Not Today!
It's a conspiracy. I think everyone I know with issues got a memo that I was getting pampered yesterday. They think I'm crazy, but no Ms. Luvin's not crazy, she just does what she has to do to take care of herself. I have had a lot of drama going on in the background that I haven't been blogging about, but believe me, it's there.
After being pampered all afternoon, I was in no mood for other people's s***. So to make a long story short, the thought for the day was, I don't care today!
I am a giving friend...Always giving of myself freely, but yesterday I was just not feeling it. My friend with the girl and the boy toy came by my house yesterday, and was trying to tell me about how his situation was working out, and you know what I said...I don't care today! Not with attitude. Just simple words. I was so relaxed and at peace with myself that I refused to allow any negative energy into my space. He gave me a look of both shock and disgust. He tried to start a little something with me. I was not going to let that happen. As he ranted and raved, I just looked at him and continued to chant, I don't care, I don't care,! It felt so good to say those words, because that is one thing that I never say to my friends. I am always the listening ear and the shoulder to lean on. But, yesterday was just not the day! I was enjoying my man and nothing was going to get in the way of that. He took his sob story and exited as fast as he entered. One down, many more to go....
Soon after he left, my cousin called. She needed a babysitter. She started telling me about how her mother had told her she would keep them, but then she changed her mind. This is how the rest of the conversation went...
Cousin: Hey Girl.
Me(In the driest tone I could muster) : What's up?
Cousin: Don't sound so happy when you talk to me .
Me(annoyed because I knew she was beating around the bush) :Okay
Cousin:What's wrong with you?
Me: Nothing. Just enjoying my day without my child (hint...hint)
Cousin: Oh, I didn't know she wasn't' there.
Me: Yep. She's with her dad.
Cousin: Well, since you are not doing anything can you watch my kids for me for a couple of hours?
Me ( in no mood to debate the fact that just because my child was gone, that she felt I had nothing to do for myself....just selfish I tell you): No, not today?
Cousin: (Whining) You know I don't have anybody else.
Me: Sorry, no can do.
Cousin: Fine, I'll just have toy change my plans.
Me: Okay girl, I'll talk to you later.
Cousin: I can't believe you are going to do me like this.
Me (the words finally came): I don't care.
Cousin(sitting on the phone for a moment in stunned silence): Okay.
...And that was the end of that.
Then came Diva...
To sum it all up, his friend is acting up and he wanted some advice. But once again, I had to give him the brush off. I wasn't as harsh with him though. I just told him that I was taking a day off from drama and spending time with my man. He looked at both of us. He was pissed because I didn't want to hear what he had to say. It's not that I didn't want to hear him out. It's just that I wanted him to come back another day....Now if you walk in the house, and you see atwo people walking around in their robes late in the afternoon with candles burning, and music playing, don't sit down, don't ask questions, just get the heck out of there. By the way we were looking you could tell that we either had just finished doing something and we were working on something else, or something was about to go down. Either way, we were trying to get him out of there. I just politely told him that I would call him later, and he left. He was angry, but guess what, I didn't care.
One of my man's brothers stopped by... And YES he is almost as fine as my man. They look just alike. He had been calling my man, but had the phones turned off. My man's bougie mother had sent his brother to look for him. My man didn't leave to go see her or call her because it wasn't an emergency. She just wanted to talk to him because she hadn't talked to him all day. He told his brother to tell his mom that he would call her tomorrow. His brother sighted. I know she is going to be ticked off. she always is when it comes to me. I am the ONLY person that he will put his mother on hold for. He left, and my man's mom called a few times during the course of the evening, but we didn't answer. I'm sure she'll have a few choice words for both of us, and believe me, I'll have a little something waiting on her too. I have to stand my ground with her now, before I am in the family! I don't disrespect her, I just tell her how I feel and move on.
We got a couple more visits, but I didn't answer the door...they'll all come back with their problems later... The doctor was OUT yesterday!
This morning, I am relaxed, and I feel great. I am sure they will all be little salty about my attitude yesterday, but they have to learn that MY time is MY time, and now that I am in a relationship, when he requires my time, he comes first( other than my child of course). I am not giving out any explanations as to why I behaved the way I did. I don't think it's necessary. I'll just hear to what they have to say, give me two cents, and send them on their way. Hearing what they say, but not really listening to it all. Today I am like a rubber ball. I'm not allowing any negativity to permeate my brain. I'm sure the responses from my friends will be another post all together.
Don't you hate it when people take your kindness for weakness?
Don't you hate it when people are selfish and feel like you should always be there for them, despite the fact that they are rarely any help to you in your time of need?
Don't you just love taking the time to say, I don't care?
After being pampered all afternoon, I was in no mood for other people's s***. So to make a long story short, the thought for the day was, I don't care today!
I am a giving friend...Always giving of myself freely, but yesterday I was just not feeling it. My friend with the girl and the boy toy came by my house yesterday, and was trying to tell me about how his situation was working out, and you know what I said...I don't care today! Not with attitude. Just simple words. I was so relaxed and at peace with myself that I refused to allow any negative energy into my space. He gave me a look of both shock and disgust. He tried to start a little something with me. I was not going to let that happen. As he ranted and raved, I just looked at him and continued to chant, I don't care, I don't care,! It felt so good to say those words, because that is one thing that I never say to my friends. I am always the listening ear and the shoulder to lean on. But, yesterday was just not the day! I was enjoying my man and nothing was going to get in the way of that. He took his sob story and exited as fast as he entered. One down, many more to go....
Soon after he left, my cousin called. She needed a babysitter. She started telling me about how her mother had told her she would keep them, but then she changed her mind. This is how the rest of the conversation went...
Cousin: Hey Girl.
Me(In the driest tone I could muster) : What's up?
Cousin: Don't sound so happy when you talk to me .
Me(annoyed because I knew she was beating around the bush) :Okay
Cousin:What's wrong with you?
Me: Nothing. Just enjoying my day without my child (hint...hint)
Cousin: Oh, I didn't know she wasn't' there.
Me: Yep. She's with her dad.
Cousin: Well, since you are not doing anything can you watch my kids for me for a couple of hours?
Me ( in no mood to debate the fact that just because my child was gone, that she felt I had nothing to do for myself....just selfish I tell you): No, not today?
Cousin: (Whining) You know I don't have anybody else.
Me: Sorry, no can do.
Cousin: Fine, I'll just have toy change my plans.
Me: Okay girl, I'll talk to you later.
Cousin: I can't believe you are going to do me like this.
Me (the words finally came): I don't care.
Cousin(sitting on the phone for a moment in stunned silence): Okay.
...And that was the end of that.
Then came Diva...
To sum it all up, his friend is acting up and he wanted some advice. But once again, I had to give him the brush off. I wasn't as harsh with him though. I just told him that I was taking a day off from drama and spending time with my man. He looked at both of us. He was pissed because I didn't want to hear what he had to say. It's not that I didn't want to hear him out. It's just that I wanted him to come back another day....Now if you walk in the house, and you see atwo people walking around in their robes late in the afternoon with candles burning, and music playing, don't sit down, don't ask questions, just get the heck out of there. By the way we were looking you could tell that we either had just finished doing something and we were working on something else, or something was about to go down. Either way, we were trying to get him out of there. I just politely told him that I would call him later, and he left. He was angry, but guess what, I didn't care.
One of my man's brothers stopped by... And YES he is almost as fine as my man. They look just alike. He had been calling my man, but had the phones turned off. My man's bougie mother had sent his brother to look for him. My man didn't leave to go see her or call her because it wasn't an emergency. She just wanted to talk to him because she hadn't talked to him all day. He told his brother to tell his mom that he would call her tomorrow. His brother sighted. I know she is going to be ticked off. she always is when it comes to me. I am the ONLY person that he will put his mother on hold for. He left, and my man's mom called a few times during the course of the evening, but we didn't answer. I'm sure she'll have a few choice words for both of us, and believe me, I'll have a little something waiting on her too. I have to stand my ground with her now, before I am in the family! I don't disrespect her, I just tell her how I feel and move on.
We got a couple more visits, but I didn't answer the door...they'll all come back with their problems later... The doctor was OUT yesterday!
This morning, I am relaxed, and I feel great. I am sure they will all be little salty about my attitude yesterday, but they have to learn that MY time is MY time, and now that I am in a relationship, when he requires my time, he comes first( other than my child of course). I am not giving out any explanations as to why I behaved the way I did. I don't think it's necessary. I'll just hear to what they have to say, give me two cents, and send them on their way. Hearing what they say, but not really listening to it all. Today I am like a rubber ball. I'm not allowing any negativity to permeate my brain. I'm sure the responses from my friends will be another post all together.
Don't you hate it when people take your kindness for weakness?
Don't you hate it when people are selfish and feel like you should always be there for them, despite the fact that they are rarely any help to you in your time of need?
Don't you just love taking the time to say, I don't care?
At 9:22 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
I can't believe people just come to your house with issues like that...I'm glad I live out of the way for everybody and have a terrible schedule and a secured gate...
At 9:29 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@valentino...I live in a gated community but it doesn't seem to help. Most of my friends are registered at the gate so they have little trouble getting in. We are thinking of moving further out though...after we get married.
At 9:34 AM,
TTD said…
you see the title of my blog, right? sometimes you have to be that way! so your future-mother-n-law has a problem w/ you? or is just that she doesnt like that her son puts you before her?
At 9:56 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I don't think the problem is with me. She has been the number one woman in her son's life up until this point. Now she has to let that go...Oh well...
At 11:22 AM,
Ladynay said…
You never put a significant other before blood, so be careful with that. I know to you it may mean that your #1 and shows again how much he loves you, just be careful.
I am mad they can just come over without calling! I mean really! The next time you and your man plan in advance to take some time. Send out a memo letting folks know that you will not be around from A to B and not to come around and/or call unless it involves my child or it's life threating...then if its life threating they need to call 911!
Don't you hate it when people take your kindness for weakness?
Simply put yes...
Don't you hate it when people are selfish and feel like you should always be there for them, despite the fact that they are rarely any help to you in your time of need?
I could preach on this question..
Don't you just love taking the time to say, I don't care?
I equate this to my "f it" mode so yeah I like it! LOL
At 11:44 AM,
Msnhim said…
Don't you hate it when people take your kindness for weakness?
Yes, Unfortunately all the time
Don't you hate it when people are selfish and feel like you should always be there for them, despite the fact that they are rarely any help to you in your time of need?
Yes but the mistake is ours cause we are alwayss there for them
Don't you just love taking the time to say, I don't care?
HELL YES!!!!! Im starting to do it more often
At 11:50 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
Its funny cause when you need a day to chill and relax people get mad. I'm glad you had a nice day chillin and being pampered that's always lovely. People can save their troubles for another day. Take a day off from drama lol
At 12:49 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
You are a much more patient person than I am because you talked to or let the first few in. People need to know that having a problem is different than an emergency. I bet they will be salty with you but f***'em. You're entitled to a stress free day with your man doing whatever or absolutely nothing at all.
If they can't accept that then they're not very friends at all. It seems like both of you would have their back if it was truly an emergency despite your plans.
Don't you hate it when people take your kindness for weakness?
Of course. I don't like having to be cold, hard, or mean to people. I like to be loved and appreciated. I shouldn't have to stop being kind but some people will abuse you seven ways to Sunday unless you shut them down.
Don't you hate it when people are selfish and feel like you should always be there for them, despite the fact that they are rarely any help to you in your time of need?
Once I figure that out if I want to try to save the friendship then I tell them about and try to help them work on not being that way. Otherwise, I just purge them.
Don't you just love taking the time to say, I don't care?
Yep, I really do.
At 2:07 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...It's not so much as putting me before her, she just can't run MY house and hers too. He had to take a stand. Believe me, I am leaving out some major details, but this woman really needed a reality check.
@msnhim...I don't care has now become a part of my vocab... true...
@freaky...Yes, I am patient...Too patient at times. I have started today in the same mode...If they can't deal with it...tough!
At 6:34 PM,
Nika Laqui said…
How you look keepin somebody else kids while your child is gone, you on a vacation...I know I am...
At 11:33 PM,
Superstar Nic said…
I've always felt that people take my kindness for weakness. On a few occassions I've had to prove that I wasn't a weakling and shocked a few people.
At 7:26 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@nsane...I don't even know how she fixed her mouth to say it...I couldn't do anything but laugh.
@nic...I know what you mean.
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