Girl, Sit Your Hot A** Down!
My best friend has a small problem that he told me about a few days ago....There is a young lady in his office that is infatuated with him. She is a secretary for him and two other guys. He says that she makes subtle gestures, and she always takes a little extra time with the things he asks her to do. She has worked for him for a few months now, and lately she has been a little over the top. He appreciates her efforts, but he doesn't know what her motive is.
Softspoken is a very nice person. He treats everyone with respect, and he doesn't like to hurt people's feelings if he can help it. He says that her blouses have been getting lower and her skirts have been getting shorter. She makes an effort to be seen but he says, she does absolutely nothing for him. He said that his colleges are always talking about her because she is very attractive, but he never really comments. They all notice the way that she is around him...If it were one of them, they would have been on her months ago. He is a gentleman and I think that's what she likes.
The fact is, no one at his job knows that he's gay. He says that he's not ashamed, he has just chosen to keep his business and personal life separate. He doesn't know what to do in this situation, so he called me...Normally it's the other way around.
He has worked hard to get to this new job...So I told him, "if telling her you're gay will in anyway affect you at work, other than having a disappointed secretary, then keep it to yourself and tell her you're not interested. If she can't handle rejection and starts a problem for you at work, then find a new secretary." That's all I have...
Any suggestions?
Why do some people work so hard to be seen by others? I never go after guys, even if I think they are attractive...I like the chase....I like for them to come to me.
Softspoken is a very nice person. He treats everyone with respect, and he doesn't like to hurt people's feelings if he can help it. He says that her blouses have been getting lower and her skirts have been getting shorter. She makes an effort to be seen but he says, she does absolutely nothing for him. He said that his colleges are always talking about her because she is very attractive, but he never really comments. They all notice the way that she is around him...If it were one of them, they would have been on her months ago. He is a gentleman and I think that's what she likes.
The fact is, no one at his job knows that he's gay. He says that he's not ashamed, he has just chosen to keep his business and personal life separate. He doesn't know what to do in this situation, so he called me...Normally it's the other way around.
He has worked hard to get to this new job...So I told him, "if telling her you're gay will in anyway affect you at work, other than having a disappointed secretary, then keep it to yourself and tell her you're not interested. If she can't handle rejection and starts a problem for you at work, then find a new secretary." That's all I have...
Any suggestions?
Why do some people work so hard to be seen by others? I never go after guys, even if I think they are attractive...I like the chase....I like for them to come to me.
At 8:04 AM,
The Sarccastik Variable Why said…
well he can just continue on what he's doing...keep it professional...don't fall "for the OKEE-DOK"...eventually she'll notice that he's not "studd'n" her...hope that helps...don't laught at my SWAC lingo...
At 8:09 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@sarccastik...How'd you know I was over here cracking up?
At 8:44 AM,
deepnthought said…
He could tell her like you said. I just think that trying to chase at work is tacky. But to protect himself if he does say something he should have another person with him when he says something. An older collegue or a something.
At 8:50 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@deepnthought...Knowing him like I do, he won't say anything to her. He'll just continue to let her make a fool of herself until she gets tired...
At 9:02 AM,
Ladynay said…
All he can do is tell her he is not interested. He don't have to tell her why.
At 9:11 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...True...I told him he doesn't owe her anything.
At 9:14 AM,
Newy said…
He needs to tell her that he doesn't "Eat and Sleep in the same place." In a subtle way like in casual convo he needs to drops some science that it is bad business to get involved with a co-worker and worse business to even think about getting involved with a boss. If he says it generically, she may take the hint and leave him alone.
At 9:23 AM,
TTD said…
advice sounds good to me...
At 10:07 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mznew...That sounds like a good idea.
@ttd...Me too.
At 10:36 AM,
Miz JJ said…
I like mznewagenda's idea. Just mention casually that he would never date a co-worker because it's unprofessional etc. etc.
At 10:57 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I know very few women who are patient enough and whose ego is big enough to withstand disinterest for too long. She'll eventually get tired of being ignored and move on.
At 11:10 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
Well of course being honest is the way it should be but she might think he's lying...he could also be childish and act like he has someone but that might not stop here either.
He could just ig her..act like she's not there..hopefully she gets the picture.
At 1:18 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@miz jj...I'm going to mention that to him.
@freaky...That's his plan. Maybe she'll get the picture.
@honey...He gets these type of advances often, but he normally is able to ignore them pretty well.
@southern gal...Let's just hope he gets himself out of this one...
At 3:20 PM,
Lady J said…
Hey Luv it seems that he has a problem on his hands. He should just keep ignoring her, its not her business about his business he should not have to tell her any thing. If her clothes keeps geting smaller then that problem should be addressed by human resources. If she keeps coming on to him then he needs to let her know you are at work to work and not date so if you can't do your work then you can be replaced. Flat out.
At 3:24 PM,
Emotionalbrotha said…
Tell him that if she aint doing her job, than he needs a new secreatary.. she's there to work not make he's job or life harder.
just my two cents
At 8:28 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@lady j...True. It's not her business...
@emotional brotha...You know I always wann hear what people have to say....
At 9:56 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
Give me the office number...let me tell her to sit her groupie ass down and put on some No, I agree with everyone else. He doesn't have to tell her nothin.
At 2:24 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
LOL@ valentino...
At 2:24 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
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