Just Returning the Favor
I am spoiled...To the point of no return. But yesterday, I had a reality check. Over the past couple of weeks I have been doing little to nothing for myself. My man has done it all. I just posted yesterday about people taking advantage of good people, then I realized, I was the pot calling the kettle black...
I called him yesterday, and the first thing he said was, "Is everything okay babe? You need me to stop and do something on my way to your house?" I felt terrible. Did he think the only reason I call him is when I need something? So in turn I said, "No babe, I was calling to see if you needed me"...and he replied..."Always."
So I went out and got all of his favorite things to eat...including cheesecake. I pulled out all of his favorite movies and music. I cooked dinner, lit some candles, and dolled myself up, taking extra time to lift here and tuck there, and set the table for two. I set up a little treasure hunt, and I was the prize at the end. My outfit left little for the imagination, and he was pleased. It was a lot of fun.
He came straight over after work. His eyes lit up when he saw all the trouble that I had gone through for him. We ate, and then he took a shower.
He got out dripping wet, and showed me how much he apprieciated what I had done. He showed me over and over again, all over the house... I love that man!
I'm not done yet. I plan to show him how much I love him all weekend...I have a few more freaky things planned...
Are you into role-playing during sex?
What types of things do you do to spice up your sexual experiences?
I called him yesterday, and the first thing he said was, "Is everything okay babe? You need me to stop and do something on my way to your house?" I felt terrible. Did he think the only reason I call him is when I need something? So in turn I said, "No babe, I was calling to see if you needed me"...and he replied..."Always."
So I went out and got all of his favorite things to eat...including cheesecake. I pulled out all of his favorite movies and music. I cooked dinner, lit some candles, and dolled myself up, taking extra time to lift here and tuck there, and set the table for two. I set up a little treasure hunt, and I was the prize at the end. My outfit left little for the imagination, and he was pleased. It was a lot of fun.
He came straight over after work. His eyes lit up when he saw all the trouble that I had gone through for him. We ate, and then he took a shower.
He got out dripping wet, and showed me how much he apprieciated what I had done. He showed me over and over again, all over the house... I love that man!
I'm not done yet. I plan to show him how much I love him all weekend...I have a few more freaky things planned...
Are you into role-playing during sex?
What types of things do you do to spice up your sexual experiences?
At 8:22 AM,
TTD said…
that was nice of you.. im sure he really appreciated it.. role playing?? sure.. why not ;-)
At 9:15 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...He was a happy camper...
At 9:49 AM,
Miz JJ said…
Roll playing can be fun and it's a good way to spice up the routine because as hot as sex can be after awhile it can get dull.
At 11:08 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I was into role playing before I knew what it was called and before I actually had sex, so that's a yes.
At 11:14 AM,
nikki said…
that was a great idea! you're like the perfect girlfriend. i hope my future boyfriend doesn't find your blog, otherwise i'm done for.
as for role playing...i love it. one time me and my boyfriend decided to meet up at a spot in town, pretending we were meeting each other for the first time. it was amazing. you know how it is when you first meet someone you're interested in. it's like magic all over again.
and this time, he got to get some from a sister he'd just 'met'.
At 11:22 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mzjj...Yep. Role playing works wonders...
@southern girk...Okay.
@freay...I already knew you had it down!
@nikki...Not perfect...but I try to keep up with him. I act on his moods. When he doesn't feel like being bothered, I curl on the couch with a book. When he needs affection, I give it to him. When he wants to roll with his boys, I chill with my girls. We just work well together.
At 11:59 AM,
Mrs A. said…
oooh, role playing is the best...strip club, naughty chef, sweet helpless princess.....loads and loads of fun!!!!!!!!! WHOOPEE!!!!!!!
At 1:03 PM,
Ladynay said…
That's what I'm talking about girl! Do your thing!
Am I into role playing...yep! I've spiced things up by doing something different or opening my mind alittle bit more...
"oh baby have you tried the spin on your head move?" LOL Nah but just trying differnt things....
At 2:16 PM,
Msnhim said…
Are you into role-playing during sex?
Absolutely!!!! My husband and I do this quite often
What types of things do you do to spice up your sexual experiences?
I've done the dinner and candles as well as picnics on our balcony
At 2:21 PM,
The Sarccastik Variable Why said…
way to go....sounds like it was nice...
At 2:45 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@miss a...Fun indeed!
@ladynay...I almost broke my neck trying new things, but yet I still keep doing it.
@msnhim...picnics are fun too.
@sarccastik...It was...
At 5:16 AM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
You just made me feel bad because I also have a tendency to take advantage of my man. I don't always ackowledge all the little things he does for me so I'm going to do something nice for him also.
At 7:17 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@G...You imagaination is something else...
@trina...That's really good...
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