Like Mother Like Daughter...
Let's have a moment of silence for the eight year old little girl that will be walking out the door today in a $200 pair of shoes, with a $250 back pack, and a $150 outfit, all purchased by her father(with his crazy a**) , because I had to take about $5 off her behind last night before she went to bed. She had a fit because she had left her new back pack and shoes at her dad's house. Do you know that he got out of his bed to bring them early this morning. I hope that a** whopping was worth it. I believe in buying my child nice things, but for a kid that is growing like a weed, I refuse to spend that kind of money. Her dad says, "She'll only be little once, and we might as well enjoy it while she's small." I say, "When she's older and responsible enough to take care of her things, then I'll start spending my money on her...until then, she wears what I buy!"
My kid is spoiled rotten when it comes to getting things. She's not a brat. She is very well behaved, and knows how to act in public places, but she is slick as can be when it comes to getting her way. Especially with men. My mother says she learned from the master...
The people around me need to start having kids because they spend entirely too much money on her. Between my family, her dad's family, and my friends, she has everything she wants and needs...and it's becoming a bit much. I have been through this before...This is a never ending battle with me. She is a little girl that knows exactly what she likes and finds a way to get it. I must say, her sense of fashion is on point , but dang.
My man has fallen into her trap...As long as she does well in school , and does all of her chores around the house, the word no is not in his vocabulary. She's smart too. She doesn't ask him for things. She mentions the things she wants to me, while he's close by. By the next day, it's hers.
She is too smart for her own good, and no one sees it but me, and my mom of course. Do my daughter and I posses a similar trait that was not passed on by genetics? Maybe what my mom says is true because all the men in my life seem to have no problem doing what I ask... I told my child she better get a good education and get a good job because she's going to need it to keep up with herself...
For the most part, I have a way with people. Especially guys. Most of my friends are males...My (male) boss loves me to death...oh my goodness, could it be? I don't think it has anything to do with looks, does it? I was taught to treat people the way I wanted to be treated, and that's just what I try to do. Maybe I have passed the torch on to my child. Have I been blind to the fact that I have been doing this all my life?
When it comes to getting things in this world from other people, do you think that looks outweigh brains?
I can afford the things I want because I got an education and I went after the job I wanted, so that I would be able to by them. Even though most of the time, I don't end up spending my own money on the things I want. Hmmm. But do things really come easier/harder for people because they look a certain way? Have I been blind all this time?
Aren't we supposed to use what you have to get what you a certain extent?
My kid is spoiled rotten when it comes to getting things. She's not a brat. She is very well behaved, and knows how to act in public places, but she is slick as can be when it comes to getting her way. Especially with men. My mother says she learned from the master...
The people around me need to start having kids because they spend entirely too much money on her. Between my family, her dad's family, and my friends, she has everything she wants and needs...and it's becoming a bit much. I have been through this before...This is a never ending battle with me. She is a little girl that knows exactly what she likes and finds a way to get it. I must say, her sense of fashion is on point , but dang.
My man has fallen into her trap...As long as she does well in school , and does all of her chores around the house, the word no is not in his vocabulary. She's smart too. She doesn't ask him for things. She mentions the things she wants to me, while he's close by. By the next day, it's hers.
She is too smart for her own good, and no one sees it but me, and my mom of course. Do my daughter and I posses a similar trait that was not passed on by genetics? Maybe what my mom says is true because all the men in my life seem to have no problem doing what I ask... I told my child she better get a good education and get a good job because she's going to need it to keep up with herself...
For the most part, I have a way with people. Especially guys. Most of my friends are males...My (male) boss loves me to death...oh my goodness, could it be? I don't think it has anything to do with looks, does it? I was taught to treat people the way I wanted to be treated, and that's just what I try to do. Maybe I have passed the torch on to my child. Have I been blind to the fact that I have been doing this all my life?
When it comes to getting things in this world from other people, do you think that looks outweigh brains?
I can afford the things I want because I got an education and I went after the job I wanted, so that I would be able to by them. Even though most of the time, I don't end up spending my own money on the things I want. Hmmm. But do things really come easier/harder for people because they look a certain way? Have I been blind all this time?
Aren't we supposed to use what you have to get what you a certain extent?
At 8:37 AM,
Ladynay said…
Do you think that looks outweigh brains?
In certain situations yes, others no.
Do things really come easier/harder for people because they look a certain way?
Yes, just think about interviewing for a job. You can be qualified but if you come up there looking like a street bum you may not be considered.
Aren't we supposed to use what you have to get what you a certain extent?
Yes cuz all you have is what you have to get what you want.
At 8:47 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...So true...We are born with certain traits...gotta use what you got!
At 8:53 AM,
Shug said…
When it comes to getting things in this world from other people, do you think that looks outweigh brains?
I think it depends. Looks always help though.
Aren't we supposed to use what you have to get what you a certain extent?
To a certain extent, yes. God gave everyone certain gifts and talents for them to use. I don't think He would want anyone to waste them.
At 8:58 AM,
TTD said…
looks can outweight brains.. it all depends on the situation..
haha! your daughter is a pimp! lol... just like her momma ;-p
At 9:21 AM,
deepnthought said…
I agree with everyone so far. I think looks do play a part. But at the same time looks can only take you so far and personality has to kick in.
At 9:55 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
Of course brains should outweigh looks but they don't
It's so easy to judge a book by it's cover but the joy is finding out that they are so much more
Use what you got to get what you want..then again just cause you have a nice body doesn't mean you should use it to get what you want so use your better judgement on this one LOL
At 10:06 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Do you think that looks outweigh brains?
It depends on your perspective basically and what type of person you are deep down inside. Personally, I respect intelligence above most if not all things. However, I think most people (especially the younger ones) would rather be around eye candy and trophies then around people who will actually make them think, question, and stimulate them intellectually.
Do things really come easier/harder for people because they look a certain way?
Of course, people are shallow creatures. Having a cute smile and a nice (insert your favorite body part) will almost always give you a leg up.
Aren't we supposed to use what you have to get what you a certain extent?
It's kind of the easy and lazy way if you ask me. What's the difference between the woman who has guys giving her everything under the sun without asking and the grown man who still lives at home and gets everything under the sun without contributing to the household? There really isn't any.
However, I do take comfort in knowing that there will be a day when most people who do this will no longer be able to because the looks they've relied on for so long will no longer be there. Since they took so much time on their looks most of them are bereft of pleasant personalities and intelligence.
At 10:15 AM,
Msnhim said…
Sadly looks play a big role in the day to day world. I've seen it happen and I have been the recipient of some of the benefits of "looking good" but if you don't have the personality your only gonna get so far.
At 10:15 AM,
Msnhim said…
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At 10:15 AM,
Msnhim said…
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At 10:18 AM,
Msnhim said…
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At 11:53 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...true...There's no room for wasted talent...
@ttd...What can I say...
Seriously, I have to keep her in check.
@southern gal...With some of the high end brands,that's actually cheap.
@deepthought...That's the truth.
@honey...hence the reason I said "to a certain extent"
@freaky...I don't think it all depends on how a person looks. I think it depends on the person in general...Although I can't deny that I like things that look good to the eye, intellegence wins with me everytime.
@msnhim...Having no personality is no good...
At 1:13 PM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
Shame to say, but looks play a part in EVERYTHING in life. Just like skin color does. Since perception is everything, looks play one of the ultimate roles. I read an article that stated that when the human eyes see something that is appealing or attractive to them, their eyes dialate up to 45%!!!! That really means that they will ultimately keep looking at the attractive person.
Well, everyone who has written a comment thus far is attractive so I guess we will never know the other side of the coin! LOL
At 2:54 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@terrance...That is so true...I guess we'll never know.
At 10:19 PM,
Omar Ramon said…
i thinks brains outweigh looks in that you have to have the brains to know when where how and with whom to use the looks..the physical only grants you a certain modicum of advantage but you have to have the brains to know how to use it wisely. plenty of gorgeous people "use what they got" and turn out used up....(ie the lifelong hooker...or the once beautiful, now tired and worn 5-time baby momma who never quite made it to wife status)
not a pretty picture
At 7:24 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@omar...I never really looked at it from that perspective...
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