I Just Want My Friend Back...
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers....
My man's mother went home Saturday. Thank the Lord that she is okay. The doctor said that she was just suffering from exhaustion and hypertension. They ran test after test, and didn't find anything wrong with any of her vital organs, but everything was out of whack. After a few days of complete bed rest, she was telling up people what to do again. She still has to go for two follow-up visits with a specialist, but for the most part, she seems okay. We are still looking out for her and praying.
It felt good for my man to be back in his comfort zone on Sunday. After we visited his mother at home, and then stopped by my parent's house for dinner, we went to the lake. Yesterday was a beautiful day. He opened up and talked to me about what he had been feeling, and I was relieved. I only had one complaint in the whole matter. I explained to him that when things happen, he can't just shut down and not let me know what's going on with him. I can't help when I don't know. He agreed to work on it. We'll see. Actions speak volumes...
He definitely has his appetite back. My mom said she was surprised he didn't eat her plate. He was not playin' with that food! LOL. We stopped by and he ate again after we left the lake...That man is something else...
After we got home, he sang to me...We danced...We started watching Love Jones(I love that movie) , and fell asleep before the end...Laying back on the couch...my head on his chest...Him holding me tight...It was a recipe for intimacy...
I am happy to have the man that I deserve in my life. A man that loves me and cares for me, in the midst of it all. I know there is a lot of temptation out there, but he continually brings it home to me...Love...compassion...honesty(even when I really don't want to hear the truth). He is real. Not a dream, because he has his flaws, but he helps me to understand him just as I help him to understand me. I have to be open and willing to except the good with bad...It's really good to have someone that you can rely on. If I call on him, he answers...When I need him, he's there. I give him the same thing in return.
It's wonderful when a person can look past everything, and see you for who you are, and love you...from your soul. He loves the person that I am, and the person that I am striving to be. He supports my dreams...
Here I was getting frustrated, trying to figure out how to be there for him and in his mind, he realized what he was doing without me having to say a word. He apologized for how he had been acting even though I understood completely. If there was something going on with my mom I would be the same way...For the first time in a long time, we prayed together. Prayer is a powerful thing...
I hope all of you that are looking for true love find it...and for those of you that are not looking, I who it jumps out and grabs you. Love is the greatest gift that I have been given thus far. From my family...my friends...and from a man that I love so much in return.
So, how is your love life?
My man's mother went home Saturday. Thank the Lord that she is okay. The doctor said that she was just suffering from exhaustion and hypertension. They ran test after test, and didn't find anything wrong with any of her vital organs, but everything was out of whack. After a few days of complete bed rest, she was telling up people what to do again. She still has to go for two follow-up visits with a specialist, but for the most part, she seems okay. We are still looking out for her and praying.
It felt good for my man to be back in his comfort zone on Sunday. After we visited his mother at home, and then stopped by my parent's house for dinner, we went to the lake. Yesterday was a beautiful day. He opened up and talked to me about what he had been feeling, and I was relieved. I only had one complaint in the whole matter. I explained to him that when things happen, he can't just shut down and not let me know what's going on with him. I can't help when I don't know. He agreed to work on it. We'll see. Actions speak volumes...
He definitely has his appetite back. My mom said she was surprised he didn't eat her plate. He was not playin' with that food! LOL. We stopped by and he ate again after we left the lake...That man is something else...
After we got home, he sang to me...We danced...We started watching Love Jones(I love that movie) , and fell asleep before the end...Laying back on the couch...my head on his chest...Him holding me tight...It was a recipe for intimacy...
I am happy to have the man that I deserve in my life. A man that loves me and cares for me, in the midst of it all. I know there is a lot of temptation out there, but he continually brings it home to me...Love...compassion...honesty(even when I really don't want to hear the truth). He is real. Not a dream, because he has his flaws, but he helps me to understand him just as I help him to understand me. I have to be open and willing to except the good with bad...It's really good to have someone that you can rely on. If I call on him, he answers...When I need him, he's there. I give him the same thing in return.
It's wonderful when a person can look past everything, and see you for who you are, and love you...from your soul. He loves the person that I am, and the person that I am striving to be. He supports my dreams...
Here I was getting frustrated, trying to figure out how to be there for him and in his mind, he realized what he was doing without me having to say a word. He apologized for how he had been acting even though I understood completely. If there was something going on with my mom I would be the same way...For the first time in a long time, we prayed together. Prayer is a powerful thing...
I hope all of you that are looking for true love find it...and for those of you that are not looking, I who it jumps out and grabs you. Love is the greatest gift that I have been given thus far. From my family...my friends...and from a man that I love so much in return.
So, how is your love life?
At 8:11 AM,
TTD said…
my love life is great...
glad things are better in ur home!!
At 8:22 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...Thanks...Things always seem to be good in yours...
At 8:58 AM,
Shug said…
I'm glad to hear that your man's mother is doing better and I'm glad to hear that things are back to normal with you two.
HA! What love life? I don't have one of those. I've decided that if I'm supposed to be with someone, God will have to bring them to me because I don't feel like looking for love. I don't even know how I feel about love anymore.
At 9:03 AM,
Ladynay said…
My love life with my family is great!
At 9:16 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...Thank you...I wasn't really looking for love, it just came....If it is meant to be, it will be.
@ladynay...Glad to hear that things with your family are great! It doesn't matter who you're lovin' as long as there is love in your life!
At 10:15 AM,
deepnthought said…
just beautiful... I am glad things are better.
as for a love life, hmm, I am just hanging out, f it come it does if not then thats cool too. My nephews and nieces prefer it that way, no one to share me with..LOL
At 10:23 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@deepnthought...At this point, I'm not an auntie...I can't wait! But I am a godmother so I guess that counts!
At 10:55 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Please explain to me what this thing called a love life is. LOL. Don't have one. Haven't meant anyone locally that even remotely sparked that kind of interest in me. I suppose one of these days my heart and my mind will be open to love at the same time and I'll meet someone they agree on.
At 11:15 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...I can't explain it. It just came and I have been on a whirlwind since day one. The depths of love depend on how far you and the person are willing to go for it...
At 12:01 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
It's wonderful to be there for that person and they know it even when you think you could or want to do more...just being there is enough for them...and he knows your heart so that's all that matters....hmm my love life....ask me that at the end of the year LOL
At 12:04 PM,
Emotionalbrotha said…
You scared me for a minute when I read she went home.. I thought u were talking "home", "home", "home"...
But anyway, glad to hear she's ok and things are back to normal.
My love life is inactive right now. maybe it's hibernating. but i am dating...lol.. just not much of my heart is involved.
At 12:16 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...end of the year? Okay...
@emotional brotha...At least you are in phase one...dating...That's where it all begins.
At 7:17 AM,
Will said…
Glad things worked out with your man's mother. Glad she is okay and also nice to see your relationship is going well. these days, relationships face so many troubles. So good luck and congratulations and I wish you an enternity of happiness.
At 9:01 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@will..Thank you for those kind words. We are tested often, but so far, we are still standing strong.
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