Twisted Love
One of my close friends is in a situation. She is in love with a man who has someone else...
It's funny how it all began...
My friend and I were sitting at a sports bar watching a football game last season. While I understand nothing about the game, she loves it, so I agreed to go and stare blindly at the TV while everyone around me screamed and cheered.
We had really a great table. The placed was packed. A while later, in walks this guy and his friend. Seating during the games is first come first serve, and the place was packed. We had a booth. After a few trips around the spot, one of the guys stops to ask my friend if we mind if they have a seat with us. They take a seat, and it goes on from there...
They turned out to be some really nice guys. They had been friends for years just like my girl and I. After the game, we all leave the noisy spot. At this point I am ready to go home to my man, but my friend gives me that girl you better now leave me now look, so I decided to join them for drinks.
After a few moments of talking, the connection between my friend and one of the guys was obvious. They opted to find a quiet corner table while I was stuck at the table with this other guy, trying to think of something to say. It turned out that this guy and I had a lot in common. We were both involved with someone and were happy with our situation. We exchanged numbers that night, and since then, we have been friends. He still calls me when he needs to vent. He treats me with respect, and so far has not crossed the line. If he ever did, I would cut him off in a heartbeat. He did tell me that he was attracted to me when we first met, but he said that he was in a successful relationship and didn't want to jeopardize what he had for what could be. I told him that I was not interested in finding anyone new either. So from there, a great friendship was formed.
My friend on the other hand...
The following weekend they invited us to a party that they were throwing for one of their boys that was moving to Arizona. We didn't know anyone there except them, but we fit in with the crowd pretty well. We ended up having a good time. By the end of the night, I was back home and the guy that my friend was seeing was in her bed.
She called to tell me how wonderful he was. He was honest with her from the start. He told her that he had someone, and they lived together, but he was unhappy. He has custody of his daughter and the woman that he was seeing has a son. He said that he and this woman had grown apart. He needed more, and the woman he was with could not give it to him. He said that he had already told the woman that he was unhappy, and she agreed that they needed to part ways. The biggest problem was that he had bought a house and it would be eight months before they were eligible to refinance the place. Plus, she could not afford to take care of her kid alone. So his solution to the problem was, that when he was able to refinance the place, he would give her half of the 40 thousand that he will get and they will part ways. He wants my friend to wait for him...
He spends all of his free time with my friend, but he goes home every night. He says he does that out of respect, since the woman still lives in his house and takes care of his child. But he wants to marry my friend. He says that she is the one he loves. I wouldn't be able to take it...Not knowing what goes on after he gets home would bug the heck out of me...but she deals with it, and she seems happy with her situation. She says the more he stays away, the more his woman calls him. She says that it makes him want to be with her even more. He dreads going home.
My friend believes that he is going to live up to his word. She says that he tells her everything that is going on with him. He calls her often , and keeps her in the loop. I still wouldn't be able to handle it...
What would you do in this situation? Would you hold on to this twisted love, and wait for him, or would you let him go?
It's funny how it all began...
My friend and I were sitting at a sports bar watching a football game last season. While I understand nothing about the game, she loves it, so I agreed to go and stare blindly at the TV while everyone around me screamed and cheered.
We had really a great table. The placed was packed. A while later, in walks this guy and his friend. Seating during the games is first come first serve, and the place was packed. We had a booth. After a few trips around the spot, one of the guys stops to ask my friend if we mind if they have a seat with us. They take a seat, and it goes on from there...
They turned out to be some really nice guys. They had been friends for years just like my girl and I. After the game, we all leave the noisy spot. At this point I am ready to go home to my man, but my friend gives me that girl you better now leave me now look, so I decided to join them for drinks.
After a few moments of talking, the connection between my friend and one of the guys was obvious. They opted to find a quiet corner table while I was stuck at the table with this other guy, trying to think of something to say. It turned out that this guy and I had a lot in common. We were both involved with someone and were happy with our situation. We exchanged numbers that night, and since then, we have been friends. He still calls me when he needs to vent. He treats me with respect, and so far has not crossed the line. If he ever did, I would cut him off in a heartbeat. He did tell me that he was attracted to me when we first met, but he said that he was in a successful relationship and didn't want to jeopardize what he had for what could be. I told him that I was not interested in finding anyone new either. So from there, a great friendship was formed.
My friend on the other hand...
The following weekend they invited us to a party that they were throwing for one of their boys that was moving to Arizona. We didn't know anyone there except them, but we fit in with the crowd pretty well. We ended up having a good time. By the end of the night, I was back home and the guy that my friend was seeing was in her bed.
She called to tell me how wonderful he was. He was honest with her from the start. He told her that he had someone, and they lived together, but he was unhappy. He has custody of his daughter and the woman that he was seeing has a son. He said that he and this woman had grown apart. He needed more, and the woman he was with could not give it to him. He said that he had already told the woman that he was unhappy, and she agreed that they needed to part ways. The biggest problem was that he had bought a house and it would be eight months before they were eligible to refinance the place. Plus, she could not afford to take care of her kid alone. So his solution to the problem was, that when he was able to refinance the place, he would give her half of the 40 thousand that he will get and they will part ways. He wants my friend to wait for him...
He spends all of his free time with my friend, but he goes home every night. He says he does that out of respect, since the woman still lives in his house and takes care of his child. But he wants to marry my friend. He says that she is the one he loves. I wouldn't be able to take it...Not knowing what goes on after he gets home would bug the heck out of me...but she deals with it, and she seems happy with her situation. She says the more he stays away, the more his woman calls him. She says that it makes him want to be with her even more. He dreads going home.
My friend believes that he is going to live up to his word. She says that he tells her everything that is going on with him. He calls her often , and keeps her in the loop. I still wouldn't be able to handle it...
What would you do in this situation? Would you hold on to this twisted love, and wait for him, or would you let him go?
At 8:44 AM,
Newy said…
I would let him go. If it was meant to be...he'd come back...after ol' girl was moved out of his house.
At 8:56 AM,
Ladynay said…
I would not be in that situation to begin with so I can't answer that.
Holla at me when you cleaned your house out.
At 9:17 AM,
TTD said…
i dont think i could handle it.. not when real feelings are involved..
At 9:24 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mznew...My sentiments exactly.
@southern gal...Exactly.
@ladynay...My girl is gone behind him, but I just let her deal with it her way. He's nice, but no man is good enoght for me to compromise my life for.
At 10:06 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I know what you mean...
At 10:26 AM,
Miz JJ said…
Why is she calling him all the time if she knows it is over? Because he must be telling your girl one thing and his woman at home something else. Man, that situation sounds foul. You should let your girlfriend know that how you get 'em is how you lose 'em. If he is willing to do this shit to someone he would do it to her. I could never be with a man who had so little respect for women. I mean he leaves her at home and spends all his time with your girlfriend, but he goes home to her? That doesn't make a lick of sense.
At 10:32 AM,
Newy said…
Girl, I was sitting here thinking...he is not gonna let his live-in-babysitter-who-let's-him-have-it-his-way go anywhere. Why should he?!?!?! Think about it. Neither one of them are trippin too hard about him splitting time AND he got someone to watch the kid as he does his own thing.shoooooooooot he ain't going no where.
At 12:40 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@miz jj...I said the same thing.
@mznew...Dang...That's the truth!
At 1:17 PM,
Shug said…
What would you do in this situation? Would you hold on to this twisted love, and wait for him, or would you let him go?
Dang, that's a tough situation. I think I would have to leave him alone though cuz I would feel stupid if I sat around and waited for him and nothing ever happened. I always say if it's meant to be, then it will happen anyway.
At 5:53 PM,
deepnthought said…
I wouldnt be able to do ot bcause in the back of my mind I would think that when he is tired of me he would do the same thing.
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