You Did What?
I only sat there for a moment, but it felt like an eternity. He walked up to where I was sitting, greeted me with a smile, and brushed my cheek with a kiss. I smiled. I had to take a deep breath because what happened next determined my future. If my man ever found out it would be over. As much as I love him, as much as I care for him...what am I doing here? My mind was all over the place but my body was taking slow, uneven steps right behind him. When we got on the elevator, my mind told me to get off...go home. But yet I stayed there...putting my future on the line.
When we got into his room, I took a seat in a chair, close to the bed. I had to get my mind together if I was going to go through with it...I had the one thing that everyone was looking for in my life...true love...Yet I was sitting there willing to give it all up for one night of passion...This is not like me. How could you do this to him? He loves you so much...
He turned on some music. He had purchased a small CD player for his stay. He loves music. He played it all day as we worked. He said, a day without music is like a day without sunshine...The sultry sounds of Nina Simone filled the room. Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't Leave Me)...
Why did he have to play that song? It's one of my favorite songs. My man plays it for me all the time...It does something to me...He knew exactly what he was doing, yet I didn't stop him.
We danced...His scent was wonderful...unfamiliar...enticing. But I knew it was not my man's scent. Yet I stayed there wanting to allow his essence to permeate my body... and I wanted to run at the same time. But my feet would not move.
As the song reached it's end, I knew that playtime was over. The way his body responded to mine told me exactly what I needed to know...he wanted me. He undressed me, and I did the same to him. We didn't speak. There was nothing left to be said. We both knew what was at stake. We work for the same company...He's getting married in a couple of months as well...We still couldn't just walk away. This may be our last time seeing each other...and we were saying goodbye...
I stared at his body for a moment. Chocolate perfection.
He laid me on the bed and stood back admiring the woman the was stretched out before him. He kissed my shoulders...and he kept going down form there...kissing every single inch of my body. I didn't try to stop him...I returned the favor, giving him pleasure in every way. After it was over, we laid there holding each other in silence. Knowing that what we had just done would change things forever. We both had to go home to the ones we loved with a guilty conscience. We were both trapped in our own thoughts. We drifted off to sleep.
The sound of the phone scared us both in the middle of the night. I shook him so he would answer the phone. He didn't move. I said, "Loverboy, answer the phone." He said, "Okay Pretty Lady." I jumped up and turned on the lamp next to the bed. What the? When did I? How did I?
My man handed me the phone. It was Angel, and she couldn't get the baby to go to sleep. She was crying, the baby was crying, and she wanted me to come over and help her. I told her I was on my way.
My man sat there staring at me for a moment and said, "Are you okay? You have been tossing and turning all night." I said, " I had a bad dream." He said, "Do you want to talk about it?" Of course I said no. Normally when I eat spicy foods late at night, I have the worst dreams. We had Thai food yesterday and I guess it got the best of me.
But the dream seemed so real. I am glad that I woke up. I am so glad that I didn't cross the line in reality. I am glad that I didn't sleep with him.
He propositioned me, and I never gave him an answer. I just walked away from him and said, "Have a nice trip home." I guess in my mind, I was thinking What if, and it was apparent in my dream. I did go to the hotel lobby, but that was it. I went right back home. I had to drop off his new laptop before he left, and somehow my dream started there, and took a different turn. But the whole thing in a nutshell...I wouldn't do it...I could never go through with it. Because I have a man that truly loves me, and I can give him nothing less in return...
He's leaving today and I decided against taking him to the airport. I may never see him face to face again, but I have to talk to him often. I will remember him, but I am glad that he is leaving...
Have you ever had a dream that seemed real but made no sense whatsoever?
At 9:09 AM,
Miz JJ said…
Dreams are harmless. You guys didn't act on your attraction, which in the end is all that matters.
I once had a dream that I was pregnant. I kept rubbing my belly and people kept commenting on me being pregnant. I woke up and I touched my flat stomach and I freaked out. I thought someone had stolen my baby. It took me a good five minutes to remember I wasn't actually pregnant.
At 9:15 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mizjj...Oh my...That was a strange dream.
I freaked out when heard my man's voice.
At 9:18 AM,
deepnthought said…
I agree that dreams ar harless.
I have dreams that feel real alot lately. I have dreamed about loved oes who are gone , as if they are still living.
At 9:21 AM,
TTD said…
OMG!!! i was about to curse you out!! im so glad that it was only a dream..
and i agree w/ the others.. dreams are harmless
At 9:23 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@deepnthought...So far, I have never had any dreams about the dead...Hmm. My dreams get wireder by the day.
@ttd...LOL...No, I dodn't do it!
At 1:07 PM,
Ladynay said…
I have had plenty of dreams that seem too real.
I knew that you didn't do it by the way you set the post up! LOL
At 1:13 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...Now I'm crazy, but that would have been just plain DUMB to sleep with him...
@ladynay...It would have been boring just to say..."I had a dream about him" I just made a post out of the dream...
At 1:50 PM,
Shug said…
Man, I'm so glad that was a dream! When I first started reading it, all I could think was "NO SHE DIDN'T!" I was too mad at you. LOL! It's ok to fantasize about other people. You did a good job of keeping it in check though.
Dreams can seem so real. I had a dream once where I was kidnapped and I could have swore that it was really happening.
At 2:31 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...Dreams can really get to you...
At 4:03 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Girl I was like what?! I was about to jump through the comp had me all up in the screen...glad it was a dream and a dream is just that a if you act on that..that's where the damage control comes in....perhaps you and loverboy can act out some stuff help you take out some of that nervous energy LOL..sike let me stop.
At 9:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
dREAMS ARE LOVELY...well mine are most of the time...U r doing it but you are not REALLY doing dreams help that fantasy..the urge to happen without actually happening...
At 6:36 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@honey...I'm playing it safe...It was only a dream.
@yazmar...Yes they are...
At 8:56 AM,
Newy said…
You suckered me...cause I was so hot like fiyah I was like " she a good man and now she is gonna taint him for life." glad it was just a dream.
At 11:43 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mznew...I wouldn't do anything to mess up what I have at home...
At 8:16 AM,
Omar Ramon said…
At 6:29 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@omar...Me too..even though the dream was scandelous...
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