A way to express my thoughts to the world...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Cleaning Out My Closet...

I had a wonderful weekend! I needed the little get-away so badly, but it's back to business for now. We have something planned for tomorrow, but I'll blog about that later...

As the day grows nearer, your voice gets louder in my head.

Why couldn't it be me?

Then I realize, the voice is not in my head, you say it every time we talk.

I make final arrangements and get things together, and still, you call me.

All of the years of my life that I gave to you were still not enough.

The thought of me getting married drives you insane.

You have been the man who has had a say in my life all these years and now, your time is up.

Before we were lovers, we were friends.

You still call to talk to me about your problems and the good things that are going on in your
life. I just listen. I don't comment.

You complain because I never share what's going on in my life. I don't feel I have to.

You say that no relationship can be that good. He can't possibly be that good to me.

You say that he is going to hurt me one day. Just like all the rest.

I don't allow what you say to change how I feel about him because I know that you are speaking from a place that can no longer touch me..and you are jealous that he can touch me with a single word.

You want us to fail...You want to be in his shoes.

Our conversations are getting shorter because he takes up all my time.

You get angry because there is no us anymore.

Now it's just him and I, and your daughter, and you are on the outside looking in.

You had your chance to have a family but you chose to have fun instead....All at the expense of
me and your child.

I gave you chances, you made your choices...

Now he has the opportunity to do the one thing that you couldn't do, make me happy.

When you couldn't get in touch with me this weekend, you nearly lost your mind.

I could hear it in your voice. You pretended that my child needed me to get me to call, and when I called, she was fine.

You have lost your hold on me and you are heartbroken, but I can't think of that because now, I am happy.

I am finally able to look at to you...think of you...and know that my heart is with him.

All of my doubts and fears of us never being together again are gone.

I know he's the one for me.

No matter how many times you call...No matter how many times you tell me you are still in
love with me ...No matter how many times you beg me to take you back and try it again...I
can't do it.

I know what I have with him is rare. You can see it, and you want it so badly. But it could
never happen between you and I.

I am over you...and as soon as I can say all this to you face to face, I'll be fine.

Do you have some skeletons that you need to get rid of?


  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger Ladynay said…

    I thought that he was getting/is already married?

    I don't have any skeletons that I can think of that I need to clean out.

  • At 8:37 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @ladynay...I thought so too, but that's another post altogether!

  • At 9:31 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @30...yes ma'am. He wants what he can't have!

    He's the last one for me...

  • At 9:46 AM, Blogger @GaryTylone said…

    Wow...he seems a little selfish. I know I have skeletons but I choose to ignore them and they creep up at the weirdest moments.

  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger TTD said…

    oooh.. i know how u feel.. i actually said this to his face.. and it was a weight lifted off of my shoulders.. it made me love my man even more.... i suggest you do it ASAP...

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Freaky Deaky said…

    How come you can't say it to his face? Any reason it's taken so long for you to get to this point? I'm just nosey um, curious. Yeah, that's the word.

    I have to reread the post. I'm sure I'm missing something and probably something obvious about what your skeleton was. In the context of your story, on the first time reading it, I can't think of any skeletons.

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @valentino...I thought that he understood that it was over, but I guess he won't really know until I tell him face to face.

    @ttd...I'm telling him TODAY!

    @freaky...I actually still felt a little "something" for him. I can't say that it was love...

    Now I am sure that it's gone...completely!

  • At 2:00 PM, Blogger Miz JJ said…

    It's tough because you two have a daughter together, but he should not be using her to get to you. Like you said he has his chance and he blew it. Now he's trying to rain on your parade. Just shake it off.

  • At 3:17 PM, Blogger Ms.Honey said…

    Funny how when you move on the person that you have moved on from isn't ready to let you go.

    Skeletons..hmm nah just letting go of a few things that I need to focus on anymore and it feels sooo good :)

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Lady J said…

    I have maybe about one or two that need to be removed. you made me think about doing so this week and If I get the courage to do so I will blog about cleaning my closet.

  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger Shug said…

    I so feel you on this one. Don't you hate it when an ex realizes what a good thing they had and then they have to hate on you and your new relationship?

    I don't have any skeltons to get rid of. I did that earlier this year.


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