Dance With My Father...
Since the day we met you have been my constant protector. I have always been able to do things my way when I am with you. You taught me so many lessons that I needed to learn, whether it was with a gentle hand or a stern voice. You spent so much quality time with me...just you and I.
Where you led me, I followed. I believed everything you told me. I did the things you asked most of the time. When I went to bed at night, I knew you would be there every morning when I woke up. You gave me consistancy. You gave me balance. You taught me how to trust. I thank you for just being there ALL THE TIME then and now. You are my father, and I love you.
Yesterday I had a long talk with my father. I have always been his baby girl. Even when his baby girl had a baby girl of her own, he still treated me like I was his one and only. Another man has stolen the show, but he will never take his place.
I have some exceptional men in my life. My Dad, was the first...
This weekend, I am spending time with my father...Because he feels left out and I would never want him to feel that way. Tonight we are going dancing. He is a better dancer than I am...It had to be hard sticking around all these years. My father is a good looking, successful brother. I still remember the way women used to throw themselves at him when he and I would be out together when I was younger. I remember the phone numbers that you would throw away before we got home. I remember all the temptation. I remember all the advances...all the women. The discounts at certain stores. All the free stuff that I got. Most of all I remember the fact that you came home every night, and never once did you make my mother cry because she didn't know where you were. You thought that I would come in your room at night, just to say goodnight. But I was checking on her, because I knew what I had seen on the outside, and I was making sure that you kept your promiose to her. You never let her down... I appreciate the fact that you were and still are, the best man I've ever known. Although I know you are not perfect, I thank you for the respect and consideration you gave to your family.
To all of you that are good fathers, have good fathers, or know good fathers, love and appreciate them.
Even if you don't...Don't let the cycle be broken. Men, be good fathers to these children. Women, choose your mates wisely and be careful who you reproduce with. Every man that can make a baby is not meant to be a father...
Have a great weekend!
Where you led me, I followed. I believed everything you told me. I did the things you asked most of the time. When I went to bed at night, I knew you would be there every morning when I woke up. You gave me consistancy. You gave me balance. You taught me how to trust. I thank you for just being there ALL THE TIME then and now. You are my father, and I love you.
Yesterday I had a long talk with my father. I have always been his baby girl. Even when his baby girl had a baby girl of her own, he still treated me like I was his one and only. Another man has stolen the show, but he will never take his place.
I have some exceptional men in my life. My Dad, was the first...
This weekend, I am spending time with my father...Because he feels left out and I would never want him to feel that way. Tonight we are going dancing. He is a better dancer than I am...It had to be hard sticking around all these years. My father is a good looking, successful brother. I still remember the way women used to throw themselves at him when he and I would be out together when I was younger. I remember the phone numbers that you would throw away before we got home. I remember all the temptation. I remember all the advances...all the women. The discounts at certain stores. All the free stuff that I got. Most of all I remember the fact that you came home every night, and never once did you make my mother cry because she didn't know where you were. You thought that I would come in your room at night, just to say goodnight. But I was checking on her, because I knew what I had seen on the outside, and I was making sure that you kept your promiose to her. You never let her down... I appreciate the fact that you were and still are, the best man I've ever known. Although I know you are not perfect, I thank you for the respect and consideration you gave to your family.
To all of you that are good fathers, have good fathers, or know good fathers, love and appreciate them.
Even if you don't...Don't let the cycle be broken. Men, be good fathers to these children. Women, choose your mates wisely and be careful who you reproduce with. Every man that can make a baby is not meant to be a father...
Have a great weekend!
At 8:11 AM,
Shug said…
Women, choose your mates wisely and be careful who you reproduce with. Every man that can make a baby is not meant to be a father...
So very true!
At 8:21 AM,
TTD said…
"Every man that can make a baby is not meant to be a father..." so true!! i love that!!
At 8:56 AM,
Ladynay said…
Very nice post about your dad, I hope you made him a copy to read.
Have a great weekend!
At 9:05 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@Shug...Yes, very true indeed.
@ttd...It believe that.
@ladynay...Actually, after I talked to him, I wrote him a letter. He was so happy with the letter, I just had to share my thoughts...
At 9:57 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
Awwww...thats so sweet.
At 10:08 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@valentino...It was wasn't it...Thank you.
At 10:23 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@khalil88...There is no substitute for a good father...
At 10:33 AM,
Emotionalbrotha said…
u going to make write a post about my dead beat as father.. i already done cried one time today and u made me cry again...
what u got right there is a beautiful thang!!
And thank u for educated our people cause any knuckle head can be a father not everybody can be some bodies daddy.
At 10:52 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I can't relate to having a father or even knowing many good men (if any at all). However I do agree wholeheartedly with "Women, choose your mates wisely and be careful who you reproduce with."
You have a great weekend too.
At 11:01 AM,
Dopelikelouboutins said…
Very Beautiful Post its nice to see and know that there are still some wonderful black men out there who hod up their end of the bargain despite what the world thinks. I really enjoy reading your blog & I just want to say reading it gives me inspiration to live a better life and to think that real & true love does exist f u just let it come into your life intead of obessessing and worrying about it.
At 11:22 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@emotional brotha...I didn't mean to make you cry...But it's good you got it off your chest!
@freaky...Enjoy your weekend!
At 11:23 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@diamonds...Thanks for stopping by!
At 2:15 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...Yes there are. I guess that's why my expectations were so high when it comes to men...
At 6:36 PM,
fuzzy said…
Baby making, a privelage and a gift. Lets not abuse the gift, plenty of men who'd love to become fathers who can't who despise those who do it effortlessly for no reason.
At 5:01 PM,
Omar Ramon said…
it's so fly and precious( sadly, rare) to have a good father. you're truly blessed. If i were a father I would be an excellent dad...*sigh*...
At 6:43 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@fuzzy...Yes it is a gift, but a lot of men don't see it that way. They see a burden rather than a blessing.
@omar...I bet you would make a great dad! : )
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