Where is Her Head?
I knew it! I told her not to get back with him, but did she listen? No! She hasn't been back with him a whole week and she's already in the midst of some baby momma drama. What was she thinking. He has 2 kids outside of the marriage so that means twice the drama. She tries to rationalize the situation by saying, "But he's my husband." I tell her all the time," He stopped being your husband in his heart the first time he had unprotected sex with another woman. He didn't know what he was bringing home to you. But it looks like he brought home more than he bargained for...twice."
During the time that Angel and her husband were separated, he was living with one of his kid's mothers. Now that Angel has decided to take him back, his son's mother is not having it. She has been harassing him and my girl to the fullest.
It got out of hand yesterday. His son's mother came to my Angel's house and just parked her car outside. She kept calling their house. It was a mess.
Angel called me to pick the baby up because it was so much going on. When I got there, the girl was still parked outside with one of her friends sitting in the passenger's seat. I don't know who was crazier, his son's mother for parking outside of Angel's house or her friend for tagging along.
I got my god-daughter and got out of there. I wanted no parts of the drama. I am so sad that the poor baby was put into such a stressful situation. The world is crazy enough without adding crazy parents to the equation.
I'll do all I can for that little girl, but at the end of the day, she's not mine. I have to allow her mother to raise her, be it crazy or not. But when she is with me and my little family, she can have some peace.
So much for a day of rest, but I guess it comes with being a real friend to someone. Being there for the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Why do people insist on doing stupid things when the know better?
Why do people bring children into crazy situations? Kids only complicate bad situations...
Can the sex be THAT good?
During the time that Angel and her husband were separated, he was living with one of his kid's mothers. Now that Angel has decided to take him back, his son's mother is not having it. She has been harassing him and my girl to the fullest.
It got out of hand yesterday. His son's mother came to my Angel's house and just parked her car outside. She kept calling their house. It was a mess.
Angel called me to pick the baby up because it was so much going on. When I got there, the girl was still parked outside with one of her friends sitting in the passenger's seat. I don't know who was crazier, his son's mother for parking outside of Angel's house or her friend for tagging along.
I got my god-daughter and got out of there. I wanted no parts of the drama. I am so sad that the poor baby was put into such a stressful situation. The world is crazy enough without adding crazy parents to the equation.
I'll do all I can for that little girl, but at the end of the day, she's not mine. I have to allow her mother to raise her, be it crazy or not. But when she is with me and my little family, she can have some peace.
So much for a day of rest, but I guess it comes with being a real friend to someone. Being there for the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Why do people insist on doing stupid things when the know better?
Why do people bring children into crazy situations? Kids only complicate bad situations...
Can the sex be THAT good?
At 7:46 AM,
TTD said…
can the sex be THAT good?? i ask that same question when my friends get stupid over some guy.. i always think.. he may be good.. but i bet there's someone out there that's better & won't be so drama-filled.. chicks have to learn on their own though...
so what came out of the chick staying outside of their house? i think i woulda called the cops..
At 8:16 AM,
Miz JJ said…
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At 8:17 AM,
Miz JJ said…
Why do people insist on doing stupid things when the know better?
I don't think she knows better. If she knew better she wouldn't be doing that nonesense. And if she does know better she obviously does not care to acutally do better. I am not sure which is worse.
Why do people bring children into crazy situations?
This may sound harsh, but I don't think your friend is really that concerned with her daughter. Or else she wouldn't have her in such a messed up situation. To me it seems that her primary concern is trying to keep a man who obviously does not want to be kept.
Can the sex be THAT good?
I, personally, have never had sex that good that made me want to compromise my standards and morals.
At 8:54 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
ttd...That was oen of those don't ask, don't tell situations. She came and got her baby and left, and I left it alone.
@miz jj...You're not being harsh, you're being honest. Right now, that's exactly what she needs!
At 9:20 AM,
nikki said…
if the sex is that good then she need to walk away cuz she acting like a crackhead. she's already pawning her pride for his attention. that's some boosheet.
At 11:06 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Can the sex be THAT good?
It must be. He's in her head and when someone gets in your head and pushes the right button common sense and a lot of other things go out the door. I've also heard that crazy sex is some of the best sex ever.
At 2:40 PM,
Emotionalbrotha said…
Why do people insist on doing stupid things when the know better?
Because on some level it serves them.
Why do people bring children into crazy situations? They don't know no better.
Can the sex be THAT good?
It must be. I was in a relationship, where the sex and intimacy was soo good I stayed longer than I should have. I guess I was afraid to be alone.
At 4:06 PM,
Lady J said…
unfortunately it gets that way for women who have low self esteem. Just pray for her and hope she comes to her senses.
At 5:10 PM,
Ladynay said…
Why do people insist on doing stupid things when the know better?
People are stupid sometimes
Why do people bring children into crazy situations?
See above
Can the sex be THAT good?
Apparently for his ladies it is!
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