A Kodak Moment
My weekend was very relaxing. No stress. No drama... But you know that doesn't last very long in my world.
Being that the company I work for has been around a while, it is full of "good old boys."
My man and I attended a picnic for one of our largest clients over the weekend. There weren't many people there that "looked like us". We still enjoyed ourselves though. Imagine the shock on the company president's face when he realized that the person that handles all of his business, making him millions of dollars every month, was a twenty-something black female. We have never met before. We correspond via email. I've talked to his secretary, but never to him. He never even knew my name. All he knew is that the work was done, and he saw profit when it was all over...The look on his face was thanks enough. That was a Kodak moment. Made me feel proud to be me!
When my boss introduced me to him, and told him what I did for him. He was in shock. He even offered me a job under the table. I wonder if I would have been given the opportunity if he had met me BEFORE he knew what I did for him. Of course not! But I was flattered at the offer. Although it would be a great opportunity, I don't want to give up working from home. I love the corporate world, but the comfort of my home wins every time! I'm going to call my boss and let him know about the offer today. I'm not going anywhere, but I like to see him sweat. Maybe he'll even offer me more money. I love the fact that my work speaks for itself... I called my dad while we were driving home. He said, "That's my girl! I see the good old boy got a good old surprise." I could hear the pride in his voice. He realized that I had conquered one more lesson that he taught us...Always be in a position where you are needed by someone for something... I didn't understand it at first, but it's crystal clear now.
Isn't it crazy how people are always out for themselves?
Why are people so concerned with what you can do for them, but oblivious to the fact that you may need them too?
Being that the company I work for has been around a while, it is full of "good old boys."
My man and I attended a picnic for one of our largest clients over the weekend. There weren't many people there that "looked like us". We still enjoyed ourselves though. Imagine the shock on the company president's face when he realized that the person that handles all of his business, making him millions of dollars every month, was a twenty-something black female. We have never met before. We correspond via email. I've talked to his secretary, but never to him. He never even knew my name. All he knew is that the work was done, and he saw profit when it was all over...The look on his face was thanks enough. That was a Kodak moment. Made me feel proud to be me!
When my boss introduced me to him, and told him what I did for him. He was in shock. He even offered me a job under the table. I wonder if I would have been given the opportunity if he had met me BEFORE he knew what I did for him. Of course not! But I was flattered at the offer. Although it would be a great opportunity, I don't want to give up working from home. I love the corporate world, but the comfort of my home wins every time! I'm going to call my boss and let him know about the offer today. I'm not going anywhere, but I like to see him sweat. Maybe he'll even offer me more money. I love the fact that my work speaks for itself... I called my dad while we were driving home. He said, "That's my girl! I see the good old boy got a good old surprise." I could hear the pride in his voice. He realized that I had conquered one more lesson that he taught us...Always be in a position where you are needed by someone for something... I didn't understand it at first, but it's crystal clear now.
Isn't it crazy how people are always out for themselves?
Why are people so concerned with what you can do for them, but oblivious to the fact that you may need them too?
At 8:05 AM,
Ladynay said…
I know that's right girl, show em what you working with! LOL. That's great that your work speaks volumes like that!
So uhhhh when you get that next raise can I have a dollar? LOL
Isn't it crazy how people are always out for themselves?
Yeah, I know if you don't do for yourself you won't have nothing, but to be like that all the time is crazy.
Why are people so concerned with what you can do for them, but oblivious to the fact that you may need them too?
At 8:05 AM,
TTD said…
Congrats on the offer (although you wont take it) People are ALWAYS out for self - that's the American way.... lol
At 8:18 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...With all these wedding plans and expenses, I need a dollar right now! Like I said before, BIG things come with BIG bills!
@ttd...Thanks...I just didn't like the way he did it. I can tell he's no good. As soon as I'm not making him the same kind of money,he'll let me go. Something just didn't feel right about it...
At 1:16 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Was the position he offered significantly different than what you're doing now?
I think if most people weren't selfish then selfless people wouldn't stand out so much.
At 1:20 PM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
So proud of you babe! It's always good to get a job offer!!! And always let you boss know that you got it, but you chose not to accept it. Might just get a raise off of that!
At 1:27 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Get it girl!!!!
I wish you had taken a pic of his face LOL...funny how sometimes they think they using you for what they need and in actuality you getting more out of the deal in the long run
At 3:06 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...It actually was a better position, but like I said, the guy is cut-throat and I really don't want to work for him.
@terrance...I hope so...
@honey...Yes ma'am.
At 8:41 PM,
Superstar Nic said…
Girl some people are just so damn selfish! All they care about are themselves, but I treat people like that the same way they treat me.
At 6:46 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@nic..People can be so selfish it's pathetic...
At 6:10 PM,
deepnthought said…
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