Was It Worth It?
I talked to my crew and had them out of my place before nightfall...I said it, they understood it, and it's over...
Tonight after my session with the teen girls, my man and I are going to one of E. Badu's poetry spots. The dim lighting, tranquil music, and prose are just what I need right now. There are some very talented people that come through there. They sing, they speak, they play music...it's a great experience, for grown folks only....
My daughter and her father will be gone for the next four days. He has given me so many breaks this summer. Whew! So once again I am childless!
Yesterday, my man and I went shopping. We were in the dressing room, and don't ask me what we were both doing in there...Let's just say that I was taking more off than I was putting on...But we didn't go too far...We stopped when we heard these strange noises coming from the dressing room next to us. There were only two dressing rooms occupied, and we were in one of them.
When we walked out of the dressing room, the lady that was working in the department turned red. ( If I was gonna be doing something in the dressing room, I would be discreet...dang!) I guess she thought that we were making the noises. Then we all heard it again. It sounded like someone was straining. We stayed in the area because we were curious to see who came out. There was this older lady that walked out the dressing room. Her face was red, but she just smiled sweetly and said nothing. We thought it was strange...We shopped in that area a little longer, and the lady went in and out of the dressing room two more times. We paid for our things, and as we were walking out of the store, the older lady came zooming past us in full stride. She almost knocked me down. When we got close to the store entrance, she collapsed. I was in panic mode. I ran back to the counter to get someone, and they called 911.
I stayed around to make sure she would be okay. When the paramedics got there, they put an oxygen mask on her, and she was still breathing funny. They finally found out what the problem was. They started to take off her shirt and realized she had on not one, not 2, but 6 full body girdles. They cut them off of her and she was breathing normally. She had stolen them. That's why she was making all the noise in the dressing room. She was squeezing into them one by one. My man was rolling! So instead of going to the hospital, she got a quick trip to the police station. That's a shame. She got arrested for stealing girdles! She almost lost her life for some dang underwear!
I guess you can't put anything past anyone these days. I had to admit, after the initial shock(because I was genuinely concerned at first), It was funny as heck!
What's the craziest thing that you have ever known someone to steal?
Tonight after my session with the teen girls, my man and I are going to one of E. Badu's poetry spots. The dim lighting, tranquil music, and prose are just what I need right now. There are some very talented people that come through there. They sing, they speak, they play music...it's a great experience, for grown folks only....
My daughter and her father will be gone for the next four days. He has given me so many breaks this summer. Whew! So once again I am childless!
Yesterday, my man and I went shopping. We were in the dressing room, and don't ask me what we were both doing in there...Let's just say that I was taking more off than I was putting on...But we didn't go too far...We stopped when we heard these strange noises coming from the dressing room next to us. There were only two dressing rooms occupied, and we were in one of them.
When we walked out of the dressing room, the lady that was working in the department turned red. ( If I was gonna be doing something in the dressing room, I would be discreet...dang!) I guess she thought that we were making the noises. Then we all heard it again. It sounded like someone was straining. We stayed in the area because we were curious to see who came out. There was this older lady that walked out the dressing room. Her face was red, but she just smiled sweetly and said nothing. We thought it was strange...We shopped in that area a little longer, and the lady went in and out of the dressing room two more times. We paid for our things, and as we were walking out of the store, the older lady came zooming past us in full stride. She almost knocked me down. When we got close to the store entrance, she collapsed. I was in panic mode. I ran back to the counter to get someone, and they called 911.
I stayed around to make sure she would be okay. When the paramedics got there, they put an oxygen mask on her, and she was still breathing funny. They finally found out what the problem was. They started to take off her shirt and realized she had on not one, not 2, but 6 full body girdles. They cut them off of her and she was breathing normally. She had stolen them. That's why she was making all the noise in the dressing room. She was squeezing into them one by one. My man was rolling! So instead of going to the hospital, she got a quick trip to the police station. That's a shame. She got arrested for stealing girdles! She almost lost her life for some dang underwear!
I guess you can't put anything past anyone these days. I had to admit, after the initial shock(because I was genuinely concerned at first), It was funny as heck!
What's the craziest thing that you have ever known someone to steal?
At 7:48 AM,
TTD said…
WOW! Glad your friends understood.. hopefully they'll respect your time... That is too funny that she was stealing them! I thought they were really hers & she was trying to appear skinny.. I don't do stealing... and neither does my friends...
At 7:52 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...Yep. Sher left the tags on them, that's how they knew. I knew that my friends would understand. They just had to hear it from me.
At 7:57 AM,
Ladynay said…
I knew before I finished that she was stealing something. I can't think of anything right now but if I do, I'll come back.
At 8:10 AM,
nikki said…
BWAAHAHAHAHAHA! why do the craziest stuff happen around YOU??
SIX girdles? good LAWD. my stomach's hurting and my breasts feel pinched just THINKING about it.
funniest thing i ever tried to steal...ink cartridge from work and i was successful. LOL
At 8:24 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...From teh noises she was making, I thought she had someone in the dressing room with her...
@nikki...Well, they have to pay you one way or another.
I couldn't believe it at first. My man was laughing so hard he was crying.
At 8:47 AM,
Newy said…
Ok you made me wet my keyboard. That mess was FUNNY!!! I was laughing outloud...and hard...I bet the guy on the other side of the wall thinks I am crazy. *snicker*
At 8:51 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mz new...I know what you mean. I was stressed, but that helped me out a lot!
At 8:52 AM,
Shug said…
LMAO!!! Man...people do some of the craziest things. I read a story in the news a couple of months ago about a guy stealing someone's lawn!
At 8:53 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@shug...What? I guess he really needed it!
At 9:47 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
It seems like at least once a year I see someone getting arrested for stealing food from the grocery store. If they are truly hungry I can sympathize but steal something portable. People going in and stealing steaks and one woman tried to steal a turkey by putting it under her clothes and trying to play it off like she was pregnant.
At 9:58 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...Not a turkey...Dang!
At 1:48 PM,
Prophetess said…
Not two or three girdles, but she had to go all out and get 6 girdles. What is the world coming to? That is crazy.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
At 2:39 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@insanity...I guess she was trying to get them for all here friends too!
Southern gal...ROTF! Okay!
At 3:27 PM,
Organized Noise said…
I "stole" a wrist guard from my job once.
At 9:39 PM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
I know she almost died because I've seen women put on one girdle and almost stopped breathing especially if it is a real expensive one.
Now my question is does she have a girdle stand somewhere? Is she selling them half price to her bingo buddies?
At 12:32 AM,
Gela said…
Oh this is just hilarious
At 6:34 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@organized noise...there is a thief in the midst...LOL...just kidding...
@robert mack...Uh, YES!
@trina...ROTF. I don't know, but you should have seen how she was laying on the breathing. I would have just started taking the off myself...
@gela...thanks for stopping by...
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