You Are On Your Own...
It's official. My girl is crazy. She just had a baby by her cheating husband, which she has not divorced yet. I don't know if it's post-partum depression or what, but she has totally lost her mind. For those of you that have been reading my blog for a while, you may remember the story of Angel. She was married to a man who had 2 children by two different women outside of their marriage that he didn't tell her about, along with countless other things.
She has decided that it would be best for the baby if they get back together. I am her friend, and I know I can't control what other adults do, but I wish she would stop being weak! She tried to tell me all the reasons why she should be with him and for every reason she gave me, I gave her two reason why she should not be with him. She says that she needs him in her life right now. There are people that are necessary in my life, hence my last post, but the people that I need are good to me. That man has given her so much grief, but she is willing to forgive all the hurt just so that she can have a family!
I had a headache after I finished talking to her. All of my friends are so upset. Number one, because she dragged us into the whole thing...Pulled a disappearing act and scared us all...We had to help her pick up the pieces when he was not around( paying bills, buying things for the baby, and just being there).
She said some really hurtful things. She called crying as soon as she got home. I didn't answer the phone. Not because I was upset with her, but because, this time I'm going to let her go through her mess alone. I guess she didn't learn her lesson the first time around. I will forgive her, but I will never forget.
I have decided that I will just let her learn for herself. I have given my two cents but her mind is made up. I thought Diva was going to hit her for a minute there....They were going back and forth and finally he said, "I'm just going to let you be stupid by yourself." For the first time, he had nothing else to say. None of us did. She walked out of my house in a huff, with her baby in tow.
I told her as she and my god-daughter were leaving, "I'll keep the guest room ready for you. Be careful how you treat people because you never know how soon you may need that person. "
She walked out, but we all know that she will be back.
Why do people insist on thinking with their heart rather than their head?
She has decided that it would be best for the baby if they get back together. I am her friend, and I know I can't control what other adults do, but I wish she would stop being weak! She tried to tell me all the reasons why she should be with him and for every reason she gave me, I gave her two reason why she should not be with him. She says that she needs him in her life right now. There are people that are necessary in my life, hence my last post, but the people that I need are good to me. That man has given her so much grief, but she is willing to forgive all the hurt just so that she can have a family!
I had a headache after I finished talking to her. All of my friends are so upset. Number one, because she dragged us into the whole thing...Pulled a disappearing act and scared us all...We had to help her pick up the pieces when he was not around( paying bills, buying things for the baby, and just being there).
She said some really hurtful things. She called crying as soon as she got home. I didn't answer the phone. Not because I was upset with her, but because, this time I'm going to let her go through her mess alone. I guess she didn't learn her lesson the first time around. I will forgive her, but I will never forget.
I have decided that I will just let her learn for herself. I have given my two cents but her mind is made up. I thought Diva was going to hit her for a minute there....They were going back and forth and finally he said, "I'm just going to let you be stupid by yourself." For the first time, he had nothing else to say. None of us did. She walked out of my house in a huff, with her baby in tow.
I told her as she and my god-daughter were leaving, "I'll keep the guest room ready for you. Be careful how you treat people because you never know how soon you may need that person. "
She walked out, but we all know that she will be back.
Why do people insist on thinking with their heart rather than their head?
At 9:05 AM,
deepnthought said…
Why do people insist on thinking with their heart rather than their head?
Because it is easier to not think about the reality of a situation. Some peple just like to live in fantasy.
At 9:08 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@deepnthought...Thought it's's true!
At 9:14 AM,
Miz JJ said…
Why would you choose a man who has done nothing, but disrespect you over your friends?? I hate to play arm chair psychologist, but she sounds like she has low self-esteem. That's sad that she is going to demonstrate that cycle to her child.
At 9:33 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
Miz jj...Especially a litte girl...
At 10:23 AM,
Dopelikelouboutins said…
I guess some people can't distinguish between the things they want in their life and the things they actually need to have in their life & she's using that baby as an excuse to hold on to a bad habit
At 10:30 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Why do people insist on thinking with their heart rather than their head?
Because at the end of the day we all want to be loved. If you're not then sometimes you're willing to settle for less, live with potential, or just plain fool yourself into believing what you need to in order to survive mentally. Even if it looks like some form of dependency or addiction to people on the outside, she thinks it's love and as long as she does, she's going to keep taking whatever Mr. Wrong dishes out to her.
Maybe she came from a broken family. Some people who come from those situations will do anything to avoid that situation for their kids and more importantly having to relive it themselves.
Walking away is the right thing to do. Once someone's problem starts stressing you out to the point that it feels like your problem the only thing you can do is take over and solve it or walk away and reclaim your sanity. Well, that's my two cents anyway.
At 10:41 AM,
Newy said…
Why do people insist on thinking with their heart rather than their head?
I agree with Everybody
She has to learn to love herself so she can recognize what is NOT love when it comes along.
At 11:37 AM,
Ladynay said…
All my thoughts have been stated already...:-(
At 11:50 AM,
TTD said…
damn.. i hope ur girl realizes that she needs to move on sooner than later
At 12:35 PM,
Shug said…
Why do people insist on thinking with their heart rather than their head?
I agree with what deepnthought said. She will learn soon enough though. I think your girl is scared. Most times, people get into a relationship and they get comfortable so if things don't work out, they don't feel like going back out there trying to find somebody new so they try to make things work no matter how bad the situation is. Also, she could be thinking that no one would want her since she just had a baby.
At 5:44 AM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
You sound like me or at least how I used to be. I would get so upset when a friend of mine would do something so stupid when it came to a man. I would be so pissed off when she would be all over my dam shoulder crying but as soon as he called she would jump, or she would call him and harrass him until he came back.
As hard as it is you just have to make up your mind that you either will or won't be there for her and just let it be. It doesn't matter how much great advise you give they will still do what they want to do even if it is dead wrong. Maybe one day she will learn and sadly maybe she will never learn. I have actually had to distance myself from stupid friends because they were getting my pressure up and I was just emotionally drained from dealing with them.
I have no idea why people go with their heart and not their head. that is a question I have been pondering for years.
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