Don't Play...
If there is one thing I hate, and that's to be pranked. I can take a joke as well as the next person, but some people just go too far with the comedy.
With the slight decline in temperature, we have been outside a lot more than usual. My man and I are letting one of his brothers use my back yard to throw a party for his birthday Saturday. Then we will be attending a cookout at my aunt's house for Labor Day. I love getting together with my peeps, even though they can be a bit much at times...
We(my man, 2 of his brothers, and their lady friends) were sitting outside close to the pool, going over the 'particulars' for the party. They were already out there, and since I hate to sweat(unless it's necessary), I came out at the last possible second. I told him that he would have to control his friends and respect my space. I work too hard to have them wrecking my yard. I showed him the parts of the yard that were off limits. It's hard enough trying to grow grass in 100 plus degree temperatures without having people walk all over it. There will be no entering my house for any reason. My sun room is equipped with a bathroom(shower included), so there is no need for them to come into my spot. There is a small fridge outside, and I am lending him two coolers to store his drinks. I also have two tables that they can use for the food. He wants me to cook the food, so we are going to get it all tomorrow afternoon.
As we are walking the grounds(I say that like my yard is huge, but with the pool it's really not anymore...LOL), I see something that looks strange close to one of my bushes. I stop dead in my tracks. I am not one of those curious people who have to "check things out." When something looks wrong, I run the other way. My man noticed my hesitation and stops with me. His brother looks down and he's like"Oh snap!" He keeps walking towards it and reaches down and pulls it out. All I saw was something long, slender and lying on it's side, so you know I was out of there before you could blink twice. The two chics and one of my man's brothers was right on my heels. We were running and screaming for dear life.
My man's brother was falling on the ground laughing. I was in the house, looking at them through the French doors, trying to catch my breath. I saw my man yelling at his brother. My man came into the house and said, "Are you okay baby? It was a rubber snake. It wasn't real." His brother had put it out there. I didn't care. I wanted it out of my yard. It was his joke and he was the only one laughing.
Now that the initial shock was gone, I was pissed off. I detest snakes and I lose any trace of coherent thinking when they are in my presence. My man's brother came inside, minus the rubber snake of course, and both of his brothers let him have it. I didn't have to say a word...My man finished with, "Man sometimes you do the stupidest things. Let's just hope she'll still agree to let you have your party here." His brother turned and looked at me, and realized just how frightened I actually was. He apologized, and asked if I was okay. (WTH...I'm an asthmatic who had just had a big scare so HELL NAW, I wasn't alright!) I told him(and my man knows) that I don't operate like that. I don't do things out of spite, but to make that his First and LAST time playing with me. I'm a grown a** woman and I don't have time for pranks! I laid it on thick so he'd get the point.
Now this fool has me tipping around my own darn house, turning on lights and checking around corners. My man really feels like he is protecting me but truth be told, if a snake were to come out, I would leave him standing right there if he chose to stay...I love him but dang. He knows how to run! He's not afraid of them though... Every time i think of him and that darn toy snake I get mad all over again. What grown man in his right mind would pull some stupid mess like that. I hope the chic that was here with him was taking notes...
Don't you just hate it when grown a** people have those childish moments?
With the slight decline in temperature, we have been outside a lot more than usual. My man and I are letting one of his brothers use my back yard to throw a party for his birthday Saturday. Then we will be attending a cookout at my aunt's house for Labor Day. I love getting together with my peeps, even though they can be a bit much at times...
We(my man, 2 of his brothers, and their lady friends) were sitting outside close to the pool, going over the 'particulars' for the party. They were already out there, and since I hate to sweat(unless it's necessary), I came out at the last possible second. I told him that he would have to control his friends and respect my space. I work too hard to have them wrecking my yard. I showed him the parts of the yard that were off limits. It's hard enough trying to grow grass in 100 plus degree temperatures without having people walk all over it. There will be no entering my house for any reason. My sun room is equipped with a bathroom(shower included), so there is no need for them to come into my spot. There is a small fridge outside, and I am lending him two coolers to store his drinks. I also have two tables that they can use for the food. He wants me to cook the food, so we are going to get it all tomorrow afternoon.
As we are walking the grounds(I say that like my yard is huge, but with the pool it's really not anymore...LOL), I see something that looks strange close to one of my bushes. I stop dead in my tracks. I am not one of those curious people who have to "check things out." When something looks wrong, I run the other way. My man noticed my hesitation and stops with me. His brother looks down and he's like"Oh snap!" He keeps walking towards it and reaches down and pulls it out. All I saw was something long, slender and lying on it's side, so you know I was out of there before you could blink twice. The two chics and one of my man's brothers was right on my heels. We were running and screaming for dear life.
My man's brother was falling on the ground laughing. I was in the house, looking at them through the French doors, trying to catch my breath. I saw my man yelling at his brother. My man came into the house and said, "Are you okay baby? It was a rubber snake. It wasn't real." His brother had put it out there. I didn't care. I wanted it out of my yard. It was his joke and he was the only one laughing.
Now that the initial shock was gone, I was pissed off. I detest snakes and I lose any trace of coherent thinking when they are in my presence. My man's brother came inside, minus the rubber snake of course, and both of his brothers let him have it. I didn't have to say a word...My man finished with, "Man sometimes you do the stupidest things. Let's just hope she'll still agree to let you have your party here." His brother turned and looked at me, and realized just how frightened I actually was. He apologized, and asked if I was okay. (WTH...I'm an asthmatic who had just had a big scare so HELL NAW, I wasn't alright!) I told him(and my man knows) that I don't operate like that. I don't do things out of spite, but to make that his First and LAST time playing with me. I'm a grown a** woman and I don't have time for pranks! I laid it on thick so he'd get the point.
Now this fool has me tipping around my own darn house, turning on lights and checking around corners. My man really feels like he is protecting me but truth be told, if a snake were to come out, I would leave him standing right there if he chose to stay...I love him but dang. He knows how to run! He's not afraid of them though... Every time i think of him and that darn toy snake I get mad all over again. What grown man in his right mind would pull some stupid mess like that. I hope the chic that was here with him was taking notes...
Don't you just hate it when grown a** people have those childish moments?
At 8:03 AM,
TTD said…
yes i do! i think i grew up a little before my time b/c even when i was in school i hated that shit... i'm not always "dead serious" but pranks & other childish behavior just blows me
At 8:20 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I thought it was just me...I can't stand "playful" people. They irk me.
At 9:11 AM,
Enigma said…
That kind of prank to me is not childish it is down right mean. Most folks do not like rats, spiders, snakes - they are deathly afraid of them and that kind of fear can be intense. I do not play when it comes to those things either. Go away.
At 10:08 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@enigma...I'm still a little ticked off about the whole thing...butI just hope he learned not to play with me...
At 10:34 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
I hate when people play stupid pranks...if I knew you were afraid of snakes i wouldn't have done that now..I would have done something else just not that...I would have found out what he didn't like and put that junk in his bed...wake up to find yourself in a pile of fake blood wondering what happened to you
At 12:07 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
As long as it doesn't involve live things, can hurt me, or end up costing money to repair I can deal with a little pranking and take as well as I can give. Now if I tell you to stop or it involves one of those things I mentioned above then stay away from me and make sure you always have enough people around you to pull me off of you.
At 12:10 PM,
deepnthought said…
I am with you. I hate practical jokes, pranks, conflubbery, foolishness. I just dont like to be scared, and I cant stand snakes.
At 2:35 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...Revenge is sweet, but just not my style. I'll think of something though...
@southern, this is a different one.
@freaky...I just don't like it. Jokes are cool, but he was the the only one laughing in the end...It was just plain stupid!
@deepnthought...I get the "willies" just thinking about it.
At 2:35 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
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At 5:59 PM,
Ladynay said…
Awwwww luvin, maybe he didn't know you was that afraid of snakes...
But to answer your question, I actually like a childish moment every now and again as long as it's not overboard.
At 7:03 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...Girl, he knew...His brother alredy told him the story about the cabin incident...
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