A Day WIth A Diva
I am so thankful that I don't have to leave my house to go into the office on a daily basis. I am glad to be out of the loop in the office...I heard enough yesterday to last me quite a while. Hopefully I won't have to go back in there anytime soon.
In other Luvin' Me news...I have decided to let a seamstress make my dress. It just makes sense, and I know it will be beautiful...Also, Diva has issues again. He has the worst luck with men. He finds them, dates them for a while, and just like that, they're gone. He is hurt and of course I am gonna be there for him.
This last guy didn't cheat on him. He was just never there for him when he needed him, and always had an excuse for everything. My boy is just a magnet for unavailable men...Whether physically or emotionally, they are always unavailable in some way. They are good at masking their unavailability too. They act like they are really into him...Spend lots of time with him...and then start making excuses as to why they can't commit to him.
I don't have any answers for my friend at this point. Maybe it is something within him that turns them away...Maybe he just keeps hooking up with deadbeats...but All of them can't be bad, can they? I have so much work to do today, that I really can't deal with the situation, so I will invite him over tomorrow since he doesn't have to go to work, along with Softspoken and I, and we'll have a Diva's Day. Plenty of pampering, shopping, and talking, whether he likes it or not(and I know he'll love it...he loves the royal treatment...He is such a diva). We'll get started early. I'll make them breakfast. He loves it when I cook for him. He says it makes him feel like he's back in his mother's kitchen. I don't like to toot my own horn , but I have been known to throw down in the kitchen. Believe me, I know it takes a lot more than "the physical" to get and keep a good man. It also takes more than brains. My man has never said to me, "Ooh baby, come over here and give me some of that intelligence"... Or..."Baby I'm starving, can I have some of those beautiful eyes." You have to be able to work it from all angles to keep him coming back for more. I keep him on his toes at all times, and he does the same to me.
Even though my man has been off work, it seems like he has been busier away from work than he is on the days that he goes to work, so I'll give my evening to him and my daughter. That will be my chance to get enjoy the people I love...All day long.
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people?
It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract?
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you?
Do you feel that you try to fix people that you know are already broken?
In other Luvin' Me news...I have decided to let a seamstress make my dress. It just makes sense, and I know it will be beautiful...Also, Diva has issues again. He has the worst luck with men. He finds them, dates them for a while, and just like that, they're gone. He is hurt and of course I am gonna be there for him.
This last guy didn't cheat on him. He was just never there for him when he needed him, and always had an excuse for everything. My boy is just a magnet for unavailable men...Whether physically or emotionally, they are always unavailable in some way. They are good at masking their unavailability too. They act like they are really into him...Spend lots of time with him...and then start making excuses as to why they can't commit to him.
I don't have any answers for my friend at this point. Maybe it is something within him that turns them away...Maybe he just keeps hooking up with deadbeats...but All of them can't be bad, can they? I have so much work to do today, that I really can't deal with the situation, so I will invite him over tomorrow since he doesn't have to go to work, along with Softspoken and I, and we'll have a Diva's Day. Plenty of pampering, shopping, and talking, whether he likes it or not(and I know he'll love it...he loves the royal treatment...He is such a diva). We'll get started early. I'll make them breakfast. He loves it when I cook for him. He says it makes him feel like he's back in his mother's kitchen. I don't like to toot my own horn , but I have been known to throw down in the kitchen. Believe me, I know it takes a lot more than "the physical" to get and keep a good man. It also takes more than brains. My man has never said to me, "Ooh baby, come over here and give me some of that intelligence"... Or..."Baby I'm starving, can I have some of those beautiful eyes." You have to be able to work it from all angles to keep him coming back for more. I keep him on his toes at all times, and he does the same to me.
Even though my man has been off work, it seems like he has been busier away from work than he is on the days that he goes to work, so I'll give my evening to him and my daughter. That will be my chance to get enjoy the people I love...All day long.
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people?
It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract?
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you?
Do you feel that you try to fix people that you know are already broken?
At 8:10 AM,
Shug said…
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people?
Yes, I think people are unknowingly attracted to certain kinds of people.
It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract?
Good question. I don't understand that one either.
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you?
I wouldn't say that I allow people into my life JUST to crush me, but it does happen more than I would like so I might be an enabler.
Do you feel that you try to fix people that you know are already broken?
YES! I am very guilty of this. Makes me thing that there is something broken within me that needs to be fixed.
Awww, I hope Diva feels better. It doesn't rain all the time. The sun will shine again.
At 8:32 AM,
TTD said…
"It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract?" - that is confusing!
i think that it's possible that all the men that diva meets are bad.. but it's also in the type of men he's meeting.. where is he meeting them?? it could be something in him that turns them away after a while.. maybe he needs to look w/in himself
At 8:49 AM,
Ladynay said…
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people?
Yes, we humans tend to date in cycles, the same type of folks over and over and over again....
It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract?
Good question, I dunno...
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you?
Sometimes I feel that way because you only let people do what you allow them to do to you.
Do you feel that you try to fix people that you know are already broken?
I try to help but only so much, they have to do most of the work and want to change.
At 8:49 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...I'll do everything in my power to make him feel better, but with matters of the heart, only time can heal.
@ttd...That is the basis of our convo tomorrow...To try to come up with something...
At 8:50 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...I guess you're right. People have to be willing to change before any progress can be made.
At 8:53 AM,
Enigma said…
Yes, some people attract a certain type of person. Sometimes, when you are desperate for someone to love you and to care you pick up trash. REAL self love is the solution in these cases. Lord knows on occassion that has been me.
Do I enable people in my life to crush me? Yeah. I did at one time anyway. However, I cut those folks out of my life. I need to love and care for me. If you are not down with that, let your body hit the floor.
About that birds of a feather and opposites attract thing, I just think that there are a lot of people who are fake, do not know what they really want, where they really want to be so they attach themselves to you and your crew. Instead of looking inside of themselves and aiming higher or accepting who and what they are envy, competition and the other things that make some folks act like fools spring up their ugly heads. That is when all the nonsense and drama begins. Having learned this I try to take my time to get to know people now. Most times I cut em' off before it get stupid sometimes I do not.
I hope your friend feels better. Having a good relationship with a genuinely good loving you person that is very hard to find and have. Count you and your special man as very blessed.
At 9:16 AM,
Newy said…
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people?
Yes. Until they recognize the bat signal they are unknowingly putting up (be in poor self-esteem, neediness or co-dependent) They unwittingly become magnets for folks that just want to use them and be gone.
It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract?
Like-minded hang together even though they may be opposites in some way for example you may have 1 person who like to feel needed and another who likes to be helpful but they are actually opposites. Person 1 probably feels that his/her ability to feel a need validates him/her (self-esteem issues) and Person 2 probably feels confident in lending his/her skills when needed. Like minded but different.
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you? I used to be. I was co-dependent...I needed to be needed. Not anymore *shrug* older and wiser.
Do you feel that you try to fix people that you know are already broken? Guilty. Trying to work through this.
Great Post.
At 9:20 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mznew...I'm glad you had answer about the people who are are alike and different...that one left me wondering...See, that's why I blog!
At 9:44 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people? I wonder this all the time when I come upon losers...lol
It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract? That just goes to show that cliches don't explain everything lol
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you? At one point and time I was this way and now I'm at the point where I believe I can do bad alone I don't need you to help me do worse
Do you feel that you try to fix people that you know are already broken? I try so hard to help others and make things better for them and listen that I forget about myself sometimes
At 9:48 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...As you know from reading my blog, that I too suffer from he "helping hand" syndrome. It's just so hard to just walk away sometimes...
At 10:41 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people?
It could be your friend or he could actually just meet a lot of bad people. Both are within the realm of possibility. I think attraction is more than looks and personality. Maybe he's attracted to a certain chemical reaction the other guys gives off or something. It's a lot to think about.
It's kind of confusing because how can birds of a feather flock together if opposites attract?
One's biological and the other is chemical? Birds of a feather flock together because we need comfort and security. We're comfortable and secure with the known. Once we have our comfort then we want some excitement and that's where the opposite comes in. The opposite is an unknown and the unpredictability of how they move, think, feel, and behave is dangerous and exciting. Well, that's my two cents and the best answer I can give you in the short amount of time I composed my answer. ;o)
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you?
When I was younger. Now I'm generally on the quick side to pull the trigger and purge people from my life who I feel are taking more than they give.
Do you feel that you try to fix people that you know are already broken?
I know I have a habit of fixing broken people then when I do they go about their way.
At 11:19 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...You hit the nail on the head...I never looked at it that way! Biology vs natural chemical reactions...
At 12:48 PM,
Miz JJ said…
Do you feel that it is something with a person that attracts them to certain types of people?
Hell yes, I had a friend (ex-friend now) who was always dating losers and complaining about it. When I would make fun of these losers she would get upset. Whatever, you are the one dating a loser.
Do you feel that you are an enabler...allowing certain people to come into your life just to crush you?
I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but it doesn't always work that way.
At 2:16 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@miz jj...I hate it when people complain about a choice taht they have made.
At 10:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
u lucky..I wish I could leave the office..its a rat race for sure
At 1:17 PM,
Ladynay said…
Awwwwww shucks, either we screwing so good we can't blog today or some ish went down! LOL
At 11:03 PM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
i used to try and fix female friends that were broken. I don't do it anymore. I have run out of patience.
At 6:36 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...Awwww ladynay...You think you know me don't you?
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