Who's The Crazy One
Just when everything was peaceful in my life I had to open up a can of worms. I hate drama but it loves me to death!
I have a friend, we'll call her Slim. She said a long time ago, that any man is capable of acting a fool, you just have to bring it out of him. My question to her was, "Why would you want to?" She just gave me a develish grin. She attracts the craziest guys, so I have come to the conclusion that she too is crazy. She does things to them to make them react. Most of the time, in a negative manner. She is the type of woman who HAS TO have a man in her life at all times. She jumps in and out of relationships, and they never seem to work for her(big surprise). She is very needy...She needs time...She needs attention...and she needs a man to make her feel good. The girl has issues.
Despite the fact that I know she is crazy, I am still cool with her. (Now who's the crazy one?)Being that I hadn't seen her in a while, and my sessions with the teen girls have gone back to once a week now that school has started, I decided to hang out with her. BIG mistake!
We decided to grab a bite to eat (since I worked through my lunch), and then I was going to ride with her to run a few errands, and then she was supposed to take me back home so I could finish my work for the day. Now I'm a ride or die chic for my friends, when they are right, but with her you never can tell. We had a nice, quiet meal, so I felt the day would go by smoothly. Boy was I wrong. We are riding down the street, and this chic pulls up next to us on the driver's side. The chic on the passenger's side of her car rolls down the window(mind you that my we are in a convertible) and hurls a Route 44(the big one) slush from Sonic right at my friend. The cup hit my friend in the side of the face and that s*** went everywhere. All over her, all over me, and all over the car.
I was speechless. With her right hand on the steering wheel and her left hand holding the side of her face, my friend takes off behind this chic's car. Here we go....
Not knowing what would happen next, because of the way they were driving...if we didn't die in a car crash or get pulled over by the cops, I knew there was sure to be some drama to come once we stopped.
As most of you who have been reading my blog for a while know, I don't back down from a fight, but this time, I did not want to fight. Number one, because me and this chic are cool, but not to the point to where would fight for her. Number two, there is no telling what my friend did to this girl to make her so upset. This was her mess, not mine.
We pulled into an old abandoned car wash, and they both stopped the cars. I looked at the other car to size up the situation. There was only two people in the car, the driver and the passenger, who had thrown the cup. So I knew if I had to fight, it would be fair. But I didn't know if they had weapons are whatnot, so I was still a little hesitant. I was not willing to put my life on the line for my friends mess! My friend and the passenger in the other car both got out the car charging towards each other. I looked at the driver in the other car and she looked at me. We had a mutual understanding without ever saying in a word, Their mess, their fight. She didn't move and neither did I.
My friend punched the chic in the side of her face, and it was on. Still the driver of the other car and I watched them, then each other. After we let them rumble for a few minutes, the girl got out of the car. Dang! All I could think in my head was, I am too cute for this s*** today.
The chic was trying to break the fight up, so I got out and helped. We managed to get them apart. Through obscenities and a whole lot of swinging, I managed to get my friend in the car. This time I took the wheel. I knew the fight between them was far from over, but I was finished!
I started driving towards my house and my friend was like, "I thought we were going to stop by the mall." WTH? I said, "Are you serious? Look at your face. Look at our clothes. Look at your car!" She looked in the mirror and winced at the sight. That chic got her good with that cup. I said through muffled laughter, "Girl, "You need to learn how to duck."
She told me the story of how she and the chic are both dating the same dude, and both of them feel like he should leave the other alone. So instead of them confronting the guy or just leaving him alone, they are fighting each other. I just looked at her and said in my nonchalant way, "That's some stupid s***!" I could tell she was pissed at my sarcasm. She rolled her eyes and I gave her a look that said, "Don't make me start where that chic left off." She didn't say anything for the rest of the ride back to my house.
When we got to my house, my man had just walked in the door. He saw my friend holding her face. My hair was pulled up in ponytail, and we were both covered with big red spots(from the drink the chic had thrown). He looked puzzled, but he just cam in, said hello to us and didn't ask any questions. I got my friend an ice pack and sent her on her way. She won't be seeing me for a while. Just because you don't see people for a long time doesn't mean they have changed, they just find new drama to get into. Hopefully one day she'll grow up. Until then, she can scratch me off her friend's list...
I took a shower and had to wash that sticky mess out of my hair. On the way to pick my daughter up from her dance class, I told my man the whole story. He laughed and said, "You are always getting yourself into the craziest situations." I couldn't say anything because I knew it was the truth.
Have you ever seen anyone fight over the stupidest thing?
Isn't it crazy when two people fight over a mate, when they should be confronting that person for playing them in the first place?
After this, I couldn't help but as myself...Who's the crazy one? My girl because she's crazy and we all know that, or Me for riding with her when I know she's nuts.
I have a friend, we'll call her Slim. She said a long time ago, that any man is capable of acting a fool, you just have to bring it out of him. My question to her was, "Why would you want to?" She just gave me a develish grin. She attracts the craziest guys, so I have come to the conclusion that she too is crazy. She does things to them to make them react. Most of the time, in a negative manner. She is the type of woman who HAS TO have a man in her life at all times. She jumps in and out of relationships, and they never seem to work for her(big surprise). She is very needy...She needs time...She needs attention...and she needs a man to make her feel good. The girl has issues.
Despite the fact that I know she is crazy, I am still cool with her. (Now who's the crazy one?)Being that I hadn't seen her in a while, and my sessions with the teen girls have gone back to once a week now that school has started, I decided to hang out with her. BIG mistake!
We decided to grab a bite to eat (since I worked through my lunch), and then I was going to ride with her to run a few errands, and then she was supposed to take me back home so I could finish my work for the day. Now I'm a ride or die chic for my friends, when they are right, but with her you never can tell. We had a nice, quiet meal, so I felt the day would go by smoothly. Boy was I wrong. We are riding down the street, and this chic pulls up next to us on the driver's side. The chic on the passenger's side of her car rolls down the window(mind you that my we are in a convertible) and hurls a Route 44(the big one) slush from Sonic right at my friend. The cup hit my friend in the side of the face and that s*** went everywhere. All over her, all over me, and all over the car.
I was speechless. With her right hand on the steering wheel and her left hand holding the side of her face, my friend takes off behind this chic's car. Here we go....
Not knowing what would happen next, because of the way they were driving...if we didn't die in a car crash or get pulled over by the cops, I knew there was sure to be some drama to come once we stopped.
As most of you who have been reading my blog for a while know, I don't back down from a fight, but this time, I did not want to fight. Number one, because me and this chic are cool, but not to the point to where would fight for her. Number two, there is no telling what my friend did to this girl to make her so upset. This was her mess, not mine.
We pulled into an old abandoned car wash, and they both stopped the cars. I looked at the other car to size up the situation. There was only two people in the car, the driver and the passenger, who had thrown the cup. So I knew if I had to fight, it would be fair. But I didn't know if they had weapons are whatnot, so I was still a little hesitant. I was not willing to put my life on the line for my friends mess! My friend and the passenger in the other car both got out the car charging towards each other. I looked at the driver in the other car and she looked at me. We had a mutual understanding without ever saying in a word, Their mess, their fight. She didn't move and neither did I.
My friend punched the chic in the side of her face, and it was on. Still the driver of the other car and I watched them, then each other. After we let them rumble for a few minutes, the girl got out of the car. Dang! All I could think in my head was, I am too cute for this s*** today.
The chic was trying to break the fight up, so I got out and helped. We managed to get them apart. Through obscenities and a whole lot of swinging, I managed to get my friend in the car. This time I took the wheel. I knew the fight between them was far from over, but I was finished!
I started driving towards my house and my friend was like, "I thought we were going to stop by the mall." WTH? I said, "Are you serious? Look at your face. Look at our clothes. Look at your car!" She looked in the mirror and winced at the sight. That chic got her good with that cup. I said through muffled laughter, "Girl, "You need to learn how to duck."
She told me the story of how she and the chic are both dating the same dude, and both of them feel like he should leave the other alone. So instead of them confronting the guy or just leaving him alone, they are fighting each other. I just looked at her and said in my nonchalant way, "That's some stupid s***!" I could tell she was pissed at my sarcasm. She rolled her eyes and I gave her a look that said, "Don't make me start where that chic left off." She didn't say anything for the rest of the ride back to my house.
When we got to my house, my man had just walked in the door. He saw my friend holding her face. My hair was pulled up in ponytail, and we were both covered with big red spots(from the drink the chic had thrown). He looked puzzled, but he just cam in, said hello to us and didn't ask any questions. I got my friend an ice pack and sent her on her way. She won't be seeing me for a while. Just because you don't see people for a long time doesn't mean they have changed, they just find new drama to get into. Hopefully one day she'll grow up. Until then, she can scratch me off her friend's list...
I took a shower and had to wash that sticky mess out of my hair. On the way to pick my daughter up from her dance class, I told my man the whole story. He laughed and said, "You are always getting yourself into the craziest situations." I couldn't say anything because I knew it was the truth.
Have you ever seen anyone fight over the stupidest thing?
Isn't it crazy when two people fight over a mate, when they should be confronting that person for playing them in the first place?
After this, I couldn't help but as myself...Who's the crazy one? My girl because she's crazy and we all know that, or Me for riding with her when I know she's nuts.
At 8:33 AM,
TTD said…
if you do hang out w/ her crazy ass again.. make sure you meet her at the destination - dont ride w/ her again!
i cant see fighting the other chick... the man would definitely be approached (or left alone!)
At 8:47 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...Like I said,"That was some stupid s***!"
@southern gal...Neither can I... wait...too late. Actually, I wasn't fighting over him, I was fighting because I was disrespected in some way or another by the female...So I guess it's safe to say, I don't fight over men either...LOL
At 8:56 AM,
Shug said…
Dang...I thought I had drama! That's crazy. I hate hearing stories like this. Why do females go after the other girl, when clearly the man is at fault? I'm really mad that they know about each other and they're still messing with this guy.
At 9:01 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...Yep, it's just a shame.
At 9:40 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I think drama either has a crush on you or is stalking you. LOL
This time it was a beverage next time it could be a brick or a bullet. I'd leave Slim alone until she started acting right or at the very least meet up with her at somewhere public and never, ever drive with her or have her over my house.
At 10:28 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...yes, I do seem to be a drama magnet. Slim has got to go for sure. No public meetings, no hanging out. After that crazy mess, she's lucky if she gets a phone call from me.
@30...I know. When I saw the chic getting ready to throw the cup, I put my hands up to block the impact. She just sat there...Talk about stupid! It all happened so fast, but when you are used to drama, you learn to be quick on your feet!
At 1:25 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Well we all have crazy friends and like you said you never know with her but umm next time take your own car please LOL
I WILL NOT fight over a man..please it ain't that serious if he wants to be with there's less drama for me...I did that when I was in middle school no more it's not sane LOL
At 3:12 PM,
Msnhim said…
There is no way in hell I am going to fight over a man. I know too many woman that do and its sad.
At 5:07 PM,
Ladynay said…
people throw blows for the dumbest reasons....
she is crazy period, your just partially crazy for knowing how she is and rolling with her anyway....lol
At 6:35 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...I guess I should have taken my own car...
@ladynay...Yep, I got caught slippin'
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