Keeping My Distance...
At first I thought I was just being petty. Then I thought I was plain paranoid. Now I know that I'm not crazy. She is jealous, and I had to tell her how I felt.
It started as soon as her husband moved back in. She called me everyday with something different. I, along with my other friends tried to warn her that getting back with her husband was a BIG mistake. She said that her child needed her father in the house with her and she wasn't about to let another woman have her husband. I told her if he is with another woman, then you're you're sharing him anyway. But I guess she works on her own system of logic because to me, it makes no sense.
She can't trust him, never could. The only difference is now they have a child involved in the whole situation. She is a good person, but lately, I can't stand to be around her for more than 30 minutes at a time because she starts to talk about him. I just change the subject because the I told you so song has lost its tune.
For the most part, she complains about what MY man does and compares it to her situation, which is crazy to me...For instance, she called me a few days ago and my man was out having a drink with his brothers. She kept saying things like, "Mr Perfect isn't as perfect as you think. What if he's out there with someone else."
I just let her know that I don't sit around and wonder what my man is doing every second. It would drive me crazy. I trust him. He has never given me a reason not to. If he chooses to do something wrong, that will be on HIS conscience, not mine. As long as I take care of me and do what I need to do for myself, things will be okay. I can't live for him or make him do anything. He acts right because he wants to. I don't bribe him or twist his arm.
For some reason that just added fuel to the fire. She said, "He's gonna cheat on you one day just like my husband cheated on me. Just wait."
This has been an ongoing thing the past couple of weeks. I am starting to realize just how insecure she is. But, I can't let her insecurities ruin my life. She is my friend, but before I allow her to poison my household, I will keep her at a distance. This is one of the reason I don't have a lot of female friends. So far, jealousy has been the number on reason that I have to cut them off. I don't have a lot, I just work well with what I have. I will give my friends anything that they need if I have it.
I had to tell her last night, "Just because you're unhappy...Don't try to steal my joy!"
Have you ever had a jealous friend that you cared about, but eventually had to cut off?
It started as soon as her husband moved back in. She called me everyday with something different. I, along with my other friends tried to warn her that getting back with her husband was a BIG mistake. She said that her child needed her father in the house with her and she wasn't about to let another woman have her husband. I told her if he is with another woman, then you're you're sharing him anyway. But I guess she works on her own system of logic because to me, it makes no sense.
She can't trust him, never could. The only difference is now they have a child involved in the whole situation. She is a good person, but lately, I can't stand to be around her for more than 30 minutes at a time because she starts to talk about him. I just change the subject because the I told you so song has lost its tune.
For the most part, she complains about what MY man does and compares it to her situation, which is crazy to me...For instance, she called me a few days ago and my man was out having a drink with his brothers. She kept saying things like, "Mr Perfect isn't as perfect as you think. What if he's out there with someone else."
I just let her know that I don't sit around and wonder what my man is doing every second. It would drive me crazy. I trust him. He has never given me a reason not to. If he chooses to do something wrong, that will be on HIS conscience, not mine. As long as I take care of me and do what I need to do for myself, things will be okay. I can't live for him or make him do anything. He acts right because he wants to. I don't bribe him or twist his arm.
For some reason that just added fuel to the fire. She said, "He's gonna cheat on you one day just like my husband cheated on me. Just wait."
This has been an ongoing thing the past couple of weeks. I am starting to realize just how insecure she is. But, I can't let her insecurities ruin my life. She is my friend, but before I allow her to poison my household, I will keep her at a distance. This is one of the reason I don't have a lot of female friends. So far, jealousy has been the number on reason that I have to cut them off. I don't have a lot, I just work well with what I have. I will give my friends anything that they need if I have it.
I had to tell her last night, "Just because you're unhappy...Don't try to steal my joy!"
Have you ever had a jealous friend that you cared about, but eventually had to cut off?
At 9:52 AM,
deepnthought said…
I have had a few. I actually listened to the crap one was feeding and it almost ruined the relationship I had with my mom. Once I realized what was happening, I nipped it in the bud. I like the fact that you recognize the poison before it is too late.
At 9:53 AM,
TTD said…
no.. cant say that i have.. i have had some friends make a few negative comments here & there.. but not so much so that i had to cut them off....
sorry that your "friend" isn't being a good one to you...
At 10:53 AM,
Ladynay said…
Thank goodness I haven't had any friends like that.
Good your keeping your distance, you don't need to come down off your high.
At 11:02 AM,
Shug said…
I can't live for him or make him do anything. He acts right because he wants to.
AMEN! I'm just now starting to realize that. I have to admit that was a mistake I made in previous relationships. You can't make anyone be faithful. It has to be something that they WANT to do.
This is one of the reason I don't have a lot of female friends. So far, jealousy has been the number on reason that I have to cut them off.
I feel you on this one too. I hate how retarded females can be sometimes. They just always find something about you that they have to hate on. I wish I had more males friends because of this.
Have you ever had a jealous friend that you cared about, but eventually had to cut off?
Yeah, kind of. I cut my friend Philly off because whenever some stuff goes down, her name is always somewhere in the mix. She would never admit it, but I know she is jealous of me by the way she acts and the things that she says to me. I told her off, but later when back and apologized for being so harsh. We are still cool to a certain extent, but I don't trust her AT ALL.
At 11:27 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Have you ever had a jealous friend that you cared about, but eventually had to cut off?
I'm not really sure how to answer that. A little jealousy, I can deal with. It comes, it goes, and you move on. When it gets to the point that someone is so jealous of you that they try to poison your relationships or make you miserable then I can't say that I'd consider that person a friend anymore. He or she would definitely get cut off as I'd end the relationship in it's entirety but at that point they weren't my friend anyway.
Watch out for your friend? Eventually telling you that your man isn't perfect won't be enough for her. She'll have to prove to you that he isn't perfect and try to actively get him to stray. I'm not saying he will but it sounds like she might try that route, if she hasn't already, if for no other reason than to bring you down a couple of notches.
At 11:55 AM,
Enigma said…
Yep, I have had a couple of friends like this. Misery loves company, and when I realize that anytime I tell them anything it is gonna turn negative, or some kind of put down in one form or another, I let 'em go or get out that 20 foot long handled spoon. It keeps my life very simple. If they ask why it is going down like that I tell 'em the truth, "Right now you cannot handle where I am at, and I am not going where you are on some subjects. I do not mind discussion, but nobody calls drama and mess in my life, not even you.
At 1:22 PM,
Newy said…
Have you ever had a jealous friend that you cared about, but eventually had to cut off?
No...and I am going to tell you why. I am careful about who I call 'friend'. It is a title that must be earned. I count my friends on one hand. A true friend doesn't kick you when you are down, a true friend picks you up when you are down. A true friend screams the loudest at your joys and accomplishments and doesn't sit in the corner comparing your apples to their oranges. Suffice it to say that your 'friend' may really turn out to be an aquaintance in disguise.
At 2:41 PM,
@GaryTylone said…
I can't believe she said that...yea its a good thing u saw the destruction before it started to work in ur head.
Poor lady tho, she's miserable, bless her.
At 5:14 PM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
I MISS YOU BABE!!!! I know I have not been around, but Freaky is trying to talk me off the blog roof and keep me around. Lets see how good he is!
Hey, whatever happend to that guy who you were working with? Is he still around? Did I miss anyting good? Spill it!!! LOL
Terrance / HoustonNY
At 5:03 AM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
She is a miserable somebody, and I agree w/ Freaky. You have to wonder how far is she willing to go to prove that he is not perfect and eventually he will cheat?
At 7:23 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@deepnthought...I pick up on things quickly. I tend to weigh my options and give people a chance but believe me, I recognize the problems...
@ttd...I hate it too. She has allowed her husbandto change everything about her. It's like she'd brainwashed or something.
@ladynay...I know. I feel so good, but she changes my mood when she comes around. It's like I have to have a defensive edge.
@shug...I don't think my freind does it on purpose, I just think she's very unhappy and I don't want it rubbing off on me.
@freaky...That's exactly why I said I have to be her friend from a distance. I had a friend that is now my ex-friend that tried it before, and it was nothing nice.
@enigma...Yep. She's unhappy and she wants me to be unhappy too.
@southern gal...I'll miss my god daughter but if she keeps it up, I won't have her for a friend...
@mznew...It's kind of crazy. We have been friends most of our lives. She is the sweetest person I know but it's like she has completely lost her mind behind him. It's like she's under some kind of spell. You can't tell her ANYTHING about him because she is in denial. Hopefully she'll come to her senses.
@valentino...I can see the unhappiness in her face. She is really going down in every aspect...
@terrance...Welcome back...He is long gone (thank goodness). I was having some impure thoughts but I kept it all in check.
Come down off teh roof...It's cold and lonely up there...
@trina...When I read that comment from Freaky, I saw RED! I hope she'd not that crazy.
At 11:34 AM,
Omar Ramon said…
ay big sis....
i know i been out for a while but i juss caught up on a few psts. man oh man. I love your blog. So realistic, honest, funny and encouraging. You're such a cool person....
aight enough stroking your ego.
I'm glad you told that girll to chill. Misery does indeed love company and folk tend to use whatever outlet they can think of to get rid of the negativity thaey can't handle. Being a good friend does not mean allowing someone to weigh you down and she needs to get a grip. Pray for her.
At 2:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, I have had a jealous friend that I cared about and had to cut off. It got to the point that she started making up rumors about me and even telling my personal business so I had to let the coocoo out of the clock and go the hell off.
At 2:48 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@omar...Hey you! It's been a minute. You are soooo sweet!
She is definately on my short short list right now.
@lady j...She's well on her way to being out the door!
At 6:56 PM,
fuzzy said…
Not exactly... but something similar on many occasions. It was due to no fault of my own and I'm dealin with it right now actually. Gonna call dude "c". C is jealous of a ralationship that I have with one of his friends (his friend first). C is playin games with said friend and complains that I'm stealing his best friend. Now I'm being left out of get togethers and other things because he dont like me. Childish I KNOW! But I still love him and talk to him like he's done no wrong.
I would say distance is a good thing. Give her time to go through watever she gonna go through...
At 6:51 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@fuzzy...Well, I can see who the bigger man is in the situation.
As yes, distance is the answer.
At 1:01 AM,
Shai said…
No, I just limited my contact.
At 2:15 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shai...Thanks for stopping by.
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