I Miss Him Already...
My man had to fly out of town early this morning. He has a friend in need. His friend was in a really bad car accident last night, and they don't expect him to live. My man went to make sure that his friend's family didn't need anything. He stayed up most of the night pacing the floor. He wanted me to go but I thought it best to stay behind. I don't do well with tragedy...He will be back tonight.
I got up fairly early to drop him off at the airport. When I got home I found a card and a single calla lilly on my pillow. How did it get there? He must have put it there while I was in the shower. We were rushing to get to the airport so I didn't pay much attention to it at all.
It was a blank card that had only one line written in it. It said...Just in case I forgot to tell you before I left, I love you. I don't know why that made me cry so much. I hear those words from him all the time...
I went into the kitchen, to get me a glass of juice, and on the juice container I saw a note. It said, I knew you would come here. Just wanted to let you know that someone, somewhere is thinking of you.
I left the kitchen after I finished my juice and went to open the curtains on the windows and what do I see, a little note, just for me. It says, As you catch the morning rays, think of me, because I am thinking of you. I love the sunlight in the morning...I had to smile, he knows me so well...
I went into my office to find a note on my laptop that said, I knew you'd be here. Probably most of the day while I'm away. So as you work, email, and type away, know that someone is missing you today. I love you.
I can't help but smile for the rest of the day. All this time I was worried about him. About what he is going through. About how he is feeling, and the whole time, he was thinking of me...and you wonder why I love him so much...
Why do I love him...
Not only because he loves me, but because of the way he makes me feel.
I love the way he makes me laugh.
I love the way he can go from sweet to street in a matter of seconds if he needs to...
I love the time that he spends with me.
I love the patience that he has with me.
I love the fact that no matter where we are, he makes me feel like I am the only person in the room.
I love the way we get lost in each other, every time we are together.
I love the way he seems to know me better than I know myself.
I love the feel of his body. The way it makes me feel safe. The way it fits me perfectly in every way.
I love the 5 ct diamond bracelet that he bought me last week...just because. It is beautiful! I know that was a little vain, but I had to slip that one in.
When you have a man that showers you with love, attention, time, honesty, and gifts and great sex...It's hard not to miss him. It's not the accident that made him sentimental, he is like this ALL THE TIME. I love the fact that his love is consistent, and not just a fly by night fantasy...We do things differently. For example, we really don't celebrate Holidays like everyone else because we believe that the person you love should know that you love them everyday, not just one special day of the year. We celebrate with friends and family. We have chosen in the future to give gifts on everyday except the holiday. Now I'm not saying that me kid won't get gifts at Christmas. I'm just saying that she will know that she is loved year-round and not just have to wait for one special day to get what she wants. We are boycotting "commercial love" and reinventing "true love".
I'll have to plan something nice for him when he gets back. He'll need it for sure. I feel a little bad about not going with him, and supporting him in his time of need...We talked about it and he understands my reasoning, but I still can't help but wonder if I am giving as much as I am taking. I would never want to do that to him because he gives so much...We'll have to talk about that when he gets back...
Do the people you love know that you love them? When was the last time you told them?
I got up fairly early to drop him off at the airport. When I got home I found a card and a single calla lilly on my pillow. How did it get there? He must have put it there while I was in the shower. We were rushing to get to the airport so I didn't pay much attention to it at all.
It was a blank card that had only one line written in it. It said...Just in case I forgot to tell you before I left, I love you. I don't know why that made me cry so much. I hear those words from him all the time...
I went into the kitchen, to get me a glass of juice, and on the juice container I saw a note. It said, I knew you would come here. Just wanted to let you know that someone, somewhere is thinking of you.
I left the kitchen after I finished my juice and went to open the curtains on the windows and what do I see, a little note, just for me. It says, As you catch the morning rays, think of me, because I am thinking of you. I love the sunlight in the morning...I had to smile, he knows me so well...
I went into my office to find a note on my laptop that said, I knew you'd be here. Probably most of the day while I'm away. So as you work, email, and type away, know that someone is missing you today. I love you.
I can't help but smile for the rest of the day. All this time I was worried about him. About what he is going through. About how he is feeling, and the whole time, he was thinking of me...and you wonder why I love him so much...
Why do I love him...
Not only because he loves me, but because of the way he makes me feel.
I love the way he makes me laugh.
I love the way he can go from sweet to street in a matter of seconds if he needs to...
I love the time that he spends with me.
I love the patience that he has with me.
I love the fact that no matter where we are, he makes me feel like I am the only person in the room.
I love the way we get lost in each other, every time we are together.
I love the way he seems to know me better than I know myself.
I love the feel of his body. The way it makes me feel safe. The way it fits me perfectly in every way.
I love the 5 ct diamond bracelet that he bought me last week...just because. It is beautiful! I know that was a little vain, but I had to slip that one in.
When you have a man that showers you with love, attention, time, honesty, and gifts and great sex...It's hard not to miss him. It's not the accident that made him sentimental, he is like this ALL THE TIME. I love the fact that his love is consistent, and not just a fly by night fantasy...We do things differently. For example, we really don't celebrate Holidays like everyone else because we believe that the person you love should know that you love them everyday, not just one special day of the year. We celebrate with friends and family. We have chosen in the future to give gifts on everyday except the holiday. Now I'm not saying that me kid won't get gifts at Christmas. I'm just saying that she will know that she is loved year-round and not just have to wait for one special day to get what she wants. We are boycotting "commercial love" and reinventing "true love".
I'll have to plan something nice for him when he gets back. He'll need it for sure. I feel a little bad about not going with him, and supporting him in his time of need...We talked about it and he understands my reasoning, but I still can't help but wonder if I am giving as much as I am taking. I would never want to do that to him because he gives so much...We'll have to talk about that when he gets back...
Do the people you love know that you love them? When was the last time you told them?
At 8:15 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
Every since my grandmother passed a couple of years ago I make it a point to let those I love know that I love them
I loved this post girl...made me want to call my man up...if I had one LOL....I tell ya consistency something few men know anything about.
Yours is a blessing and I know you cherish it.....and we all know you'll show him when he returns LOL
At 8:16 AM,
TTD said…
i tell my mom & b/f everyday.. i tell my grandmother everytime i talk to her.. my friends know i love them by my actions..
i had a smile on my face when you were talking about the little notes he left.. you fiance is sooo sweet :-)
At 9:42 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...I guess there is always sunshine after the storm. After so many BS relationships, I finally have one that is worth preserving.
@ttd...He really is...He never ceases to amaze me.
At 10:08 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
Ohhhh I can't take it...where did he come from????Are there anymore??? lol..
At 10:35 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@valentino...yes, there are 5 of them...But none like him of course...
At 11:14 AM,
Ladynay said…
Let's try this again shall we...the only person that get told by my words on the daily is my daughter. Like TTD said, everyone knows by my actions how I feel about them.
Have a good time when your man comes home!
At 11:16 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...I strat feel a mushy when he's away...I'll try to have a good time!
At 11:43 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I believe they know I love them. I don't say it or hear it as often as I should. I hope that changes eventually.
At 11:55 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...You should let them know...It's crazy how three little words can change how you feel...
At 12:33 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...The more I think about him, the more I miss him...and he's coming right back.
At 1:03 PM,
Unknown said…
i made you cry?
you made me envious! oh my ... it is great to know you re loved and even better to experience. congrats on that!
those who are the most important know i love them. i try to tell them every chance i can get...
At 1:14 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@madosi...That's good to know. There is no other emotion like love...
At 1:30 PM,
Msnhim said…
My Kids and Husband Everyday but others, I let them know when it feels right
At 2:18 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@msnhim...At least you let them know.
At 2:18 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@msnhim...At least you let them know.
At 4:05 PM,
fuzzy said…
I believe the saying goes, "give me my flowers while I can smell them!" I've learned to try to show affection when I can
At 5:21 PM,
Darbs said…
We are boycotting "commercial love" and reinventing "true love"...LOVE THAT! Good for you...I agree with this wholeheartedly!
Wow...you truly are blessed with a wonderful man in your life...everyone deserves to be loved just like that!
And yes...I tell the people I love that I love them quite often. I am not cheap with affection in any way...but thanks for the reminder!
At 6:32 PM,
Nika Laqui said…
Well, I made the mistake of saying the L word, during a moment of passion, my dad says never tell a man that...and I say the same thing, no one is promised tommorow, so he says, just say I really care about you...and leave it at that...
But I tell my son everyday...
My sister, whenever I talk to her...
My dad, when I talk to him, my cousins, when I speak with them...
I call my mother and leave a message tellin her, although she's not my favorite person, but I still love her...
Girl, you almost made me cry, well yo man did, that was such a sweet gesture...I remember, when I used to make my BD lunch, I would write him a love letter, and then once he returned the gesture...
I love yall relationship...I hope to find a good man like that one day...I just hope I don't have to settle...
I've always boycotted commercial holidays...its just a gimmick to make money if you ask me...You won't catch me wrapped in holiday madness, people go crazy over holidays giving themselves unnecessary stress...
Everyday, should be cherished, because you never know what tommorow brings...
At 9:46 PM,
Dayne Avery said…
Why did your post get me a lil chocked up. That was too sweet and seemed like something out of a love story. Congrats on real love, its rare.
At 6:18 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@fuzzy...That's a good thing...
@darbs...Yes, everyone does deserve to be loved like that. He taught me how to love again...
@nsane...When my man first told me he loved me, I didn't respond...I had to make sure he meant what he said. He has been showing me his love since that say...
Holidays do cause stress...Glad I let that go...
@dayne...Rare, but yes it's real...
At 7:31 AM,
nikki said…
i tell them everyday.
after losing my dad at a very young age, i am always fearful of my loved ones leaving here without hearing those words from me at least once in the previous 24 hours.
At 7:58 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@nikki...It's good they know...
At 9:17 PM,
Abeni said…
I say it all the time to the people I really care about.
At 7:25 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@abeni...It's good they know...
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