Is it Monday Already?
Friday: Friday night was my night out with the girls. We had a great time, that's all I'll say. details. As the saying goes, What happens when the girl's are out, stays out!
Saturday: My man and I took my daughter and 2 of her friends to an Amusement Park. We had a blast! My daughter's dad and his fiance' came along as well. It was one big, awkward, happy, family. We had a good time, and the best part of it was, they took my child for another week. I love summertime! We went out Saturday night with a few of his co-workers and their wives/girlfriends. We had so much fun. I can tell that they get absolutely nothing done in the office by the stories they were telling us. We were laughing the whole time.
Sunday: We went to a function thrown by my friend Diva. It was linen party. Normally, Diva's functions are very classy. (Remember the Mother's Day Fashion show). Everyone was dressed to impress, I will say that..But it was a hot mess. I don't know who told my friend that he can sing, but he CAN'T. He opened up the evening singing a song that was definitely not in his vocal range ( I don't think there is a song out there in his vocal range). When he finished, there was dead silence. No applause, no Boos...just quiet. He was livid. We all just sat there like WTF was that? I was just happy it was over. I could see the rise in his attitude from that point on, and let's just say that the boy lived up to his name!
One of our Diva's friends sang a love ballad, and ripped it up. I was almost in tears by the time he finished. Tell me why Diva got mad. So mad that he really started trippin'. Yelling the caterer, being rude to his friends. Actually he had a reason to yell at the person catering the food. It was horrible. When Diva mentioned to the caterer that he was disappointed with the food, they started arguing so loud that they could be heard over the music and everything else going on in the party. The caterer had as much Diva-tude as my friend and he would not back down, and let's just say when you get too angry queens in one room, it's a disaster!
On another boy just has to accept that talent is something that you are born with. It can't be bought, sold, or bartered. Either you've got it or you don't...Let's just say that singing is not in his genes... Even though he was not nasty with me, I was not feeling the attitude, so my man and I left the party. We went to his house and changed clothes, then we went out on his bike for a few hours. I love to ride. The wind relaxes me and I feel free. We ended up back at his place. We played a couple of games of "Strip" Pool...It's funny how all of the games my man and I play end up with me naked and him begging for mercy. As he says all the time...everything is better when you're naked. He is such a freak...
See, that wasn't so bad. A lot of fun, with a little drama sprinkled in.
So how was your weekend?
Saturday: My man and I took my daughter and 2 of her friends to an Amusement Park. We had a blast! My daughter's dad and his fiance' came along as well. It was one big, awkward, happy, family. We had a good time, and the best part of it was, they took my child for another week. I love summertime! We went out Saturday night with a few of his co-workers and their wives/girlfriends. We had so much fun. I can tell that they get absolutely nothing done in the office by the stories they were telling us. We were laughing the whole time.
Sunday: We went to a function thrown by my friend Diva. It was linen party. Normally, Diva's functions are very classy. (Remember the Mother's Day Fashion show). Everyone was dressed to impress, I will say that..But it was a hot mess. I don't know who told my friend that he can sing, but he CAN'T. He opened up the evening singing a song that was definitely not in his vocal range ( I don't think there is a song out there in his vocal range). When he finished, there was dead silence. No applause, no Boos...just quiet. He was livid. We all just sat there like WTF was that? I was just happy it was over. I could see the rise in his attitude from that point on, and let's just say that the boy lived up to his name!
One of our Diva's friends sang a love ballad, and ripped it up. I was almost in tears by the time he finished. Tell me why Diva got mad. So mad that he really started trippin'. Yelling the caterer, being rude to his friends. Actually he had a reason to yell at the person catering the food. It was horrible. When Diva mentioned to the caterer that he was disappointed with the food, they started arguing so loud that they could be heard over the music and everything else going on in the party. The caterer had as much Diva-tude as my friend and he would not back down, and let's just say when you get too angry queens in one room, it's a disaster!
On another boy just has to accept that talent is something that you are born with. It can't be bought, sold, or bartered. Either you've got it or you don't...Let's just say that singing is not in his genes... Even though he was not nasty with me, I was not feeling the attitude, so my man and I left the party. We went to his house and changed clothes, then we went out on his bike for a few hours. I love to ride. The wind relaxes me and I feel free. We ended up back at his place. We played a couple of games of "Strip" Pool...It's funny how all of the games my man and I play end up with me naked and him begging for mercy. As he says all the time...everything is better when you're naked. He is such a freak...
See, that wasn't so bad. A lot of fun, with a little drama sprinkled in.
So how was your weekend?
At 8:30 AM,
Ladynay said…
Weekend wasn't nothing to write home about...
Everything is better when your naked 'specially when your with someone you want to get naked! LOL Your man is right!
At 8:39 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Me weekend wasn't anything to write home about either in a good or bad way. Can't really complain though so I'm okay with it.
At 8:41 AM,
TTD said…
weekend was good.. quiet & relaxing w/ a little parting thrown in
things are definitely more fun when you're naked!
At 8:44 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@Ladynay...Yes he is...
@Freaky...That's cool.
@TTD...Sounds like your weekend was cool as well...
At 9:10 AM,
Msnhim said…
Well I let my kids have a slumber party (6 girls between the agesof 6-12) I'll never to that again. LOL
There is nothing wrong with some Grown Up naked fun!!! Go girl!!!!!!
At 9:52 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@msnhim...I bet your nerves are shot...
At 9:47 PM,
@GaryTylone said…
My weekend was FANTASTIC !!! Y'all so the damn thing !
At 11:20 AM,
nikki said…
lmao@diva not being able to sing. it's even worse when you got non-singing folk doing the solo at a wedding. i'm like "this does not bode well for this marriage..."
my weekend was meh. did nothing. kinda wanted it that way.
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