Oh My Goodness!
Over the next few weeks, I will be working with my European counterpart to develop a new product for my job. I had to pick him up from the airport on Friday evening. He didn't get his rental car until Saturday morning. I didn't know what to expect. I just hoped that he was pleasant, being that I would have to be in his presence for the next few weeks. I never took the time to go through the company directory to see how he looked, so I just stood there. I talked to him on Monday and he said that he had already looked me up, and he would see me on Friday. I love his accent. With the ever-changing technology, we have to attend so many classes, whether it's via the web, or sitting in a lecture hall for the evening. He had attended a class that I had to give a presentation in last year, and he remembered my face...Hmmm...
I stood and waited as the people de-boarded the plane. I felt like I was in Fort Knox with all the security measures I had to go through, and I wasn't even trying to fly anywhere. Then...
He walked up to me. I just stood there and stared at him for a second. He had on a short sleeved white shirt, and linen shorts that contrasted perfectly with is dark chocolate skin. His head was bald, and he had the straightest, whitest teeth, I had ever seen. He stood there smiling at me without saying a word. Finally I snapped out of my trance and managed to say. "Hello, and welcome to America. How was your flight " He smiled and said, "Long, and I am honored to be here. With all of the problems going on in Europe right now, I might be staying longer than expected." What? There is no way I would be able to be around this man and effectively get any work done for more than a few hours a day as it is...
I took him to his hotel. I told him that I would let him relax for the rest of the evening, and I would see him early on Saturday morning. For the next few weeks, there will be no "off days" for me...
We got started bright and early. We work very well together. He spoke with perfect diction. Even his breath was sweet. I was about to lose it. Sitting that close, that long, with such a beautiful creature. I was sitting there, engulfed in my work, and I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't look up. I jumped when my phone rang and broke the silence. It was my man. I quickly answered. I always smile when I talk to him...I could still feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face but I still didn't make eye contact. My man asked how things were going. I told him that things were going well, and we would be finished for the day, earlier than expected. He told me to invite my college to the pool party. I paused for a moment. Then I said, "We'll see." My man hesitated before he spoke, then he just said, "Okay, I'll talk to you a little later."
I sat there for a moment, thinking about what my man had said. I was trying to keep this thing as professional as possible.
We worked throughout the afternoon, only stopping to take a break for lunch, and we decided to call it quits later that evening. As I was packing up to leave, I asked him if he had anything planned for the evening. He said no, so I invited him over to the pool party that my man's brother was throwing at my house. I told him to call me when he was ready, and I would give him directions to my house.
Needless to say that getting to my place is a bit confusing, and he got lost. I left to find him and my man stayed to watch the house. With all these people around that we didn't know, one of us had to be there.
I finally figured out where he was and told him to pull into a gas station and wait for me. I pulled up next to him and told him to follow me. He was a good driver being that he was from a country with a whole different set of driving rules. ( I later found out that he had been to the US quite often, so he had learned a lot over the years).
When I got back to my house, I walked him inside. My friends and my man were all sitting in the family room, waiting on us to get back. All the ladies and the funny boys had the same reaction I did at the airport. They just gawked at him. I introduced him to the crew, and then to my man. Then I showed him to the bathroom so that he could get changed and ready for some fun.
The rest of us went out back to join the festivities. The party was nice. The crowd was fairly young, but they were cool. Then...he walked outside in these fitted trunks. OMG! His presence commanded attention. His stride was confident and powerful. I was so glad that my man was sitting slightly in front of my so that he could not see the way that I was looking at that man. I took in every muscle, every ripple. He came and sat down with the rest of us and I had to take a deep breath. All eyes were on him as he walked to join the rest of us. By then, I am sure there was not a pair of dry panties in the room...
That man is beautiful. He's smart. He smells wonderful...My heart races when he smiles at me...and when he speaks to me, I have to try to keep my composure. But it's not the same feeling that I get when I see my man. He just makes me nervous for some reason. I don't think it's an attraction, but I don't know what it is...
The music was playing, and everyone was having a good time. He fit in just fine. My man got up and started to dance...Then he turned and looked at me, smiling. He grabbed my hand, and I hesitantly got up to join him. We clowned for a while, entertaining the guest with our sultry dancing, and then we went back to sit down. As I was walking back to my seat, I could see him looking at me and smiling. He complimented us on our moves, then he walked over to the pool and dove in. Everyone watched his every move (including me)...
My man began to notice the way I was watching him. Every time I was looking at him, my man was looking at me...But I couldn't help it. I was drawn in like a magnet...
After the party, I offered to lead him back to his hotel. My man left Diva and Softspoken to watch the house. This time, he came with me. He was jealous, but he was trying so hard not to show it, but we all picked up on it...It was kinda cute. He was on my heels for the rest of the evening. He went everywhere that I went...We left the hotel and headed back to my house.
My man didn't say anything during our ride back home. Neither did I.
After we finished cleaning up, we were off to bed. My man out did himself. What was he trying to prove? As I laid in his arms I said, " I might have been looking at him, but I am in love with you and only you. You are the only man that will forever have my heart and all that comes with it." He kissed me and held me tighter, and we drifted off to sleep. That was exactly what he needed...a little reassurance.
I worked with him again on Sunday. He looked just as good as he did on the first day. Perfectly chiseled body, highly intelligent, lovely accent, beautiful smile, and he smelled wonderful once again...but we kept it professional. The tension in the room was so thick you could have cut it with a knife...Still he stared, not saying a word...This time, I made eye contact, smiling at him...him smiling back. We ordered in for lunch and took a little more time to get to know each other. He is fairly interesting. After we finished up for the evening, he invited me to dinner and I had to turn him down. I couldn't put myself in a compromising situation. I went home to my man...
Since he really doesn't know anyone in town, I invited him to my family's cookout on Monday, that actually turned into a inside thing being that it rained all day. That is another post altogether!
I just know that the next few weeks will be an adventure of sorts, but I am in total control(for now)...I know my man loves me...I know how to draw the line between business and pleasure...I know that I have a job to ...I know what I have at home and have to let my love and my commitment help me to resist the temptation that I have ahead of me...
Isn't it hard to make a choice to do the right thing when in the back of your mind you want to do the wrong thing?
Don't you just want to tell that little voice to shut up sometimes?
He will be coming to work with me at my home in the next few minutes, and I have to try to get through yet another day of being close to the man...Pray for me!
I stood and waited as the people de-boarded the plane. I felt like I was in Fort Knox with all the security measures I had to go through, and I wasn't even trying to fly anywhere. Then...
He walked up to me. I just stood there and stared at him for a second. He had on a short sleeved white shirt, and linen shorts that contrasted perfectly with is dark chocolate skin. His head was bald, and he had the straightest, whitest teeth, I had ever seen. He stood there smiling at me without saying a word. Finally I snapped out of my trance and managed to say. "Hello, and welcome to America. How was your flight " He smiled and said, "Long, and I am honored to be here. With all of the problems going on in Europe right now, I might be staying longer than expected." What? There is no way I would be able to be around this man and effectively get any work done for more than a few hours a day as it is...
I took him to his hotel. I told him that I would let him relax for the rest of the evening, and I would see him early on Saturday morning. For the next few weeks, there will be no "off days" for me...
We got started bright and early. We work very well together. He spoke with perfect diction. Even his breath was sweet. I was about to lose it. Sitting that close, that long, with such a beautiful creature. I was sitting there, engulfed in my work, and I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't look up. I jumped when my phone rang and broke the silence. It was my man. I quickly answered. I always smile when I talk to him...I could still feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face but I still didn't make eye contact. My man asked how things were going. I told him that things were going well, and we would be finished for the day, earlier than expected. He told me to invite my college to the pool party. I paused for a moment. Then I said, "We'll see." My man hesitated before he spoke, then he just said, "Okay, I'll talk to you a little later."
I sat there for a moment, thinking about what my man had said. I was trying to keep this thing as professional as possible.
We worked throughout the afternoon, only stopping to take a break for lunch, and we decided to call it quits later that evening. As I was packing up to leave, I asked him if he had anything planned for the evening. He said no, so I invited him over to the pool party that my man's brother was throwing at my house. I told him to call me when he was ready, and I would give him directions to my house.
Needless to say that getting to my place is a bit confusing, and he got lost. I left to find him and my man stayed to watch the house. With all these people around that we didn't know, one of us had to be there.
I finally figured out where he was and told him to pull into a gas station and wait for me. I pulled up next to him and told him to follow me. He was a good driver being that he was from a country with a whole different set of driving rules. ( I later found out that he had been to the US quite often, so he had learned a lot over the years).
When I got back to my house, I walked him inside. My friends and my man were all sitting in the family room, waiting on us to get back. All the ladies and the funny boys had the same reaction I did at the airport. They just gawked at him. I introduced him to the crew, and then to my man. Then I showed him to the bathroom so that he could get changed and ready for some fun.
The rest of us went out back to join the festivities. The party was nice. The crowd was fairly young, but they were cool. Then...he walked outside in these fitted trunks. OMG! His presence commanded attention. His stride was confident and powerful. I was so glad that my man was sitting slightly in front of my so that he could not see the way that I was looking at that man. I took in every muscle, every ripple. He came and sat down with the rest of us and I had to take a deep breath. All eyes were on him as he walked to join the rest of us. By then, I am sure there was not a pair of dry panties in the room...
That man is beautiful. He's smart. He smells wonderful...My heart races when he smiles at me...and when he speaks to me, I have to try to keep my composure. But it's not the same feeling that I get when I see my man. He just makes me nervous for some reason. I don't think it's an attraction, but I don't know what it is...
The music was playing, and everyone was having a good time. He fit in just fine. My man got up and started to dance...Then he turned and looked at me, smiling. He grabbed my hand, and I hesitantly got up to join him. We clowned for a while, entertaining the guest with our sultry dancing, and then we went back to sit down. As I was walking back to my seat, I could see him looking at me and smiling. He complimented us on our moves, then he walked over to the pool and dove in. Everyone watched his every move (including me)...
My man began to notice the way I was watching him. Every time I was looking at him, my man was looking at me...But I couldn't help it. I was drawn in like a magnet...
After the party, I offered to lead him back to his hotel. My man left Diva and Softspoken to watch the house. This time, he came with me. He was jealous, but he was trying so hard not to show it, but we all picked up on it...It was kinda cute. He was on my heels for the rest of the evening. He went everywhere that I went...We left the hotel and headed back to my house.
My man didn't say anything during our ride back home. Neither did I.
After we finished cleaning up, we were off to bed. My man out did himself. What was he trying to prove? As I laid in his arms I said, " I might have been looking at him, but I am in love with you and only you. You are the only man that will forever have my heart and all that comes with it." He kissed me and held me tighter, and we drifted off to sleep. That was exactly what he needed...a little reassurance.
I worked with him again on Sunday. He looked just as good as he did on the first day. Perfectly chiseled body, highly intelligent, lovely accent, beautiful smile, and he smelled wonderful once again...but we kept it professional. The tension in the room was so thick you could have cut it with a knife...Still he stared, not saying a word...This time, I made eye contact, smiling at him...him smiling back. We ordered in for lunch and took a little more time to get to know each other. He is fairly interesting. After we finished up for the evening, he invited me to dinner and I had to turn him down. I couldn't put myself in a compromising situation. I went home to my man...
Since he really doesn't know anyone in town, I invited him to my family's cookout on Monday, that actually turned into a inside thing being that it rained all day. That is another post altogether!
I just know that the next few weeks will be an adventure of sorts, but I am in total control(for now)...I know my man loves me...I know how to draw the line between business and pleasure...I know that I have a job to ...I know what I have at home and have to let my love and my commitment help me to resist the temptation that I have ahead of me...
Isn't it hard to make a choice to do the right thing when in the back of your mind you want to do the wrong thing?
Don't you just want to tell that little voice to shut up sometimes?
He will be coming to work with me at my home in the next few minutes, and I have to try to get through yet another day of being close to the man...Pray for me!
At 9:23 AM,
Ladynay said…
Ummmmm yeah, give him my email addy would you? LOL
Guess we'll need to put some more pix of the man around the work area huh? LOL
Isn't it hard to make a choice to do the right thing when in the back of your mind you want to do the wrong thing?
Most the time! But you got this!
Don't you just want to tell that little voice to shut up sometimes?
That little voice will get you in trouble in a heartbeat!
At 9:41 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
He is sitting across from me right now. He brought me breakfast. This is going to be a long day, but it makes working so much easier...
At 9:49 AM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
Yeah, pass that email addy over here also! LOL...
Hey, you know yourself better than anyone. Of course you are attracted to him. Hell, a good looking man like that with all of those attributes (reminds me of myself....LOL) you would be crazy not to find him attractive. That doesn't make you anything but human. Just be careful! You know we don't judge here on bloggers (well, the haters do).
Like you said, don't put yourself in a position that you would have to question anything. Remember my post a few weeks back regarding the guy I work with? But ain't it good to have eye candy at work!!!! Whew!!!!!!
At 9:50 AM,
TTD said…
ooohhhh! i'm telling! lol... there's nothing wrong w/ looking.. just don't touch!
At 9:59 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@terrance...My only problem is being in close quarters with this man for hours at a time...The thought's that are running through my head right now have got to be a crime! LOL
@ttd...I'm not gonna touch him, but I am enjoying every minute of this...He is getting suspicious because I was laughing at your comment...
At 10:35 AM,
Shug said…
Mmm...there is nothing better than a good looking man! You should post a pic. Share that beauty with the blog world! LOL
I agree with everybody else. There is nothing wrong with looking. You're human. As long as you don't act on it, you should be fine. You love your man very much and you know what you would be losing if you did.
At 10:59 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...But temptation is a pwoerful thing! Whew, let me take a break for moment...I have got to go catch my breath...
At 11:07 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I always thought women were more discreet when checking people out. Well, at least that's what they always claim anyway.
Isn't it hard to make a choice to do the right thing when in the back of your mind you want to do the wrong thing?
It gets easier. Well, unlike Ladynay and Terrance, I don't want his e-mail address but if he has a little sister...LOL.
Don't you just want to tell that little voice to shut up sometimes?
Sometimes, but I usually talk to mine and listen to what the voice has to say. Even the bad ones are right sometimes.
At 11:10 AM,
Msnhim said…
Girl you are suppose to be attracted to him..... thats normal. I have faith in that you will keep it professional.... but theres nothing wrong with looking so go on girl!!!!
At 11:49 AM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
Good Lawd you are in a dillema! Just concentrate on work (yeah, right)! All I can say is that I am glad I am not in your situation! I would not know what the HELL to do! Well...........(evil giggle)
At 12:34 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...Sometimes you just have to look...
@msnhim...I'm looking, but I'm keeping my hands to myself...dang!
@terrance...So far, so good. We are about to leave the house for lunch...I need some air for real. I wish he would say or do something stupid...that would help...It's so cute when I use slang with him...He takes it literally...I have to keep reminding myself that he doesn't have a clue of what I'm talking about.
At 2:33 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...I see some ugly guys too, but none have been "post worthy" yet. I still have not decided to post pics just yet, but when I do, I'll have a serious back log....
At 2:37 PM,
Miz JJ said…
There is nothing wrong with looking or being attracted to another person. That's life. As long as you don't act on it. You know you have a good man so why risk it for something that just looks good.
At 2:48 PM,
Emotionalbrotha said…
God Damn.. (please don't take offense) Great post!
All I gots to say is wow!
Isn't it hard to make a choice to do the right thing when in the back of your mind you want to do the wrong thing?
Temptation will get you all the time.. remember the love u feel when ur man is holding u, that will get u through..
Don't you just want to tell that little voice to shut up sometimes?
I'm learning to comfort the voices and not telling them to shut up cause then they just get louder and more annoying...
oh yeah.. i want the e-mail addy also..lol..
At 2:49 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Girl how old is this man and how often does he come to the US and can we get a pic LOL..sike let me stop.
I think it's so hard to make the right choice when your body is saying on thing and your mind is saying another and you have to use your mind to overpower it.
That lil voice annoys me sometimes but it keeps me sane and on the right path as well..so talk on little voice LOL...i just ignore it sometimes
At 2:58 PM,
Newy said…
Like someone else said...looking don't getcha in trouble...but touchin will LOL great post..
At 4:58 PM,
deepnthought said…
Eye candy while working is always good.
At 6:35 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@miz jj...True...This I know for sure...
@emotional brotha...Wow is what I said in my head when I saw him.
@honey...He's 29, and he comes at least 4 times a year. He'll be coming more often until we get this product on the market.
@mznew...I want to touch though...that's the bad part. But I know better!
@deepnthought...Yes it is!
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