The Blank Stare....
The chic made it to the session with the teen girls, and she actually enjoyed it. She says that she would like to come back next week. She has a long way to go to broaden that narrow mind of hers, but I see a little progress...
The blank stare is my thing. It has so many uses in my life. But for the most part, I use it when people say or do stupid s***! I don't say anything...I just sit there with a lost look on my face because words could not express what is going through my head at that moment. To me it's hilarious because people have no clue of what I'm thinking and they keep trying to explain further, to see if the look will go away. Or they just look at my life I'm crazy, and I burst into a fit of laughter. It's versatile. It can mean anything from huh to shut the h*ll up!
The latest instances of the blank stare...
I was at the health food store and I asked the lady working behind the counter if they sell honey that was made locally. ( My mother taught me the trick a long time ago. If you use honey that was made in your area, it decreases your chance of experiencing the symptoms...watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat...It really works!) So when I ask her she says," I'm sorry, we only have honey that was made in Dallas, we don't have any local honey." (Insert blank stare)
My man and I went to a local seafood restaurant and since space is limited the parking there is "valet only". We get out of the car and my man hands the valet the keys and the valet says , "would you like me to park your car sir?" (Insert blank stare)
I was at the mall shopping for my god-daughter and the lady working in the store asks if I need any help. I tell her no, and continue perusing the store. She then makes a comment, "you don't like you just had an infant." I say, "I didn't." Then she says, "then why are you buying baby clothes." (Insert blank I turn to walk out the store.)
I was at church and the lady next to me comments on my outfit. Being that I was in my zone, I thanked her, and continued with my praise. She keeps talking...(Insert blank stare)
I had to go into the office yesterday, and one of the ladies in the office was trying to fill me in on the latest gossip. (Insert blank stare) I could care less what happens there.
I was at the grocery store paying for my things and the cashier gives me a sly grin as he is ringing them up. Then he starts with the small talk. What's a pretty lady like you doing in the grocery store? I didn't get it. Are ugly people the only people that get hungry. (Insert blank stare)
Diva invited me out to lunch and he says, after we finished our meal. Girl, I forgot to tell you, I'm broke as a joke today. Can you get this one? (Insert blank stare)
A lady is in the line at the store in front of me. She has four small kids and she is counting change to pay for her food. She looked tired and worn. After she has emptied her purse and pockets, she realized that she doesn't have enough to pay for the few things, and she starts picking things to put back. The gum popping cashier is annoyed and she was being so rude to the lady. When I finally realize what is going, I gave the lady the money she needed to pay for her things. After the cashier rings up my things she says. "There are just not enough nice people in this world." (Insert blank stare)
While I was walking out the store, I notice that the lady and her four kids are walking towards the bus stop at the end of the parking lot. I normally park far away from the store and other cars so that I won't return to my car and have a dented surprise. I notice a fast food joint next to the bus stop. I drive up to the lady and tell her to meet me inside. I told her and her kids to get whatever they wanted, and paid for the food and left. She sat at the table with her grocery bags and kids in tow, and cried as she thanked me for helping them. To this day, I don't know her name, but I'm glad that I could make her and her kids happy, if only for a moment.
What is your thing? What do you do that annoys people or makes them laugh?
The blank stare is my thing. It has so many uses in my life. But for the most part, I use it when people say or do stupid s***! I don't say anything...I just sit there with a lost look on my face because words could not express what is going through my head at that moment. To me it's hilarious because people have no clue of what I'm thinking and they keep trying to explain further, to see if the look will go away. Or they just look at my life I'm crazy, and I burst into a fit of laughter. It's versatile. It can mean anything from huh to shut the h*ll up!
The latest instances of the blank stare...
I was at the health food store and I asked the lady working behind the counter if they sell honey that was made locally. ( My mother taught me the trick a long time ago. If you use honey that was made in your area, it decreases your chance of experiencing the symptoms...watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat...It really works!) So when I ask her she says," I'm sorry, we only have honey that was made in Dallas, we don't have any local honey." (Insert blank stare)
My man and I went to a local seafood restaurant and since space is limited the parking there is "valet only". We get out of the car and my man hands the valet the keys and the valet says , "would you like me to park your car sir?" (Insert blank stare)
I was at the mall shopping for my god-daughter and the lady working in the store asks if I need any help. I tell her no, and continue perusing the store. She then makes a comment, "you don't like you just had an infant." I say, "I didn't." Then she says, "then why are you buying baby clothes." (Insert blank I turn to walk out the store.)
I was at church and the lady next to me comments on my outfit. Being that I was in my zone, I thanked her, and continued with my praise. She keeps talking...(Insert blank stare)
I had to go into the office yesterday, and one of the ladies in the office was trying to fill me in on the latest gossip. (Insert blank stare) I could care less what happens there.
I was at the grocery store paying for my things and the cashier gives me a sly grin as he is ringing them up. Then he starts with the small talk. What's a pretty lady like you doing in the grocery store? I didn't get it. Are ugly people the only people that get hungry. (Insert blank stare)
Diva invited me out to lunch and he says, after we finished our meal. Girl, I forgot to tell you, I'm broke as a joke today. Can you get this one? (Insert blank stare)
A lady is in the line at the store in front of me. She has four small kids and she is counting change to pay for her food. She looked tired and worn. After she has emptied her purse and pockets, she realized that she doesn't have enough to pay for the few things, and she starts picking things to put back. The gum popping cashier is annoyed and she was being so rude to the lady. When I finally realize what is going, I gave the lady the money she needed to pay for her things. After the cashier rings up my things she says. "There are just not enough nice people in this world." (Insert blank stare)
While I was walking out the store, I notice that the lady and her four kids are walking towards the bus stop at the end of the parking lot. I normally park far away from the store and other cars so that I won't return to my car and have a dented surprise. I notice a fast food joint next to the bus stop. I drive up to the lady and tell her to meet me inside. I told her and her kids to get whatever they wanted, and paid for the food and left. She sat at the table with her grocery bags and kids in tow, and cried as she thanked me for helping them. To this day, I don't know her name, but I'm glad that I could make her and her kids happy, if only for a moment.
What is your thing? What do you do that annoys people or makes them laugh?
At 8:35 AM,
Ladynay said…
Wow so much to comment on! It's very sweet of you to help others in all the instances you did, it will come back to you.
Diva would have got an earful, don't invite me out and not pay unless it was discussed BEFORE leaving!
Ummmm I don't know the answer to your last question. I guess I don't have a thing, at least one that I can think of at the moment.
At 9:33 AM,
Newy said…
I was at the health food store and I asked the lady working behind the counter if they sell honey that was made locally. ( My mother taught me the trick a long time ago. If you use honey that was made in your area, it decreases your chance of experiencing the symptoms...watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat...It really works!) So when I ask her she says," I'm sorry, we only have honey that was made in Dallas, we don't have any local honey." (Insert blank stare)
hehehe guess she needs a map to realize they are one in the same.
I was at the grocery store paying for my things and the cashier gives me a sly grin as he is ringing them up. Then he starts with the small talk. What's a pretty lady like you doing in the grocery store? I didn't get it. Are ugly people the only people that get hungry. (Insert blank stare)
hehehe don't make me choke on my coffee
I too do the blank stare when people say something that is like "insert foot". Hmmm I have a weird habit of laughing when I am nervous. It's not as bad as it used to be *For instance, I laughed when my nephew got a gash on his forehead that needed stiches ~not cause it was funny but because I was nervous as Hell cause he was bleeding so much.* That laughing thing annoys folks but it is a nervous habit
At 9:37 AM,
TTD said…
lmao@ Diva invited me out to lunch and he says, after we finished our meal. Girl, I forgot to tell you, I'm broke as a joke today. Can you get this one?
i woulda cursed him out!!! haha
i use the blank stare as well.. but i arch my eyebrow too, to let the person know i'm not playing w/ them
At 10:22 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...From readin your blog, you seem to have the signature smirk.
@mznew...(insert blank stare)...that's what I'd be doing while you were laughing....LOL!
@ttd...He'll be hungry again...LOL
At 11:07 AM,
Ladynay said…
Now that you state that, I do smirk and roll my eyes a lot...hmmmm
At 11:11 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...see, I pay attention!
At 11:16 AM,
deepnthought said…
This was funny. You are a precious person for helping the mom with her kids. I agree it will come back too you.
The sister at church... That was funny. But I really hate that..
I have the attitude that annoys people. Someone can be yelling or arguing or ven crying and I ave the ability too just look at them or smile and not raise my voice. Tis unfortunately gives people the impression that I dont care. So not true. I also used to fight with a smile on my face... I used to fight.
At 11:42 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I arch my eyebrows too and if they say something particularly stupid I'll either mouth or actually say WTF?
I call a business because I'm having a problem with something or I have a question. I explain the problem or ask the question to the person who answers the phone. The person on the other end asks, "Would you like to speak to somebody?" (Insert blank stare)
Silly Luvin Me, pretty people don't eat. I thought you knew that.
What you did for the woman and her kids was very nice of you. Hopefully that kindness snowballs in her life and is the start of something better for her.
At 11:56 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@deepnthought...You would get the blank stare for fighting with smile on your face...LOL
@freaky...LOL at the first comment. My brother does the same thing.
That is stupid...Of course you would like to speak to someone!
I hate it when people ask me, "Can I ask you a question"...are they just one question past the quota?
At 2:19 PM,
Emotionalbrotha said…
I'm a control freak.. and at my job half the week, i'm on time and the other half i'm not, but if my employees come late, i write them up.. They probably always give me the blank stare.
and smack Diva for me, thats something u say before u eat...
At 2:54 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southen gal...Normally I would have just felt sorry for her, but something compelled me to help her...I think it was the fact that the cashier was treating her badly.
@emotional brotha... Shame on you...
Diva needs his a** whooped!
At 4:26 AM,
The G Perspective said…
I don't know that I annoy anyone. But people get a blank stare from me everytiime they roll up to a stop light with some dark ass sunglasses on at night. I'm fine with people creating the image they want to of themselves. But nigga, you might hurt somebody driving and can't see...(blank stare)
At 6:28 PM,
Lady J said…
You are a saint for helping that poor lady like that. I too have a blank stare I give ppl but if it is to stupid I just walk away most of the time while they are talking. I get dumb ass questions all the time at my job. I deal in customer service and u know I hear some of the craziest stuff ever.
At 6:38 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
ROTF @ tha g!
@lady j...I can only imagine.
At 7:46 AM,
Shug said…
That was so nice what you did for that lady and her kids.
At 8:32 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
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