' she will find him...correction he wil find her
At 9:56 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mznew...That's the truth. I really messed that one up. I need to go in and edit. Looks like spell check can't fix everything. LOL
At 10:28 AM,
TTD said…
lol @ Why wear revealing clothes if what you are trying to reveal is undesirable?
playstation 3??? well i guess if it's for all 6 of them that makes sense.. my man wants one... not from me!
At 10:37 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
AWWW you're all giddy ain't that cute!!!!
3 things wow she must have known what she wanted and left it at that no need to ask for unncessary stuff LOL
At 10:56 AM,
unsaid said…
awww you are giddy about getting married (new here...hello!). no shame in that, i'm giddy at just knowing i'm finally with someone i would actually marry lol
At 1:45 PM,
Shug said…
At 2:27 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I normall spend about that much on them anyway so it's okay. My man is buying his OWN!
@honey...Honestly she has too much as it is...
@unsaid...Thanks for stopping by...
@southern gal...They had on sundresses and sandals. It was mess.
@shug...The post made me laugh too..
At 3:28 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Isn't it about 80 degrees where you're at? LOL! I don't suppose there were any pictures snapped of the inappropriately dressed women, huh? :o( I saw some fool riding a bike a couple of nights ago in shorts. It was 40 degrees. I can't believe some people let their kids dress like that.
I think jealousy amongst friends probably happens a lot more than we know. We don't talk about it and in a lot of cases it hopefully, goes away as quickly as it reared its ugly head but you never know.
At 6:37 PM,
Ladynay said…
Put that extra dough into the honeymoon! LOL
Is your man buying the systems cuz that's what most guys do?
Your kid must know that if you ask for a small amount of specific things your more likely to get them! LOL
Why are you keeping it bottled up, most happily engaged women won't shut up about it!
Flirtin' is harmless as long as it is what it is and no more!
Whatever chicka was trying to bare was desirable to somebody I'm sure.
Yeah, why did you go home and change?
It's easy to buddy with the green eyed monster when someone you know has what you desire and your not at that point where you can get whatever it is yet. It's just how it is.
At 7:56 PM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
Why does chocolatelovemesomuch....I love how you worded that. I feel the exact same way.
At 11:50 PM,
@GaryTylone said…
A guy was wearing a woman's shirt? Tell me you're kidding...Thats just nasty...lol
And I'm jealous too ! shoooot
At 7:23 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...The weather is crazy down here. It will be 80 degrees one day and then 39 the next day...
I think jealousy is there as well...
@ladynay...We've already saved up for the honeymoon, but you can never have too much...LOL
My man just wants it because it's new..
As for the undesirable chic...I say wear what makes you feel good, but when you put it on, stop pulling on it like the fabric is gonna grow because it won't.
@trina...My behind is living proof...LOL
@valentino...Yes, and it was a mess and he knew it.
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