Things Going Through My Head
What is going on with the people around me? They have left so many questions in my head....
What's with her wearing an outfit then asking me how she looks. Boo, you knew you looked a hot mess before you left the house...Don't expect me to tell you anything different because you're my friend. Go take that s*** off!
When did white eyeliner become cool. I thought it was supposed to add a dramatic affect when applied under the eyes...Go take that s*** off!
Where did the idea of wearing pants under skirts come from. It is not a good look. Go take that s*** off!
Why did he have on a shirt that looked like it belonged to his baby brother, six years ago, and then have the nerve to ask me for my number while I was pumping my gas? Get away from me...then...Go take that s*** off!
Why did he have on gold shoes. Boo that it not cute! Take that s*** off!
Silver lipstick is not for everyone. Go take that s*** off!
If your stomach hangs below your low rise jeans, they are not for you. Go take that s*** off.
My people...My people...Why did this young chic try to sell me $100 worth of food stamps for $90 outside of the store where I mentor my teen girls? I normally don't say much to people I don't know, but what the heck.... Since she felt the need question me, it was my turn to question her... The first question I asked her was, "do you have kids?" She looked confused and said,
"yes, I have 4." Then I asked, "where are they now?" She said, "at home with my momma." I said, "are they hungry?" She said, "I don't know, why?" I just stood there and looked at her for a moment, shook my head,and turned and walked into the store. She just stood there with a confused look on her face. Some women will never get it...
Why did she stuff her feet, that looked like they should be in size 10 double wide, into those size 6 shoes that I wanted...the last pair in the store, then ask me how they looked? They look like they should have been going home with me instead of you...Take that s*** off!
Why do exes feel the need to call you out of the blue as if your feelings for them have changed? They are exes for a reason...Hang up the phone!
How are you going to have on leather shoes made in China, sitting in a building owned by Jews, with an Italian leather bag at your side, eating Mexican food, with an African father, and a German mother ,and have the nerve to sit across from me and be a racist? WTH?
How you gonna come to me "grilled out" and ask me to give your car a boost? If you put as much money into your car as you did your mouth, we wouldn't be having this conversation...
Why would you spend all your money on clothes, then start crying when you had an eviction notice on your door? What did you expect, a miracle? Cut it out...
Why would you start dating someone that you have nothing in common with, sleep with him on the first date, and then complain to me that he doesn't communicate with you? Did I miss something?
Why is my man working himself so hard to look good for me? Why is getting finer by the day?
Why would I still love him the same if he was fat, bald, and walked with a limp?
Why is my child testing my patience this early in the morning?
Why do I still have the ability to get my daughter's dad to do anything I ask? I mean I don't ask for very much, but why is he willing to do anything I ask him to do?
Although I have so many more questions, that's enough for now...
What's with her wearing an outfit then asking me how she looks. Boo, you knew you looked a hot mess before you left the house...Don't expect me to tell you anything different because you're my friend. Go take that s*** off!
When did white eyeliner become cool. I thought it was supposed to add a dramatic affect when applied under the eyes...Go take that s*** off!
Where did the idea of wearing pants under skirts come from. It is not a good look. Go take that s*** off!
Why did he have on a shirt that looked like it belonged to his baby brother, six years ago, and then have the nerve to ask me for my number while I was pumping my gas? Get away from me...then...Go take that s*** off!
Why did he have on gold shoes. Boo that it not cute! Take that s*** off!
Silver lipstick is not for everyone. Go take that s*** off!
If your stomach hangs below your low rise jeans, they are not for you. Go take that s*** off.
My people...My people...Why did this young chic try to sell me $100 worth of food stamps for $90 outside of the store where I mentor my teen girls? I normally don't say much to people I don't know, but what the heck.... Since she felt the need question me, it was my turn to question her... The first question I asked her was, "do you have kids?" She looked confused and said,
"yes, I have 4." Then I asked, "where are they now?" She said, "at home with my momma." I said, "are they hungry?" She said, "I don't know, why?" I just stood there and looked at her for a moment, shook my head,and turned and walked into the store. She just stood there with a confused look on her face. Some women will never get it...
Why did she stuff her feet, that looked like they should be in size 10 double wide, into those size 6 shoes that I wanted...the last pair in the store, then ask me how they looked? They look like they should have been going home with me instead of you...Take that s*** off!
Why do exes feel the need to call you out of the blue as if your feelings for them have changed? They are exes for a reason...Hang up the phone!
How are you going to have on leather shoes made in China, sitting in a building owned by Jews, with an Italian leather bag at your side, eating Mexican food, with an African father, and a German mother ,and have the nerve to sit across from me and be a racist? WTH?
How you gonna come to me "grilled out" and ask me to give your car a boost? If you put as much money into your car as you did your mouth, we wouldn't be having this conversation...
Why would you spend all your money on clothes, then start crying when you had an eviction notice on your door? What did you expect, a miracle? Cut it out...
Why would you start dating someone that you have nothing in common with, sleep with him on the first date, and then complain to me that he doesn't communicate with you? Did I miss something?
Why is my man working himself so hard to look good for me? Why is getting finer by the day?
Why would I still love him the same if he was fat, bald, and walked with a limp?
Why is my child testing my patience this early in the morning?
Why do I still have the ability to get my daughter's dad to do anything I ask? I mean I don't ask for very much, but why is he willing to do anything I ask him to do?
Although I have so many more questions, that's enough for now...
At 7:43 AM,
TTD said…
you should've title the post "take that sh*t off!" lol.. so many true things on this post.. people are crazy!
At 7:45 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I was at first, then my mind started wandering...
At 7:58 AM,
Ladynay said…
ROFL! This is too funny! I also wonder what was with the stretch pants and mini skirt combo, I don't think that's cute attall!
At 8:31 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...The first time I saw it, I was at the mall with my friend and I was like, "it looks like someone was in a rush this morning." She just laughed at me and said, "that's supposed to be the in thing now." I said, "I'm so glad I'm not with the 'in' crowd because that was a mess!"
At 8:52 AM,
deepnthought said…
I think I woke my niece laughing at this post. I hate the mini skirt and pants combo either.
At 9:22 AM,
Shug said…
LOL! I so feel you on this one.
At 9:44 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@deepnthought...I just had to get it out!
@shug...I was laughing as I was typing...
At 10:44 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...I know she was trying to get over...
One of my exes called me too...that's what put the thought in my head.
At 10:55 AM,
Miz JJ said…
Silver lipstick. Ew.
Gold Shoes. Ew
Grills. Ew
Wearing shoes that are too small. Ew.
Great post.
At 1:30 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Didn't they do the pants and skirt look in the 80s or 90s? Guess it's back again. I hate when they wear skirts and long shirts to cover up what their mama gave them. It's a shame I tell you.
He could've been wearing his little brother's shirt, gold shoes, have a grill, and silver lipstick on while asking for your number. LOL
Did you give the tiny shirt guy your number?
At 3:08 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...Of course I didn't give him my number. I was too busy wondering whether his shirt was going to make it..I was waiting for it to rip like the Incredible Hulk.
At 11:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
the food stamp thang got me...chic was trying to get u for ya duckets...lmao
At 6:35 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@yazmar...I could see her trick a mile away...It was kinda sad.
At 6:47 AM,
Will said…
People like getting their ego stroked. It's not even about how she looks. She just wants you to tell her she looks good. That's how they do.
At 7:11 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@will...poor girl. I am the wrong person to ask...But I guess you're right. People just want to hear that they look good...
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