100 Posts...
Happy Juneteenth!
Jamaica was fun...Too much fun. I had the time of my life. I needed that vacation badly. After we got back home on Friday, we left going to a little town where a lot of my man's relatives live. They party big for Juneteenth weekend. For those non-Texans, Juneteenth( June 19th, which is actually today) is the day that the slaves in Texas were set free. So blacks down here do it big for that weekend. Friday, we visited my man's family. They were such nice people. On Saturday, there was a parade, a big cookout, and a Biker's dance. On Sunday, there was this huge family festival. We had a good time. Oh yeah, did I mention that my man has a sportsbike. He has been riding about 6 years now and is dangerous with the tricks. He looks so sexy when he rides. I enjoy riding with him. There's nothing like the feeling you get when you ride. It's a freedom that you can't get in a car. I'm too chicken to get a bike for myself, but I enjoy riding with him...
Today marks my 100th post!
Instead of reflecting on the past, I'll look towards the future. This blog has helped me release so many of my frustrations and share so much of my joy with other people. It has been an enjoyable experience thus far.
Shout out to ALL of those who comment on my blog regularly...Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
So instead of telling you about my favorite posts, I'll ask you, what were some of your favorite moments in the life of Luvin Me? It wouldn't be right if I didn't ask a question....
Jamaica was fun...Too much fun. I had the time of my life. I needed that vacation badly. After we got back home on Friday, we left going to a little town where a lot of my man's relatives live. They party big for Juneteenth weekend. For those non-Texans, Juneteenth( June 19th, which is actually today) is the day that the slaves in Texas were set free. So blacks down here do it big for that weekend. Friday, we visited my man's family. They were such nice people. On Saturday, there was a parade, a big cookout, and a Biker's dance. On Sunday, there was this huge family festival. We had a good time. Oh yeah, did I mention that my man has a sportsbike. He has been riding about 6 years now and is dangerous with the tricks. He looks so sexy when he rides. I enjoy riding with him. There's nothing like the feeling you get when you ride. It's a freedom that you can't get in a car. I'm too chicken to get a bike for myself, but I enjoy riding with him...
Today marks my 100th post!
Instead of reflecting on the past, I'll look towards the future. This blog has helped me release so many of my frustrations and share so much of my joy with other people. It has been an enjoyable experience thus far.
Shout out to ALL of those who comment on my blog regularly...Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
So instead of telling you about my favorite posts, I'll ask you, what were some of your favorite moments in the life of Luvin Me? It wouldn't be right if I didn't ask a question....
At 8:00 AM,
Ladynay said…
100 already? Wow!
I are a GOOD one to ride a bike period! I do love to look at bikes and watch them do tricks, but never ever ever ever will you see me riding one on my own or with an experienced person!
Glad you and the future inlaws had a good time.
The first post that came to mind regarding your past posts is the one were you stomped on your man's ex for coming in your house and disrespecting! How can you forget a story like that! LOL
At 8:18 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...Dang, I did that! LOL Well, it did the trick. We haven't heard from her since then...
At 8:57 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
Happy 100th !!!!! There's a dude at my job that rides a bike....yum. That post about homegirl that kept popping up everywhere like a psycho...oooo and the one about why you love your man..
At 8:59 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@valentino...I have a couple of weird things coming up in the near future as well...
I do LOVE that man!
At 9:32 AM,
Newy said…
Happy 100th...I have to agree with Nay...That beatahodown post is my fav LOL
At 10:40 AM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
That's what's sup!! 100 posts! I need to step up my game a little more! How long did it take you to get to that point?
You know I am a life-long fan of your blog. It is one of my favorite. I love the way you open up and share yourself with us. I really feel like we have been friends forever based on your blogs. My favorite HAS to be when you had to whip that bitch ass that tried to have your man at the cookout. Lady, that was TOO funny!!!!
Much, much luv to you and look forward to 100 more posts!!!
At 11:28 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mznew...I had to get her!
@G...If they get too close, they're just crusin' for a brusin'!
@terrance...You are one of my faves too! It took about months to get this thing going. Dang, I didn't realize that I was fighting so much! Thank goodness for Anger Managment. I haven't had a fight since I started the process...but never say never.
At 11:41 AM,
TTD said…
Happy 100th! Glad Jamaica was fun. Bikes are great for riding... but not driving.. too chicken!!
I cant think of a post that i like the best..i enjoy reading them all! you're the 1st blog i read EVERY morning.. you stories are see detailed & well-told... i feel like i know you.. especially since we have sooo much in common... you're me like 10 years from now :-)
At 12:30 PM,
nikki said…
congrats on making it to 100 posts! that's a major accomplishment.
one of my favorite moments is when you were talking about your man's ex. i was right there with you waiting for the cue to kick her ass. LOL
At 12:40 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd.>.Thank you, and yes, I'm a chicken!
@nikki...Thank you, and yes, she was a mess. That's all I can say about her!
@sangroncito...Glad you've enjoyed the ride!
At 1:14 PM,
Msnhim said…
Happy 100th
I going to go with the post you write about your man..... I can feel the love through the computer.
At 2:28 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@msnhim...I'm glad you enjoyed it...I was just writing what I felt.
@southern gal...That one was a bit crazy. I have more to come on that story though.
At 3:48 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
100 wow..congrats. Glad you had a nice time...I live riding on bikes I want one myself but of course that will come in later years haha.
I'd have to say the posts about your friend sayin that you were never there for her and you were always with your man...seems that she didn't recognize how much you had been there for her...she needed to check herself. I love the questions as well...although sometimes I'm not prepared to think that hard haha
At 7:24 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...Yep, my girl had a serious problem...Sorry to make you think so hard, but it's what i do!
At 6:16 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Happy belated 100th post!
At 6:28 AM,
Darbs said…
Happy 100th! Keep 'em comin'!
At 6:51 AM,
Abeni said…
I liked the one about why you love your man
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