A Weekend To Remember
When I say that they out did themselves with the party, that is an understatement...
My man and my friends threw me a "Red Carpet Affair"... I had my one night as a superstar. I have a gift with people, but I am not of fan of being in the spotlight.
It was one of the nicest events I had ever been to in my life, and I have been to a lot of parties in my day. Diva and Softspoken did the decorations...complete with the red carpet. Ambitious and my man took care of the everything else. They did all this and I didn't have to lift a finger...I was so impressed!
After I hung with my brother for the evening, he took me home, and my man was there waiting impatiently...LOL. He looked annoyed when I walked in the door. He was fully dressed and trying so hard not to wrinkle his clothes. That man can hang a suit. Whew! I had taken my time on purpose and he knew it. I must admit, I can be devious at times, but it was all in fun.
I sat my bags down and kissed him softly on the cheek. The frown soon became a smile, and he said, "Okay...you've sweet talked me enough, now get dressed baby, we have to go." I said, "Where are we going? I have to know so I'll know what to wear. He said, "Put on the dress that I bought for you yesterday. That should be perfect." Actually, it was. Have you ever put on a dress that just makes you feel pretty? He knew that I knew something was up, but he didn't try to hide anymore. He just said, "Pretty lady, you are in for the night of your life." Every time he calls me that, I melt...He calls me Pretty Lady...I call him Loverboy...
As I walked in, I had to catch myself. For a moment, I was breathless. It was absolutely beautiful. At that moment, all of my problems, worries, and cares disappeared. I walked through the door, then I heard my man's brother come of the loud speaker, "Introducing, the Lady of the night, Miss Luvinme! They all clapped and cheered. It was too much...
As the photographer snapped away, Diva an Softspoken walked up to me pushing microphones in my face... I just smiled. They were the paparazzi. LOL... Diva, I could believe, but I knew Softpoken was only doing it for me. He is so shy and he hates crowds. But he was being a real trooper. They kept asking a questions they knew the answer too..."So how does it feel to be 27?" "Do you see any new projects coming in the near future?" "Are you excited about the upcoming nuptials?" and of course Diva( with his messy a** had to ask) " So how did you get yourself out of that office love scandal with the foreign beau?" I gave them a smirk and kept it moving.
When you walked in the door you had to register. Two of my man's brothers were seated at a table near the front entrance, one with a laptop, the other with a list and a microphone. After each person or couple registered, they were announced. As they were coming through the door onto the red carpet the photographer would snap pics of them and everyone would turn to see. It was quite an event.
Midway through the night, my man took the microphone and walked to the middle of the floor. He took my hand and I followed. He said ( I can't remember word for word, but I remember most of it). " Many of you have known this woman for far longer that I have, but few have loved her the way that I do. She makes me happier every day, and she makes me a better me. She has a smile that lights up the room. Her eyes pierce me to my very soul. If you find someone to love you just a fraction of how much I love this woman, then you have a have a beautiful thing. I love her now, and forever."
I have heard him say that he loved me before, but I it was something about him professing his love in that way love in front of all these people...I got caught up in the moment. I cried. Then the lights went down, the spotlight was on us( Out of all these times I had been in this club, I never knew Ambitious had a spotlight until now) and our song...the song he had written and sang for me, came on...and we danced.
I'm glad I don't wear much makeup because it would have been messed up at this point. He smiled and sang along with the words as he held me close...I smiled and cried at the same time. I laid my head on his chest, and got lost in the moment. After we danced, they cranked the music back up, and the party back in full effect.
Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The one thing that I can say about my boy's club is...the food is so good. The people that he hired to cook at this place know how to throw down. It opens up at 5 pm daily, and they have something there every night except Sunday. Sometimes I just stop by there in the evenings just to eat. Pretty or not, I was starving and this was my night! I did have a little class. I didn't pile the food up like I wanted to, I took a little of this, and a little of that...then told Ambitious to make sure they packed some food for me to take home.
It was a huge success and I was very happy by the end of the night. My feet were tired and I couldn't wait to get out of that dress and into my bed.
I was home, happy, and in the bed. Just as I was about to thank my man for the party, the phone began to ring. My family has a bad habit of calling me all times of the night starting at midnight on my birthday, so I ignored it. But it didn't stop! It just kept on ringing. Over and over. It was late and I was tired...He finally reached to answer the phone, and it was the mother my very pregnant girl, Angel. She said, they were on their way to the hospital and Angel wanted me to come. We jumped up got dressed,and drove as fast as we could to get there. On the way to the hospital I got in touch with everyone in my circle, and they were all in route. Although I knew that first babies normally take a long time to come, I wanted to be there with her.
After about 8 hours of labor and a couple of energy drinks, I witnessed my god-daughter come into the world, on MY BIRTHDAY...
I was so concerned about the baby's health. For those of you that have been reading my blog for a while, Angel is the one who got pregnant by her cheating husband who she found out had 2 kids on the side...It was a mess...
The baby is okay, and so is my girl. We all made a fuss over the baby and left...We were extra tired from all the excitement of the night. I couldn't wait to hit the bed...I would have to give my man all his thank yous later...
It rained all day Sunday, and my cookout, became a cook-in. I almost slept through it. I had a good time with my family...All the laughing...talking...drama.
So I guess I can say that my weekend went well. I turned a year older, I have a new god-daughter, I got a lot of gifts that I have yet to open, and I am tired...
My foreign co worker got me a nice set of pens for my birthday. He brought them over with him this morning. I told him that a gift wasn't necessary, but he insisted. He said it was not only for my birthday, but also for my generosity. My man gave him a slight look of disgust as I thanked him this. He will only be here for a few more days. For the most part, we are finished with our project and it's time for him to return home. I must admit, it has been quite an experience.
What was your most memorable birthday experience (good or bad)?
My man and my friends threw me a "Red Carpet Affair"... I had my one night as a superstar. I have a gift with people, but I am not of fan of being in the spotlight.
It was one of the nicest events I had ever been to in my life, and I have been to a lot of parties in my day. Diva and Softspoken did the decorations...complete with the red carpet. Ambitious and my man took care of the everything else. They did all this and I didn't have to lift a finger...I was so impressed!
After I hung with my brother for the evening, he took me home, and my man was there waiting impatiently...LOL. He looked annoyed when I walked in the door. He was fully dressed and trying so hard not to wrinkle his clothes. That man can hang a suit. Whew! I had taken my time on purpose and he knew it. I must admit, I can be devious at times, but it was all in fun.
I sat my bags down and kissed him softly on the cheek. The frown soon became a smile, and he said, "Okay...you've sweet talked me enough, now get dressed baby, we have to go." I said, "Where are we going? I have to know so I'll know what to wear. He said, "Put on the dress that I bought for you yesterday. That should be perfect." Actually, it was. Have you ever put on a dress that just makes you feel pretty? He knew that I knew something was up, but he didn't try to hide anymore. He just said, "Pretty lady, you are in for the night of your life." Every time he calls me that, I melt...He calls me Pretty Lady...I call him Loverboy...
As I walked in, I had to catch myself. For a moment, I was breathless. It was absolutely beautiful. At that moment, all of my problems, worries, and cares disappeared. I walked through the door, then I heard my man's brother come of the loud speaker, "Introducing, the Lady of the night, Miss Luvinme! They all clapped and cheered. It was too much...
As the photographer snapped away, Diva an Softspoken walked up to me pushing microphones in my face... I just smiled. They were the paparazzi. LOL... Diva, I could believe, but I knew Softpoken was only doing it for me. He is so shy and he hates crowds. But he was being a real trooper. They kept asking a questions they knew the answer too..."So how does it feel to be 27?" "Do you see any new projects coming in the near future?" "Are you excited about the upcoming nuptials?" and of course Diva( with his messy a** had to ask) " So how did you get yourself out of that office love scandal with the foreign beau?" I gave them a smirk and kept it moving.
When you walked in the door you had to register. Two of my man's brothers were seated at a table near the front entrance, one with a laptop, the other with a list and a microphone. After each person or couple registered, they were announced. As they were coming through the door onto the red carpet the photographer would snap pics of them and everyone would turn to see. It was quite an event.
Midway through the night, my man took the microphone and walked to the middle of the floor. He took my hand and I followed. He said ( I can't remember word for word, but I remember most of it). " Many of you have known this woman for far longer that I have, but few have loved her the way that I do. She makes me happier every day, and she makes me a better me. She has a smile that lights up the room. Her eyes pierce me to my very soul. If you find someone to love you just a fraction of how much I love this woman, then you have a have a beautiful thing. I love her now, and forever."
I have heard him say that he loved me before, but I it was something about him professing his love in that way love in front of all these people...I got caught up in the moment. I cried. Then the lights went down, the spotlight was on us( Out of all these times I had been in this club, I never knew Ambitious had a spotlight until now) and our song...the song he had written and sang for me, came on...and we danced.
I'm glad I don't wear much makeup because it would have been messed up at this point. He smiled and sang along with the words as he held me close...I smiled and cried at the same time. I laid my head on his chest, and got lost in the moment. After we danced, they cranked the music back up, and the party back in full effect.
Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The one thing that I can say about my boy's club is...the food is so good. The people that he hired to cook at this place know how to throw down. It opens up at 5 pm daily, and they have something there every night except Sunday. Sometimes I just stop by there in the evenings just to eat. Pretty or not, I was starving and this was my night! I did have a little class. I didn't pile the food up like I wanted to, I took a little of this, and a little of that...then told Ambitious to make sure they packed some food for me to take home.
It was a huge success and I was very happy by the end of the night. My feet were tired and I couldn't wait to get out of that dress and into my bed.
I was home, happy, and in the bed. Just as I was about to thank my man for the party, the phone began to ring. My family has a bad habit of calling me all times of the night starting at midnight on my birthday, so I ignored it. But it didn't stop! It just kept on ringing. Over and over. It was late and I was tired...He finally reached to answer the phone, and it was the mother my very pregnant girl, Angel. She said, they were on their way to the hospital and Angel wanted me to come. We jumped up got dressed,and drove as fast as we could to get there. On the way to the hospital I got in touch with everyone in my circle, and they were all in route. Although I knew that first babies normally take a long time to come, I wanted to be there with her.
After about 8 hours of labor and a couple of energy drinks, I witnessed my god-daughter come into the world, on MY BIRTHDAY...
I was so concerned about the baby's health. For those of you that have been reading my blog for a while, Angel is the one who got pregnant by her cheating husband who she found out had 2 kids on the side...It was a mess...
The baby is okay, and so is my girl. We all made a fuss over the baby and left...We were extra tired from all the excitement of the night. I couldn't wait to hit the bed...I would have to give my man all his thank yous later...
It rained all day Sunday, and my cookout, became a cook-in. I almost slept through it. I had a good time with my family...All the laughing...talking...drama.
So I guess I can say that my weekend went well. I turned a year older, I have a new god-daughter, I got a lot of gifts that I have yet to open, and I am tired...
My foreign co worker got me a nice set of pens for my birthday. He brought them over with him this morning. I told him that a gift wasn't necessary, but he insisted. He said it was not only for my birthday, but also for my generosity. My man gave him a slight look of disgust as I thanked him this. He will only be here for a few more days. For the most part, we are finished with our project and it's time for him to return home. I must admit, it has been quite an experience.
What was your most memorable birthday experience (good or bad)?
At 9:20 AM,
Ladynay said…
Awwwwwwwwwwww punkin that was beautiful! Happy Birthday again!
My most memorable good was getting engaged, most memorable bad was almost getting arrested.
At 9:41 AM,
Newy said…
awwwwwww happy birthday. My most memorable birthday was my 25th. we had a huge cookout at my house and everyone who was not on duty (over 100 folks from my ship at the time) came. California dreaming...it was da bomb.
At 10:10 AM,
TTD said…
Happy birthday! one more 'gain :-)
glad that you had such a great birthday..
my most memorable - my 21st - good & bad experience.. i had a party - good cause i had a blast, bad cause it ended early w/ violence
At 11:07 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay....Thanks again...
@mznew...I bet that was nice...
@southern gal...The good thing about it is...you still have time to make memories!
@ttd...Well I can't say too much...I used to fight...but I had good reasons...LOL..
At 12:10 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Your birthday sounds like it was wonderful. Please, please, please open your presents. It's just not right to leave them still wrapped. LOL
I don't have any memorable birthdays either.
At 12:34 PM,
Shug said…
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. you are truly blessed.
What was your most memorable birthday experience (good or bad)?
My most memorable birthday was a suprise party that my friends threw me at Olive Garden for my 21st birthday. It was nice to see everyone all dressed up just for me. It was great!
At 1:43 PM,
deepnthought said…
aww. I am glad it was good for you. congrats on the baby.
most memorable good was my 9th birthday, my niece and god sister were born. Most memorable bad was a lot of them.
At 5:01 PM,
Emotionalbrotha said…
Happy Bday Luvinme!
At 7:42 PM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
Happy belated b-day. You have some great friends.
My most memorable was last year when I turned 30. My 2 best friends took me to Topper's Spa for full body massages. Then out to eat lunch. Then that night we went to Jay Z's club the 40/40 club in Atlantic city. It was the best.
BTW.. Congrats on the new god-daughter, and is she still with her husband or do they even communicate?
At 9:08 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
AWWWWWWWWw that is sooo sweet. I know you cried. I think my most memorable was last year my girls planned a whole week of events for me, a massage, dinner, gift, got my hair did and some other stuff...I love having people in my life that love me :) Glad you had a blast.
At 6:46 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...I opened them last night. I felt like a kid a Christmas!
@shug...Thanks...I love surprise parties.
@deepnthought...Thank you. I'm going to spoil the kid rotten...My friend used to pick my daughter up all the time and I would beg her to put her down...Payback time!
@emotionalbrotha...Thank you.
@trina...Thank you. My friends are a special bunch! She's only seen him a couple of times since they split...
@honey...I like the fact that my friends show me love. As my mother says, we are thick as theives.
At 7:27 AM,
The Sarccastik Variable Why said…
that was nice...happy belated...
At 12:41 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@sarccastik....Thank You!
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