A way to express my thoughts to the world...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Adapting to Change

I see the signs.

My closets are filling up with clothes that don't belong to me.

The other side of my bathroom is occupied.

The newspaper is delivered every morning. I don't read it that often. It depresses me.

The news is on as soon as I open my eyes.

There is someone watching everything I do...every move I make.

Dinner is always on the table.

Clothes go to the cleaners, and come back home without me ever lifting a finger.

I don't have to worry about my bills...They're paid before I can open them.

Football invades my TV on Sundays and Mondays.

The soft scent of candles fill the whole house.

My loads of laundry have gotten larger.

My grocery bill has increased.

But I enjoy every minute of it...

He finally sold his house yesterday, and it's official. They will be closing soon. For the first time in a long time, my daughter and I are sharing our space. I'm just glad he feels comfortable, and he feels like he is at home. He has his own room within the house to do as he pleases. Besides painting and a few minor decorations, I have given him the opportunity to transform his space into what he desires.

We make a lot of choices that affect us in different ways. What choice have you made in your life that has had the greatest affect on how you live your life today?

Mine was having a child. Without her I'd probably be running wild. She has kept me grounded.


  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Newy said…

    So glad he sold so quickly!

    Um mine would be joining the military. I talk about it in depth here:

  • At 8:21 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @mznew...I think he already had it going...he just didn't want me to owrry as I tend to do in stressful situations.

  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger TTD said…

    "My loads of laundry have gotten larger" - so have mine & my man doesn't even live with me! lol

    my change... settling down.. cause if not.. i'd be running wild too! lol

  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @ttd...That makes a world of difference!

  • At 11:19 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @southern gal... I totally feel you on that one.

  • At 12:47 PM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @robbermack...It seems liek things worked out good for you in the end...

  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger Freaky Deaky said…

    What choice have you made in your life that has had the greatest affect on how you live your life today?

    Wow, that's a toughie. Just being me, I guess. Sometimes I choose to do things the hard way and sometimes I say what I'm thinking or feeling even though I know it's not the best thing to say or it's not what the person wants to hear.

  • At 3:19 PM, Blogger Ladynay said…

    "I don't have to worry about my bills...They're paid before I can open them."

    Giiiiirl take a minute and give a church dance on THAT alone!

    As far as your question I could mimic you, but I would say deciding to move on my own vs. home after my break up with my childs father. I have learned a lot.

  • At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks for looking in on me and for being so sweet

  • At 11:26 PM, Blogger Emotionalbrotha said…

    Baby girl, I'm happy for you.

    The choice that has changed my life- ah, i don't know, i guess just being me, exploring me, trying to accept me as i am.

  • At 5:05 AM, Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said…

    Girl you are preachin to the choir when you talk about you would be running wild had it not been for your child. Lawd knows if I didn't have my daughter I would have been all over the freakin' place.

  • At 5:08 AM, Blogger dancehard said…

    I'd have to say that coming out, accept me for me, and living in my truth unapolegetically has done the most for me within the last year. the journey has been mixed with triumphs and tribulations, but I can say with honesty that I'm a much happier and stronger person because of it.

    I love your thoughtful questions at the end of the blogs! Wish your new living arrangement the most luck!

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @freaky...There's nothing wrong with being you. If people don't like it, tell them to put their feeling in a bucket and..well you know.

    @ladynay...Believe me, I havne't stopped dancing...I have never know what it was like to actually see EVERY dime that I make until now. It takes a lot to take care of yourself. I still know people who live at home now, and they are a lot older than I am.

    @stone...awww...Now you got me feeling all mushy...

    @emotional brotha...No one can love YOU like YOU!

    @trina...When I decide on how I should dress, where I should go, or even how I should speak I always have her in the back of my mind...

    @dancehard...So far so go. I can't believe we'll be married in a couple of months...Whew.

    I don't envy you one bit on the coming out situation. I know it had to be hard...But keeping showing the world that diversity is a building block to our society.


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