This Chic Has Lost Her Mind....
Saturday afternoon, my little family took a trip to the aquarium. My daughter is fascinated with nature and science, so I try to find places that focus on these things. She appreciates these things even though she is young.
We had planned a trip to the zoo, but there was rain in the forecast, so I changed the plans at the last minute. As we were walking along, we meet up with this family who has small kids, but the bunch was a little rowdy, so I was trying to get away from them as quickly as possible. My daughter, amazed by the creatures had to tell me every fact that she knows about everyone that we come in contact with. So the group soon catches up with us.
My man and I are on one end of the small hallway, and my daughter has drifted off to the other end...She is still in my range of vision, not close enough for me to touch, but close enough for me to get to if there is danger. A little girl who looks to be about her age walks over to my daughter and began to speak. My daughter, much like me, doesn't really warm up to strange people, especially if she is engrossed in something that she likes. She says hello to the little girl, but pays little attention to her, so the little girl walks off and goes back with her little gang of folks.
We move on...they soon follow. Again the little girl walks up to my daughter.. Again my child ignores the little girl, and we move on.
This little girl wasn't having it. She walks behind my child, along with another little girls in their group, and she pushes my daughter...Big mistake. My man starts to walk toward them, but I grab his arm. I want to see what my daughter is going to do on her own...My brother has been playing rough with her since she was younger, (the same way he used to with me when we were kids, so she is prissy, but she is very tough). I know that my child is tough, but I always wondered if she would fight back when she was put in the situation. I guess I got my answer.
Without saying a word, she slapped the heck out of that little girl, twice....Since we were walking down glass enclosed hallways, the licks rang out like a bell. The little girl screamed. I knew my girl could handle it...The mother of the little girl walks over to them, and I start walking that way as well. Instead of the lady trying to see what happened, she grabs my child by the arm. So without thinking, I grab her. No one, puts their hand on my kid....No one!
Up until then, my daughter has never seen me act a fool. The lady was much bigger than I was, but she had little balance because she was holding a baby. I slammed her head into the glass as hard as I could, and she let my child's arm go. She grabs her head and looks at me like I'm crazy....(Dynamite comes in small packages b****)...Then she starts to explain. Saying that my kid hit her child for no reason. Seeing that we weren't getting anywhere, my man, the voice of reason, steps in and says, why don't we let the kids tell what happened.
The little girl actually told the truth and the mother apologizes. The lady's husband just stands there, not saying a word. All I had to say to her was, think before you grab someone's child. The only reason I didn't try to hurt you in some way was number one, you had a baby in your arms and I was trying not to hurt the child, and number two, my child was watching me. Next time you won't be so lucky.
I was so ready to get out of there, but of child wanted to stay. I was hyped for the rest of the visit, so afterwards, we opted to go to the arcade and play some video games.
I called my brother as soon as I got home to tell him about his niece. He was proud. I was still a little mad that I didn't do anymore to the lady, but I didn't want to hurt the she was a big that would have been a challenge...not the first one though.
My man said he was proud of me. A few months ago I wouldn't have been able to contain myself. I was happy...I made it out of another public brawl without going to jail...I guess you really don't think about that when the situation arises...
Other than that my weekend was pretty calm. I stayed in the house with my little family...
What would you do if someone put their hands on your child, or a child that was in your care?
We had planned a trip to the zoo, but there was rain in the forecast, so I changed the plans at the last minute. As we were walking along, we meet up with this family who has small kids, but the bunch was a little rowdy, so I was trying to get away from them as quickly as possible. My daughter, amazed by the creatures had to tell me every fact that she knows about everyone that we come in contact with. So the group soon catches up with us.
My man and I are on one end of the small hallway, and my daughter has drifted off to the other end...She is still in my range of vision, not close enough for me to touch, but close enough for me to get to if there is danger. A little girl who looks to be about her age walks over to my daughter and began to speak. My daughter, much like me, doesn't really warm up to strange people, especially if she is engrossed in something that she likes. She says hello to the little girl, but pays little attention to her, so the little girl walks off and goes back with her little gang of folks.
We move on...they soon follow. Again the little girl walks up to my daughter.. Again my child ignores the little girl, and we move on.
This little girl wasn't having it. She walks behind my child, along with another little girls in their group, and she pushes my daughter...Big mistake. My man starts to walk toward them, but I grab his arm. I want to see what my daughter is going to do on her own...My brother has been playing rough with her since she was younger, (the same way he used to with me when we were kids, so she is prissy, but she is very tough). I know that my child is tough, but I always wondered if she would fight back when she was put in the situation. I guess I got my answer.
Without saying a word, she slapped the heck out of that little girl, twice....Since we were walking down glass enclosed hallways, the licks rang out like a bell. The little girl screamed. I knew my girl could handle it...The mother of the little girl walks over to them, and I start walking that way as well. Instead of the lady trying to see what happened, she grabs my child by the arm. So without thinking, I grab her. No one, puts their hand on my kid....No one!
Up until then, my daughter has never seen me act a fool. The lady was much bigger than I was, but she had little balance because she was holding a baby. I slammed her head into the glass as hard as I could, and she let my child's arm go. She grabs her head and looks at me like I'm crazy....(Dynamite comes in small packages b****)...Then she starts to explain. Saying that my kid hit her child for no reason. Seeing that we weren't getting anywhere, my man, the voice of reason, steps in and says, why don't we let the kids tell what happened.
The little girl actually told the truth and the mother apologizes. The lady's husband just stands there, not saying a word. All I had to say to her was, think before you grab someone's child. The only reason I didn't try to hurt you in some way was number one, you had a baby in your arms and I was trying not to hurt the child, and number two, my child was watching me. Next time you won't be so lucky.
I was so ready to get out of there, but of child wanted to stay. I was hyped for the rest of the visit, so afterwards, we opted to go to the arcade and play some video games.
I called my brother as soon as I got home to tell him about his niece. He was proud. I was still a little mad that I didn't do anymore to the lady, but I didn't want to hurt the she was a big that would have been a challenge...not the first one though.
My man said he was proud of me. A few months ago I wouldn't have been able to contain myself. I was happy...I made it out of another public brawl without going to jail...I guess you really don't think about that when the situation arises...
Other than that my weekend was pretty calm. I stayed in the house with my little family...
What would you do if someone put their hands on your child, or a child that was in your care?
At 7:55 AM,
Ladynay said…
I have no clue, but I sure hate to find out what I would do if someone other than her dad, my mom or someone who has my permission to jack Pooka up puts their hands on her.
What an interesting family trip!
At 8:01 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...I always plan things, but they never seem to tun out the way I plan them...
At 8:03 AM,
Newy said…
The same thing you did...except there probably would have been some bars, an ambulance, bail money and a lawyer involved.
At 8:41 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mznew...I did better than I thought I would. I hate to let people get to me like that, but there is an exception when my child is involved!
At 8:50 AM,
Enigma said…
Just thinking about someone hurting one of my babies (my sis 4 kids) makes me mad. I prolly would have slapped her or something. Find out the facts and keep your hands to yourself chica. Kita don't play that.
Maybe next time she will tell her daughter to move on when someone does not want to be bothered. Bullies have to learn too.
At 9:24 AM,
deepnthought said…
You know I do not condone violence but when it comes to the babies, ti-ti dint olay. You know you had a lot of restraint. but one never really knows what they would do unless they are in that situation.
At 9:40 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@enigma...I guess she learned a small lesson this time...
@deepnthought...She really wasn't harming my child, she was holding her arm so she wouldn't slap her kid anymore, but the fact is she TOUCHED my kid, so I had to intervene.
At 10:52 AM,
Shug said…
THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! You are so crunk. I love that! But yeah, chick was wrong for touching your child. I think if I was ever in the same situation, I would have done the same thing. I don't play about my family.
At 11:14 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...A different time, different day...I would have done the same thing!
At 11:14 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
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At 9:01 PM,
Superstar Nic said…
The aquarium sounds like fun! I would love to go.
What would you do if someone put their hands on your child, or a child that was in your care? That is an interesting question! I would be so damn pissed there is no telling what I might say or do.
At 1:00 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
I would prob do the same thing you did...except I'mma I woulda been in jail...but damn...lemme not f&*(#$% wit you...
At 7:07 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@nic...Rational thinking was definatly out of the question.
@valentino...Hey, just doin' what I had to do to protect my child...
At 9:27 AM,
TTD said…
wow.. i'm glad that you didn't hurt her though.. i'd hate to be reading a blog about you getting locked up! lol
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