I Have To Slow Down...
This weekend I enjoyed the company of family and friends...That along with good food was a winning combination.
Friday afternoon, my whole family, and most of my friends (and their friends)took all the kids in the family to the amusement park. That was my brother's birthday gift to my daughter. He paid for all the kids to go. That was so nice of him. We all had a blast. It was sooo hot out there..
Saturday was the cook out that my parents held for my daughter's birthday. There were a lot of people that came out. Not necessarily to celebrate my daughter's birthday, but for the food. Eveyone that knows my family knows that my mom and aunts can thrown down in the kitchen and they always cook plenty of food It was a big plus for my daughter when they found out that the cook out was held for her birthday because the people who showed up without gifts gave her money. She racked up a nice chunk of change...
Have you ever had a day when nothing goes your way? Yesterday was one of those days for me. To start, I woke up late and almost missed half of the church service. I started to stay home, but something told me to go. I'm glad I did. I really needed to hear the message..."Turning Complaints Into Thank You's"
There were a lot of other things that happened yesterday, but after the sermon, I felt that they weren't so bad, and I won't complain. I am just thankful to have a man in my life that can pick up the pieces effortlessly...
My man went to church with his family yesterday so we were supposed to meet up after service. The church that his family attends usually lets out about an hour and a half after my church, so I had plenty of time to go home and get comfortable.
The weather was so nice(for a change), we decided to go on a picnic at the lake. After a few incoming calls, it turned into an event...Since it was last minute thing, we decided to make it a BYOF (Bring Your Own Food), type of thing.
I have this short coral linen dress that I bought a few weeks ago that was perfect for the little event. Whenever we get together, it's just another excuse to look wonderful. So we decided that everyone would wear pastel colors. Softspoken killed them in off white...Ambitious was gorgeous in the softest shade of orange and my man was rocking the heck out of his yellow. I love the way it contrasted with his skin. So sexy... Diva, of course had on pink, but it wasn't a cheesy pink, it was a classy shade of rose. Green Eyes had on this mint green shirt that made his eyes look almost transparent... My very pregnant friend was rocking this lilac dress that looked cute on her. My man's best friend and his girl had on powder blue. I think we had all the colors of the pastel rainbow on lock! It's killing me to hold these pics because they came out so nice, but I will stick to the original Incognegro ( a name that was given to me by a fellow blogger) theme of my blog...
I guess a couple of my friends didn't get the memo because they came empty handed. Of course I brought extra food, but dang!
There were so many people out there yesterday. We met some interesting folks. For the most part we had a great time.
This weekend, I didn't spend any alone time with my man. By the time we got back home after each day's festivities, we were so tired, all we wanted to do was sleep. He is going to be very busy at work all week, and I have a project at work starting tonight and I have to go into the office to work with my team on it. The final team members are flying in from China and aren't expected in until 9:00 p.m. tonight. I know I'm in for a long night. There is no telling what time we'll get out of there, and this is just day one of the planning phase. I guess it really does cost to be the boss... It's crazy, but my man and I will actually have to schedule time for each other this week. It's just Monday and I am already looking forward to the weekend so I can spend time alone with him.
I am going to make him lunch and take it to him at work...He's going to be so happy. He loves the attention... I always add a little something extra to make him feel special.
I will be sleeping most of the evening because I will be up all night working...
My daughter left about 5 minutes ago, and is going to be gone for two more weeks with her dad, so I have another break in this job we call parenting!
My man and I are planning to get together tonight for a little rendezvous, but that is all dependent upon work...I hope all goes well. A sistah has an itch that only one man can scratch...
Have you ever been so busy that you don't know whether you're going or coming?
Are you burned out from work?
Are you in need of a VACATION? I know I am....
Friday afternoon, my whole family, and most of my friends (and their friends)took all the kids in the family to the amusement park. That was my brother's birthday gift to my daughter. He paid for all the kids to go. That was so nice of him. We all had a blast. It was sooo hot out there..
Saturday was the cook out that my parents held for my daughter's birthday. There were a lot of people that came out. Not necessarily to celebrate my daughter's birthday, but for the food. Eveyone that knows my family knows that my mom and aunts can thrown down in the kitchen and they always cook plenty of food It was a big plus for my daughter when they found out that the cook out was held for her birthday because the people who showed up without gifts gave her money. She racked up a nice chunk of change...
Have you ever had a day when nothing goes your way? Yesterday was one of those days for me. To start, I woke up late and almost missed half of the church service. I started to stay home, but something told me to go. I'm glad I did. I really needed to hear the message..."Turning Complaints Into Thank You's"
There were a lot of other things that happened yesterday, but after the sermon, I felt that they weren't so bad, and I won't complain. I am just thankful to have a man in my life that can pick up the pieces effortlessly...
My man went to church with his family yesterday so we were supposed to meet up after service. The church that his family attends usually lets out about an hour and a half after my church, so I had plenty of time to go home and get comfortable.
The weather was so nice(for a change), we decided to go on a picnic at the lake. After a few incoming calls, it turned into an event...Since it was last minute thing, we decided to make it a BYOF (Bring Your Own Food), type of thing.
I have this short coral linen dress that I bought a few weeks ago that was perfect for the little event. Whenever we get together, it's just another excuse to look wonderful. So we decided that everyone would wear pastel colors. Softspoken killed them in off white...Ambitious was gorgeous in the softest shade of orange and my man was rocking the heck out of his yellow. I love the way it contrasted with his skin. So sexy... Diva, of course had on pink, but it wasn't a cheesy pink, it was a classy shade of rose. Green Eyes had on this mint green shirt that made his eyes look almost transparent... My very pregnant friend was rocking this lilac dress that looked cute on her. My man's best friend and his girl had on powder blue. I think we had all the colors of the pastel rainbow on lock! It's killing me to hold these pics because they came out so nice, but I will stick to the original Incognegro ( a name that was given to me by a fellow blogger) theme of my blog...
I guess a couple of my friends didn't get the memo because they came empty handed. Of course I brought extra food, but dang!
There were so many people out there yesterday. We met some interesting folks. For the most part we had a great time.
This weekend, I didn't spend any alone time with my man. By the time we got back home after each day's festivities, we were so tired, all we wanted to do was sleep. He is going to be very busy at work all week, and I have a project at work starting tonight and I have to go into the office to work with my team on it. The final team members are flying in from China and aren't expected in until 9:00 p.m. tonight. I know I'm in for a long night. There is no telling what time we'll get out of there, and this is just day one of the planning phase. I guess it really does cost to be the boss... It's crazy, but my man and I will actually have to schedule time for each other this week. It's just Monday and I am already looking forward to the weekend so I can spend time alone with him.
I am going to make him lunch and take it to him at work...He's going to be so happy. He loves the attention... I always add a little something extra to make him feel special.
I will be sleeping most of the evening because I will be up all night working...
My daughter left about 5 minutes ago, and is going to be gone for two more weeks with her dad, so I have another break in this job we call parenting!
My man and I are planning to get together tonight for a little rendezvous, but that is all dependent upon work...I hope all goes well. A sistah has an itch that only one man can scratch...
Have you ever been so busy that you don't know whether you're going or coming?
Are you burned out from work?
Are you in need of a VACATION? I know I am....
At 10:26 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Blogger wouldn't let me comment earlier, so here's my forth go.
You definitely sound like you're going to be busy. I hope you do get to schedule some time in for each other before the weekend. It sucks when work takes up so much of your time and zaps so much of your energy that you're thinking of work when you shouldn't or don't have to and you only have enough energy to eat and make it to bed before falling out.
At 10:36 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
That's how I feel today...My blog is my only outlet for the day...
At 12:36 PM,
Ladynay said…
blogger needs a vacation more than all of us! Ugh!
I bascially said yes to all your questions...
At 1:47 PM,
Msnhim said…
I soooooo Need a vacation right now but its going to have to waite... to much going on at work.
At 2:04 PM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...It really does...
@southern gal...Childless vacations are wonderful...even though you miss your kids, you get over it!
@msnhim...Me too. I wish I could juts get away for about 2 days...
At 10:54 AM,
TTD said…
hell yes i need a vacation! really just a break... i've been non-stop for i dont know how long!
At 11:34 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I am running on fumes...
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