He's Back
He's back, but his friend didn't make it, so he is a little down . Most of my day will be spent with him. Giving him the opportunity to vent, or just holding him giving him the silent support that he has grown to love. He doesn't talk much when he's down, but I can tell by his movements exactly what he needs. When he lies on his back with one arm behind his head and the other resting on his chest, he just needs some time alone. He won't say it, but I just know. I know when he wants to be held, even when he is hungry...I know when he needs me. He tries to be a man and support me all the time, but I have to show him what being in love is all about. It's give and take. Right now he needs me, and I am there for him, in any way he needs me. He still hasn't slept much, which has me a little worried. I finally got him to eat something though, so that's a start.
Just when everything was going perfectly...All of sudden he has baby fever. I don't know if it's the weather or what, but he has been talking about it a lot lately. Now with his friend's passing, he keeps talking about how his friend didn't get the chance to leave his legacy on the world. We agreed that we would be married at least 3 years before we started thinking about a baby, but he is trying to change the plan...What to do? What to do? I love kids, I really do, but starting all over? I don't know if I can handle that type of pressure right now. Of course when I have the kid, he wants me to be a housewife. Not that I wouldn't mind being home all day while my man takes care of me, but the late night crying, feeding, changing...I don't miss it one bit. I also love the thought of making my own money. We are getting married in a couple of months, so I still have a little time to think. He can talk me into a lot of things but that is one thing that I refuse to be talked into. I'm the one who will have to have the child, quit my job, and put everything on hold...He says that we have the ideal household for a child to develop into a happy, healthy individual. I agree, but am I ready? I love him, but I can't help but be a little selfish on this one...
So, what do you think? Would you do it?
Just when everything was going perfectly...All of sudden he has baby fever. I don't know if it's the weather or what, but he has been talking about it a lot lately. Now with his friend's passing, he keeps talking about how his friend didn't get the chance to leave his legacy on the world. We agreed that we would be married at least 3 years before we started thinking about a baby, but he is trying to change the plan...What to do? What to do? I love kids, I really do, but starting all over? I don't know if I can handle that type of pressure right now. Of course when I have the kid, he wants me to be a housewife. Not that I wouldn't mind being home all day while my man takes care of me, but the late night crying, feeding, changing...I don't miss it one bit. I also love the thought of making my own money. We are getting married in a couple of months, so I still have a little time to think. He can talk me into a lot of things but that is one thing that I refuse to be talked into. I'm the one who will have to have the child, quit my job, and put everything on hold...He says that we have the ideal household for a child to develop into a happy, healthy individual. I agree, but am I ready? I love him, but I can't help but be a little selfish on this one...
So, what do you think? Would you do it?
At 7:12 AM,
TTD said…
i think i'd be selfish.. and technically, you are a house...fiance :-) you work from home! you could still do that & take care of the baby.. but if ur not ready.. than i'd make him wait.. if not the full 3 years, than at least 1.5 years..
At 7:30 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...One of the criteria for working from home is...If you have a small child they must be enrolled in daycare and attend on a regular basis. I am on a lot of tele-conferences and web conferences all day and my boss would blow a gasket if he heard a baby in the background!
1.5 years sounds good...
At 7:34 AM,
Darbs said…
With a man like yours...who loves, supports and cares for you the way that he does...I would have no problem letting go of my selfishness and compromising on the issue of children. Many times death makes people think a bit irrationally...so let some time pass and then revisit the subject. Like TTD said, you may discover that he doesn't REALLY want a baby RIGHT now...but might be satisfied with you guys waiting a year and a half instead of three.
I also agree with TTD about your work situation. If you were to have a child, why not continue to work from home...even if it's parttime (you could even hire a nanny to come into the home on the days that you really need to be behind closed doors...atleast that way knowing that you were still in the home with your child might not make you feel like someone else was raising your child...that is IF you have a problem with nannies)?
Although I don't think it's going to be an event altering discussion, I do believe that you guys should discuss this before your wedding date. You can never be too sure that you are on the same page.
Good luck and keep us posted!
At 7:35 AM,
nikki said…
i don't think that's being selfish. i think that's you making sure that you are free to seek out your dreams. you don't want a child at this stage as that would put a crimp in that.
a compromise...1.5 like ttd said. that way you both win. it'll give you some time to save some money and do the things you wanna do and get your mind ready for it.
oh, and i'm sending good vibes your way for you and your man. sorry his friend didn't make it. i know that hurts him but he's so blessed to have you there to help shoulder that burden. this is yet another reminder that each moment is to be savored and appreciated, not dismissed as though the next one is promised.
At 7:43 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@darbs...Death does make us think irrationally...I love him, but I also love to travel, and come and go as I please...My daughter has just reached the age to where she doesn't "need" me all the time. But, yes it is selfish, and for him, I will consider giving it a try...
@nikki...So true girl! The compromise does sound like a good idea...
At 8:54 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
Hmmm that's a hard one. Cause on the one hand you love him and on the other you've been through that and don't want to go through it again just yet. But things like death make you re-evaluate. But you know he loves you and he's not just saying that he wants to have children with you because his friend died...he wants to create something bigger than the two of you in the form of human life...that's deep girl.
Talk to him, tell him how you feel...he loves you and he'll understand. I like what TTD said
At 9:06 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...That was deep. I guess I never thought of it that way. See that's why I blog...to get a better understanding!
At 11:51 AM,
Ladynay said…
What would I do?
I'd let some time pass and re-introduce the topic *pre I do's*
It's not selfish, if your not ready to do the baby thing right now, don't do it. You already know what it takes to have a child that small....
Your man has my condolences....
At 12:34 PM,
Nika Laqui said…
Thats hard, because I feel you on having yo own money...maybe you can work from home. But what women wouldn't want to be housewife...well maybe that would get boring, but hey, love and marriage is a sacrifice...
I'm sure yall will work it all out...
At 11:25 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
Will this be his first child? Do what you feel...
At 9:21 PM,
Abeni said…
I won't want to start a family right away.However,I think you both can discuss it and reach a mutual understanding
At 2:01 AM,
fuzzy said…
If I was in your spot with breasts and the whole nine I would at least wait till you was married to do anything. The last thing you want to do is be on your honeymoon with swollen ankles! Gosh no!
Try to support him the best way you know how and as gently as you can let him be aware of your stand-point on your opinions. Its your body, your money that will be going bye-bye, your life on hold! You have to be absolutely sure, cause while it may be a joy it WILL be a pain that YOU will have to endure (before, during, and after delivery)!
At 7:25 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
We talked about the whole baby situation...He snapped outr of it! Whew!
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