Just a Little Appreciation
Yesterday, my teen girls and I did an Appreciation exercise. These girls have been programmed over the years with so much hate and distrust toward people due to the circumstances that surround them, they really never take the time to see the brighter side of life. That's my purpose. To show them that things can and will get better with a lot of hard work, and good use of the resources that are out there. So with that, I told them to write down at least one positive statement about each person(or group of people), they appreciate...in their lives. My name even came up in a couple, and the things they said about me made me feel really good. By the end of the session, they were all smiling...Heck, I was almost in tears...
This post is dedicated to all the people I will be cutting off for a while. I have to be stress free. I know there will always be something, but when those "somethings" don't understand that you need a little time, you just have to step in a TAKE time for you.
I have so many people in my life to be thankful for....I know I have said many of these things before, but this is just heavy on my heart today and I have to let it out!
Even though I didn't write it down last night. I have an appreciation list as well...
I have a happy, healthy, well-behaved child...
I have a parents who have loved me unconditionally since day one, and no matter what I do, they love me in spite of...
I have a brother that would give me the shirt off his back if I needed it...even if I didn't need it and just wanted it, it would be mine.
I have friends that despite the drama they bring into my life, they bring me so much joy and support as well...
My number 1...my man...Words can't express what I feel for him (I'm afraid if I start typing what you mean to me, I'll never stop)...
Softspoken...my best friend...Always shining a positive light. Even when people criticize you about your sexuality, you show them that it has nothing to do with your personality, and you "out shine" them every time.
Ambitious...You're so strong, and you go after your dreams with a vengeance. Thank you for being such a good friend all these years. I admire you...
Diva...With your outlandish ways and your presence, you keep me wondering and you keep me smiling...Through all the storms, we have made it. I still remember when the boys used to tease you and pick on you when we were little. You never let them kill your spirit and they learned that "just because a boy is sweet, don't mean he can't kick your a**!" As you say all the time, "Don't let the sweet taste fool ya."
Green Eyes...Even though you are the hater in the bunch, you are still a good friend. You are always there, whether it is to cast a little shade or a lot of love. I know you have a good heart...
Angel...The past few months have been so rough for you, but you have still bounced back like the true soldier I know you are. Thanks for being my girl and always being there for me...
I have a family ( aunts, uncles, and cousins), that sticks together when times get hard. Even though my cousin has put me through so many changes, I still make sure that she is okay...from a distance. As long she is living and her kids are fed every night and have a safe place to live...I'm cool...but no more. I love them all in spite of the stress they are putting me through right now...
I have said it before, and I'll say it again....Take the time to appreciate the people that are important in your life. If you never tell them, they'll never know...
Do you have an appreciation list? Who do you appreciate?
Do you think you would appear on anyone else's list?
This post is dedicated to all the people I will be cutting off for a while. I have to be stress free. I know there will always be something, but when those "somethings" don't understand that you need a little time, you just have to step in a TAKE time for you.
I have so many people in my life to be thankful for....I know I have said many of these things before, but this is just heavy on my heart today and I have to let it out!
Even though I didn't write it down last night. I have an appreciation list as well...
I have a happy, healthy, well-behaved child...
I have a parents who have loved me unconditionally since day one, and no matter what I do, they love me in spite of...
I have a brother that would give me the shirt off his back if I needed it...even if I didn't need it and just wanted it, it would be mine.
I have friends that despite the drama they bring into my life, they bring me so much joy and support as well...
My number 1...my man...Words can't express what I feel for him (I'm afraid if I start typing what you mean to me, I'll never stop)...
Softspoken...my best friend...Always shining a positive light. Even when people criticize you about your sexuality, you show them that it has nothing to do with your personality, and you "out shine" them every time.
Ambitious...You're so strong, and you go after your dreams with a vengeance. Thank you for being such a good friend all these years. I admire you...
Diva...With your outlandish ways and your presence, you keep me wondering and you keep me smiling...Through all the storms, we have made it. I still remember when the boys used to tease you and pick on you when we were little. You never let them kill your spirit and they learned that "just because a boy is sweet, don't mean he can't kick your a**!" As you say all the time, "Don't let the sweet taste fool ya."
Green Eyes...Even though you are the hater in the bunch, you are still a good friend. You are always there, whether it is to cast a little shade or a lot of love. I know you have a good heart...
Angel...The past few months have been so rough for you, but you have still bounced back like the true soldier I know you are. Thanks for being my girl and always being there for me...
I have a family ( aunts, uncles, and cousins), that sticks together when times get hard. Even though my cousin has put me through so many changes, I still make sure that she is okay...from a distance. As long she is living and her kids are fed every night and have a safe place to live...I'm cool...but no more. I love them all in spite of the stress they are putting me through right now...
I have said it before, and I'll say it again....Take the time to appreciate the people that are important in your life. If you never tell them, they'll never know...
Do you have an appreciation list? Who do you appreciate?
Do you think you would appear on anyone else's list?
At 8:16 AM,
TTD said…
i dont have an appreciation list.. but i do appreciate a number of people... im showing my girlfriends that i appreciate their help w/ my mom's party by taking them all to dinner..
i hope that i appear on someone's appreciations list :-)
At 8:18 AM,
Msnhim said…
I actually posted about this a few weeks ago thanking my friends for all that they do.
At 9:19 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...Awww...I wanna go!
@msnhim...That's sweet...
At 9:27 AM,
Clay said…
yes lawd, you have to be grateful ... like shug avery said, "i think it pisses good off to walk past the color purple and not notice it."
At 9:42 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@clay...True words...
At 12:36 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I don't have an appreciation list. I might sit down and write one in the not too distant future. It's not a bad idea especially during the holidays when I'm feeling especially reflective and introspective.
Honestly, I don't know if I'd appear on anyone's appreciation list. I'd hope so but unless or until someone tells me they do it's not something I would assume.
At 1:03 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...I think I'll be on someone's list too.
@freaky...Can't wait to see that post...
At 3:23 PM,
Miz JJ said…
I try to give to my friends what they give to me. And since a lot of my friends are so great I get a lot!
At 12:59 AM,
shereejoi said…
I appreciate my mother because she is always there for me no matter what, she always listens to me when I need to talk, vent, whatever she is always available. I also appreciate my son. As far as me being on someone's appreciation list I don't know I would hope that I would be. It's a good feeling to feel appreciated.
At 6:15 PM,
Ladynay said…
No list, but I do appriciate folk.
I am sure I am at least on my daughters list, after that I can't say for sure :-)
At 9:53 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@mizjj...That's so sweet!
@shereejoi...It's good that your mother is there for you like she is...
@ladynay...You know Pooka loves you!
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