Who Are They?
People often say to me...You know what they say? Could someone please tell me who they are and how they became experts on everything in life?
I'm glad I don't listen to what they say. If it were up to them, I'd be a lonely, bitter woman.
Who do you think they are? Your friends...family...society as a whole? I need a little help with this one.
The s*** finally hit the fan with my friend who has the girlfriend and he has a boy toy on the side. He went with us to Jamaica, and he decided at the last minute that he wanted to take his girl with him, which cost him a pretty penny! His boy toy really wanted to go so he was very upset when he found out. My friend lives with his girlfriend. Tell me why his boy toy showed up at their doorstep while my friend was at work? He didn't tell her what was up, but she has her suspicions. She called him all day at work so he didn't go home. Now my friend is going crazy because he is going to lose him woman. Why can't he just tell he the truth and get it over with. I wouldn't be so stressed about someone else's situation but, when things go down for my friends, they always run to me. He stayed at my house last night to get away from both of them. His girl thinks he is with his boy toy and vice versa. This mess has gotten out of hand. I love my friend to death, and I am scared for him. You can't play with people's hearts. I hope he fixes this mess before it gets too crazy...and I wish he would get this craziness away from me!
Who do you think will be hurt the most because of this situation? Why do you think so?
I'm glad I don't listen to what they say. If it were up to them, I'd be a lonely, bitter woman.
Who do you think they are? Your friends...family...society as a whole? I need a little help with this one.
The s*** finally hit the fan with my friend who has the girlfriend and he has a boy toy on the side. He went with us to Jamaica, and he decided at the last minute that he wanted to take his girl with him, which cost him a pretty penny! His boy toy really wanted to go so he was very upset when he found out. My friend lives with his girlfriend. Tell me why his boy toy showed up at their doorstep while my friend was at work? He didn't tell her what was up, but she has her suspicions. She called him all day at work so he didn't go home. Now my friend is going crazy because he is going to lose him woman. Why can't he just tell he the truth and get it over with. I wouldn't be so stressed about someone else's situation but, when things go down for my friends, they always run to me. He stayed at my house last night to get away from both of them. His girl thinks he is with his boy toy and vice versa. This mess has gotten out of hand. I love my friend to death, and I am scared for him. You can't play with people's hearts. I hope he fixes this mess before it gets too crazy...and I wish he would get this craziness away from me!
Who do you think will be hurt the most because of this situation? Why do you think so?
At 8:04 AM,
nikki said…
aiight...let me get this straight. ya friend is banging both a man AND a woman? does she suspect he's sleeping with a man or a woman?
i ask because i think a sista's gonna be more upset if her man slept with another man, primarily because she'll see it as him rejecting her entire gender instead of just her. she might think she was used for appearances sake and that the entire relationship was a lie to cover up his true attraction to men.
so i think she'd be the most hurt. i mean, the boy toy must have been aiight with the situation because he was willing to go along with it.
At 8:13 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@nikki...Yes he is. At first, I think she suspected that it was a woman, but after his boy toy's surprise visit, she knows better.
The boy toy thinks that he will leave the woman for him, but now, my friend would rather stay with her so that's where the problem is coming in. The guy is upset because my friend went back on his descision to leave his woman. So now the whole thing has gotten out of hand!
At 8:14 AM,
Newy said…
I agree with Nikki...she is going to me most hurt because she was clueless all along...boy toy knew the deal. I say he needs to leave them BOTH alone. Get his mind right...get his heart right...work on himself...be comfortable with who he is before dragging anyone else into his mess.
At 8:24 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
At 8:54 AM,
Ladynay said…
I think the girlfriend will be in the most pain because she was the only one in the dark. The other 2 knew the game and all the players.
I agree with MzN, he needs to leave them both alone and get himself together cuz he is confused and it's only gonna make things worse....
The craziness will stay around you as long as he is at your house.....
At 8:59 AM,
nikki said…
ya boy needs to leave 'em both alone until he can figure which one he wants to be with over the long haul (and it might not be either of them.)
i won't say he has to choose one gender over the other. i'm sure he thinks he's bi-sexual or 'hetero with a small attraction for this one man in particular'.
either way, neither one of the folk he's messing with deserve to have to deal with his indecision.
At 9:17 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...He's already gone!
@nikki...I just hope he gets it together soon before one of them goes crazy on him!
At 9:31 AM,
TTD said…
i think ur friend is going to get hurt in the end.. i think both will probably walk away from him to save themselves from being hurt..
and who the hell know's who 'they' are.. i never listen to them anyways..
At 9:33 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd..."They" get on d*** nerves!
At 10:09 AM,
Miz JJ said…
The woman is going to the most hurt. She thinks she is in a committed relationship with someone and he's cheating...with a dude. I am sorry to say, but your friend is a coward. If my man didn't come home one night that would be fine by me because his ass wouldn't need to come ever again. I'd change the locks and his shit would be outside. Fuck.That. Be a man about yours. If shit hits the fan deal with the consequences like a man. Don't go running to your girls house to hide out.
At 10:33 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@MZjj...Don't be sorry...That's what blogs are about. Just telling it like it is!
@echo...Thank You for stopping by!
At 10:59 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I know you said he was already gone from your house but I agree with Ladynay. The craziness will be around you as long as you allow it to sleep over and come around you.
The woman is obviously going to be hurt the most. I don't think it's because of how women love or even the fact that her man is cheating on her with another dude. She'll get over that. Why she'll be the one most hurt is because her man betrayed her and is too stupid and too much of a coward to tell her what he did wrong. His lover is hurt that your friend changed his mind so is now trying to get back at him by hurting the girlfriend. The hurt will be made that much more painful because she's being told my the vindictive lover instead of the person who she loved and trusted.
I could tell you who they are but they are watching and they definitely wouldn't be happy about being revealed.
Have a nice weekend.
At 11:02 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@G...You and that gun...
@Freaky...I'm glad you know who they are because I have no clue...
At 12:44 PM,
@GaryTylone said…
I think the woman might hurt more because she will blame herself completely...thinking she wasn't "woman" enough to keep her man, she didn't " put it on him" right ( you know some women think all it takes is some good twat)...but I'm sure homeboy will be deeply hurt as well.
At 2:19 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@valentino...It takes alot more than that...That might GET him but it won't KEEP him.
At 3:30 PM,
Omar Ramon said…
oh goodness i'm gone for a lil while and here we go! I shoulda know the action wouldn't stop in your life. . Let me go catch up.
Ya boy is wrong for having more than one person, period. The one he was with the longest will be upset the most...they've shared the most together, more than likely. Although if either doesn't know about the other then they will both be devastated. Especially if neither are ware of the bisexuality.
It is crushing to find out that your mate is dealing with someone of a different sex than yourself whether you're a man or a woman. Either way..you can't comepete..the third party obviously has something you CAN'T offer. That hurts.
At 8:39 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@omar...I guess I never looked at it that way..
@sangroncito..I agree. I don't care which ONE he chooses, but it needs to be just ONE!
At 7:38 PM,
Abeni said…
I hope they man is hurt the most.All h eis doing is getting the best of both worlds and not being man enough to make a choice.Both should leave him
At 6:48 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@abeni...I guess you're right...
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