Just A Few Random Thoughts...
I have written so many mushy posts about my man, yet I still have so much more to say...
I remember when he first told me he loved me, and asked me to trust him. I was hesitant, but I am so glad that I gave my heart to him. He has proven himself time and time again.
I'm in love, and I know I'm loved in return. He shows me every moment he gets. But people have different ways of loving people...Different ways of showing that special someone how they feel...
I know I'm loved because of the way he treats me...The consistency he gives me, and the small gestures he makes to reassure me that I am all the woman that he needs... I love him so much...
What is love to you?
The center where I mentor the teen girls had a plumbing disaster, and is closed for a few weeks. I may try to get the girls together somewhere else starting next week... Maybe I'll see if we can use one of the classrooms at my church...Hmmm
For some of them, I am the only stable person in their life to give them guidance and to show them that I care. All the sacrifices I make for them are worth it. They keep me grounded. They keep me humble and honest. Sometimes I think I need them just as much as they need me....
Why do people have kids, and don't want to take the time to take care of them?
When she walked into the house after a long day's work. She turned on the light switch...Nothing happened. She attempted to turn on another. Nothing. A few minutes later, he walks in. Everything he has on is new from head to toe ( as usual). It was all purchased with her money. He attempts to turn on the lights...Nothing....He turns around and walks out the door saying nothing, gets into his new ride that she pays for, and drives away. She calls me. We have become friends over the last couple of months. Our men are brothers, but are as different as night and day. She tells me the story. I sit there holding my head. It's too close to the first of the month for this...All of my bills are set up around the first. I plan it that way so I can get them out of the way. She cries...I listen. After I pay all my figure all my bills, there is something left. I take it to her. Now she has lights. Now I don't have the shoes I have been trying to get for two weeks now...Is it my fault...No...Can I live without them...I guess....Do I want to...NO! If she wants to be his "Suga Momma", that's her business. Just be able to take care of your bills first!
He came home. There were lights. He said nothing about them. Neither did she. She called and told me this. I got a little upset. How could she have a man in her house that she could not question about anything? Why was she so scared that he would be angry? Why was she so scared that he may leave?
She asked me not to tell my man. She was too embarrassed and she knew if my man said anything to his brother about it, he'd be angry at her. I told her we don't keep secrets...I told him. He got upset. He said that I shouldn't have done it. Told me that they will milk me dry if I let them. Told me that his brother is a nice person, but he uses people. Said if she wanted to be used, let her. But when she starts asking me for help to let him use her, it becomes his problem. I didn't know all of this was going on. He asked me not to give them money again. I agreed. He called his brother. Use me once, shame one you....Use me twice shame on ME...
She called me this morning crying. He didn't come home last night. She was upset because I told my man. Said that it was my fault. WTH? I told her, "Sweety, he was not with me last night, so I don't know how it could be my fault. My man is right here laying next to me. Don't blame me for your problems. Put the blame where it lies. On your man, and yourself for allowing him to do what he wants to you. If you continue to let him do what he wants and then go one like business as usual, he'll keep doing you wrong. So maybe you should be calling him instead of me.'" I politely hung up the phone and nestled back into my little space right next to my man...She's got some nerve blaming me for her mistakes, and I'm the reason she has lights right now...
Why do people go through so much just to have a mate?
Why do people feel it is better to have someone and be miserable than to be by yourself and be happy?
I remember when he first told me he loved me, and asked me to trust him. I was hesitant, but I am so glad that I gave my heart to him. He has proven himself time and time again.
I'm in love, and I know I'm loved in return. He shows me every moment he gets. But people have different ways of loving people...Different ways of showing that special someone how they feel...
I know I'm loved because of the way he treats me...The consistency he gives me, and the small gestures he makes to reassure me that I am all the woman that he needs... I love him so much...
What is love to you?
The center where I mentor the teen girls had a plumbing disaster, and is closed for a few weeks. I may try to get the girls together somewhere else starting next week... Maybe I'll see if we can use one of the classrooms at my church...Hmmm
For some of them, I am the only stable person in their life to give them guidance and to show them that I care. All the sacrifices I make for them are worth it. They keep me grounded. They keep me humble and honest. Sometimes I think I need them just as much as they need me....
Why do people have kids, and don't want to take the time to take care of them?
When she walked into the house after a long day's work. She turned on the light switch...Nothing happened. She attempted to turn on another. Nothing. A few minutes later, he walks in. Everything he has on is new from head to toe ( as usual). It was all purchased with her money. He attempts to turn on the lights...Nothing....He turns around and walks out the door saying nothing, gets into his new ride that she pays for, and drives away. She calls me. We have become friends over the last couple of months. Our men are brothers, but are as different as night and day. She tells me the story. I sit there holding my head. It's too close to the first of the month for this...All of my bills are set up around the first. I plan it that way so I can get them out of the way. She cries...I listen. After I pay all my figure all my bills, there is something left. I take it to her. Now she has lights. Now I don't have the shoes I have been trying to get for two weeks now...Is it my fault...No...Can I live without them...I guess....Do I want to...NO! If she wants to be his "Suga Momma", that's her business. Just be able to take care of your bills first!
He came home. There were lights. He said nothing about them. Neither did she. She called and told me this. I got a little upset. How could she have a man in her house that she could not question about anything? Why was she so scared that he would be angry? Why was she so scared that he may leave?
She asked me not to tell my man. She was too embarrassed and she knew if my man said anything to his brother about it, he'd be angry at her. I told her we don't keep secrets...I told him. He got upset. He said that I shouldn't have done it. Told me that they will milk me dry if I let them. Told me that his brother is a nice person, but he uses people. Said if she wanted to be used, let her. But when she starts asking me for help to let him use her, it becomes his problem. I didn't know all of this was going on. He asked me not to give them money again. I agreed. He called his brother. Use me once, shame one you....Use me twice shame on ME...
She called me this morning crying. He didn't come home last night. She was upset because I told my man. Said that it was my fault. WTH? I told her, "Sweety, he was not with me last night, so I don't know how it could be my fault. My man is right here laying next to me. Don't blame me for your problems. Put the blame where it lies. On your man, and yourself for allowing him to do what he wants to you. If you continue to let him do what he wants and then go one like business as usual, he'll keep doing you wrong. So maybe you should be calling him instead of me.'" I politely hung up the phone and nestled back into my little space right next to my man...She's got some nerve blaming me for her mistakes, and I'm the reason she has lights right now...
Why do people go through so much just to have a mate?
Why do people feel it is better to have someone and be miserable than to be by yourself and be happy?
At 8:29 AM,
Enigma said…
Self love is a wonderful thing to have. Self respect is a necessary thing to have. She is struggling with both. Her description of love is either punish me, or I need to prove I am worthy of you. Desperation is mixe in there too. I agree with your man, let her suffer through since that is what she chooses to do. Some folks only decide to come up when they have hit the floor. It has happened to all of us, but you learn. She has these experiences and chooses pain. You have done all that you can: you told her and helped and let her know this is the boundary you will not cross. At this point, all you can do is pray for her.
Love to me is sharing each others life and truth, loyalty, adoration, cherishing, concern and respect consistently shown to your mate, fam and friends. Commitment with the man I am involved with is necessary and is love too.
At 8:36 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@enigma...This was an eye opener for me. I had no clue that she had been taking care of him all this time. I really don't ask questions about other people's relationships. But I guess I should if I am giving my money away...
At 9:15 AM,
TTD said…
i cant stand those that cant take care of their own kids.. i agree.. why have them? my (ex)friend has a son (my godson) that she struggles to take care of.. now she's pregnany again.. i'm like WTF?! she's just going to continue to push her children on everyone else so that she can have a social life.. pisses me the hell off!
chick is crazy! no way in the world would i allow for my lights to get cut off while i continue to pay for things for my man.. he needs to start contributing to the household.. and the fact that he didnt come home says a world of wonders!
At 9:20 AM,
deepnthought said…
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At 9:24 AM,
deepnthought said…
What is sad to me is that, some of us are only imitating what we know.We never got any real examples of true love. The of kind of love that says, because I Love you, I don't want to hurt you because I recognize in whose image you were created. That kind of love is selfless and not selfish. But we cant truly love someone else until we love ourselves. It is so much easier to blame the person who was trying to help you than to wake up. Sometimes used people use people. wether they are aware of it or not.
To me, another form of love is protection. I love the way you and your mate support and protect each other. BEAUTIFUL
At 9:50 AM,
Shug said…
What is love to you?
I'm not exactly sure. I honestly don't think I've experienced love outside of a family setting.
Why do people have kids, and don't want to take the time to take care of them?
Because it's easier to create a child than it is to actually take care of that child. They don't take the time to think about what it means to be someone's parent.
Why do people go through so much just to have a mate? Some people have a fear of being alone. They haven't learned how to love themselves first.
Why do people feel it is better to have someone and be miserable than to be by yourself and be happy?
They feel that being in a relationship validates them in some way. They put up with it because they feel like if they are alone, they won't be happy. In their mind, it's better to be miserable with a man than to be miserable with one.
At 9:52 AM,
Ladynay said…
What is love to me? Depends on what type of love your talking about, that's a loaded question in any aspect...
Why folks have kids and not be a parent? That varies, the biological mother of my daughters God siblings has a child every two years because the state will take care of you if you don't work and have kids, the more kids the more money you get till eventually the state takes them away....
Why do people do stupid stuff for a mate? Because some folks can't see their value without someone by their side. Kinda like if I am all that like I think I am, I should have at least one man/woman. Different folks have different reasons.
The last one is similar, at the very least they can say they got someone *shrug* I don't know.
At 9:54 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Wow, old girl may not have a lot of things but she's not lacking in the nerves department. Make sure she pays you back that money you loaned her.
At 9:56 AM,
Shug said…
that was supposed to be WITHOUT one.
At 10:38 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I don't understand some people...
@deepnthought...Honestly, I think he was more upset than I was. That's true, you have to know how to love someone...That is one thing that I pray for constantly, for God to teach me how to love my man.
@shug...That has to be a miserable...I had to learn to love me before I learned to love my man. It's a continual process, but he just adds to it in a positive way.
@ladynay...I can't be with a person that doens't bring anything positive into the relationship.
@freaky...I was going to just give it to her, until she called me.
@shug...I knew what you meant...LOL
At 11:10 AM,
Nika Laqui said…
Love is unconditional.
Love is honest.
I wish I knew why people have kids and then don't take care of them. I didn't ask to be here.
I forgot the other questions...
But I'm here in the D...I love the change of scenery...
At 11:27 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...sad indeed.
@nsane...I bet. Change is good!
At 2:44 PM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
Hmmm.... what's love to me? Many, many different things.
It can be as small as listening to a song and smiling at the thought of who it makes you think of..... could be as big as receiving 20 dozen long red stemmed roses...
as casual as saying "I love you" as opposed to "love ya!"....... as complicated as having to pull over on the side of the road because you can't see because the tears are blinding you and your heart is broken.....
as sweet as a blindfold and the two of you having a 'tasting' with all kinds of fruit and sweets..... as sour as getting into a fight and your whole night is ruined because you wish that person was there....
as memorable as really feeling Whitney Houston's song "I Will Always Love You"..... as forgiveable as saying nothing when they leave the top off the toothpaste....
What does love really mean? Love is just a word. It's the actions that follow that transcends everything.....
At 3:14 PM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
Post was so good I decided to blog the same topic....check it out at my site..
At 3:36 PM,
Unknown said…
love is a wonderful thing. For some, its blind and for some, its an eye opener. Some sistas just refuse to see beyond their noses or any faults their man may have. Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm a saint but some men just try ur patience many times over!!
My cousin is in the same shoes. All her man does is get her pregnant and have babies year in year out. He hasnt had a steady job in the last 10years. She's been surviving on handouts from her relatives and well wishes but will she see her man as lazy and no good? No Way!! In her eyes, he tries his very possible best to get a job. Yeah Right!! Searches for a job when he's not wrong. But she just wont let go of him with the paltry excuse 'that she cant bring the kids up alone' hello!! sista!! he hasnt contributed a penny since they were born as child support for upkeep et al!!
Well, to each his own. Sistas in love never the wrong in their man!!
At 6:28 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@terrance...I'll have to check that out...
@calabar gal...Some people will never get it...
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