A way to express my thoughts to the world...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Just Wondering...

Why did Diva ask me to go out to lunch with him yesterday? Was he serious?

Why do I get pissed off if I miss one minute of Grey's Anatomy?

Why did she ask me for money to help pay for her abortion if she chooses to get rid of the child? Did she understand anything I was saying to her?

Why did he wake up so early this morning wanting some you know what?

Why did I roll over and go back to sleep like I didn't hear him?

Why do I have to tear myself out of my warm bed to get on this d*** computer for work?

Why do I need the money?

Why does he insist that we go to the cabin for the weekend and take his little cousin to keep my
child occupied?

Why did I say I didn't want to go because don't I feel like being responsible for someone else's
child for 2 days?

Why did she call me this morning to see if I'll keep my god-daughter the whole weekend?

Why did she wait 'til the last minute to ask, and expect me to drop my plans?

Why did I say no? I can keep her for one day only...

Why did she sound like she was pissed off?

Why didn't I care?

Why did the cashier at the store give me too much change?

Why did I want to keep it?

Why did I feel bad and give it back?

Why were there so many cute boots on sale?

Why did I have to buy 4 pair because I couldn't choose the ones I wanted?

Why were his eyes so big when I walked in the house with the all the bags?

Why did my child have 2 bags of her own?

Why didn't I care? (Because, I have not spent any money in a while and I needed to treat myself.)

Why did his expression change when he saw that 2 of the bags were for him?

Why am I starving, but I'm feeling too lazy to fix breakfast?

Why am I sooo not a morning person?

Why was my attitude so jacked up this morning?

Why is he in there making breakfast now?

Why does he know me so well?

Why do I love him so much ?

Why does he look so good in that black sweater and slacks?

Why do I wish I would have gotten up when he tried to wake me up this morning?

Why did he read my expression and tell me that he will be coming home for lunch?

Why am I excited already?

Why do I keep asking questions that I already know the answer to?

Oh well....


  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Newy said…

    happy friday *smile*

  • At 8:25 AM, Blogger TTD said…

    i roll over in the middle of the night too.. and then be mad cause i didn't wake up. lol

    i dont think anybody is really a morning person..

    have a good weekend!

  • At 9:59 AM, Blogger Ladynay said…

    Awwww I hear that Lyfe Jennings song "Must be niiiice" LOL

    I am mad you brought 4 boots cuz you couldn't decide!

    I am even more mad that she asked you to pay for her abortion.

    I am the most mad at you turning down some cabin love! ROFL

  • At 1:08 PM, Blogger Freaky Deaky said…

    The whole turning over and ignoring him thing was just wrong. LOL!

    You know people like free stuff. You just can't say anything when some of the bags are for you.

    Have a nice weekend.

  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…


    @ttd...You have a great weekend too!

    @ladynay...Don't be mad! LOL

    @southern gal...Trying to get me up is a lost cause.

    @freaky...I couldn't help it. My mind was saying "wake up" but my body wasn't having it.

  • At 3:17 PM, Blogger Lady J said…

    I feel the same way about Grey's Anatomy love that show.

    I'm glad you stood your ground on the abortion but you should have given in to some morning nookie

  • At 5:20 PM, Blogger dancehard said…

    aww poor guy...morning lovin' is some of the best out there! But yeah, it's no fun if your partner isn't feeling it. That abortion situation is a hot ass mess, and I'm glad you stuck to your guns. See you and I could never watch Gray's Anatomy together. I love the show, but I break in with commentary and "oh no he/she didnt go there!!" You would have slapped the hell outta me by the 1st commercial break, LOL.

    And by the way, you have a GOOD MAN over (which i'm sure you already know). Even after getting shut down in the bed, he STILLS prepares a fresh breakfast for you?!! That's love. I hope you broke him off real proper like for lunch :)

  • At 3:30 PM, Blogger @GaryTylone said…

    Lol...that was great !!

  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger Ms.Honey said…

    LOL..I have done the roll over I'm sleepy thing woken up and been like dang LOL..what did I miss haha.

    Whyyyy or whyyy can't i wait for young one to get here on thursday!!!!

  • At 6:57 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @lady j...I know...But I made up for it in the afternoon..

    @dancehard...Yes I did...He already knows that I have to be really tired to turn it down...




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