A way to express my thoughts to the world...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm Over It...

Yesterday I worked for half the day, then stroked my man's ego for the remainder of the day. Being that we were ahead of schedule, it really won't have a big affect on our work.

We got off to an early start this morning. He's sitting here, still looking lovely, still smelling wonderful, but I've gotten over it....

I think I may take him into the office for a couple of hours and let the ladies drool over him for a while. There are a couple of places that he wants to see while he's here too. So for the most part, we will be out and about for a small part of the afternoon. The weather is nice, and our project is coming together nicely...

Just wanted to stop in a say hi, and hit up a few blogs...I'll be back later this afternoon...

Are you the type of person who stops trouble before it starts...or do you get caught in the middle?


  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger TTD said…

    hi back at ya!

    i guess it all depends on the situation... glad u got over it :-)

  • At 7:36 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @ttd...Me too.

  • At 7:53 AM, Blogger Shug said…

    Awww...that's sweet.

    Are you the type of person who stops trouble before it starts...or do you get caught in the middle?
    Caught in the middle...ALWAYS!

  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger deepnthought said…

    Glad you got over it.

    I am known as the bud nipper. I nip it in the bud. As soon as I see it.

  • At 9:16 AM, Blogger Ladynay said…

    I like to think of myself as the first, but I have been in the middle before so I guess both.

    Bet the man loved the ego stroking all day :-P

  • At 10:16 AM, Blogger Freaky Deaky said…

    Are you the type of person who stops trouble before it starts...or do you get caught in the middle?

    I stop it either before it starts or as soon as it comes to my attention.

    Glad you're over it. Dude seemed creepy and very disrespectful in my eyes.

  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger Will said…

    I don't like trouble. I try to stop, head it off at the pass before it occurs. I don't even like people who like trouble. I try not to deal with people who always like to keep it up. Naturally, we all have a little normal trouble and drama in our lives. But some people live for it, they love it. Not me. If you a trouble maker, please turn and go the other way, because I'm taking up the welcome mat if I see you coming.


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