He's The Best!
My friends are very special to me, but one in particular, Sofspoken is my"bestest-best". Ambitious is right behind him. I hate the fact that he has to travel so much for work, but he enjoys it so I have to be happy for him. He was supposed to be gone for a while but he is back.
I haven't really been spending much time with my friends( with the exception of the party for Ambitious). I have been busy doing my own thing. Softspoken is the one person in the circle who has the ability to get us all together. It's just something about him. He is a positive person and I enjoy being around him so much...We all do. So we all went out to dinner last night. My daughter loves going out with them. She is a little princess in their eyes and of course they all spoil her to death. Even Diva (who hates kids) has a soft spot for her. It's probably the fact that she is very well behaved ( That's the power of a good old fashion butt whooping!).
This family was sitting behind us last night and I wanted to slap the heck out of the parents. They had 3 small kids that were all over the place....Crawling under the tables...Hanging off the chairs...Running and yelling. The waiter had to tell them to get their kids twice and they just sat there talking like nothing was wrong. The manager finally came out and asked them to leave. I was so happy. Don't you just hate it when parents can't control their kids?
Softspoken is coming over today. Whenever he's in town we spend a lot of time together. He tells me all his travel stories and I give him the run down on all the things he missed out on while he was away. I love the fact that he is considerate of my relationship. Although my man is not jealous, Softspoken respects the fact that at a certain time of the day, I turn everything off for my family...He says that even though he is gay, he would never want my man to feel like I am spending all my time with another man.
I have no plans for us today. We'll just hang out and go with the flow until I meet up with my teen girls tonight. We'll talk...we'll eat...we'll laugh...we'll cry...It's good to have a friend in your life that will stick by you no matter what. Most of all, I love the fact that he has a tactful way of telling it like it is. I hate it when people tread lightly around me in fear that I won't do anything for them...I am not like that. If I'm going to do something for you, I'll do it regardless. Somehow hearing things from him makes it so much easier to handle because I know he is telling me from the heart.
Every person should have at least one good friend in their life. A person that can do or say simple things to make your day better. I have a man that does so much for me, but it is still not like my friend.
I love my friend to death and can't wait to spend the day with him.
Do you have any good friends?
I haven't really been spending much time with my friends( with the exception of the party for Ambitious). I have been busy doing my own thing. Softspoken is the one person in the circle who has the ability to get us all together. It's just something about him. He is a positive person and I enjoy being around him so much...We all do. So we all went out to dinner last night. My daughter loves going out with them. She is a little princess in their eyes and of course they all spoil her to death. Even Diva (who hates kids) has a soft spot for her. It's probably the fact that she is very well behaved ( That's the power of a good old fashion butt whooping!).
This family was sitting behind us last night and I wanted to slap the heck out of the parents. They had 3 small kids that were all over the place....Crawling under the tables...Hanging off the chairs...Running and yelling. The waiter had to tell them to get their kids twice and they just sat there talking like nothing was wrong. The manager finally came out and asked them to leave. I was so happy. Don't you just hate it when parents can't control their kids?
Softspoken is coming over today. Whenever he's in town we spend a lot of time together. He tells me all his travel stories and I give him the run down on all the things he missed out on while he was away. I love the fact that he is considerate of my relationship. Although my man is not jealous, Softspoken respects the fact that at a certain time of the day, I turn everything off for my family...He says that even though he is gay, he would never want my man to feel like I am spending all my time with another man.
I have no plans for us today. We'll just hang out and go with the flow until I meet up with my teen girls tonight. We'll talk...we'll eat...we'll laugh...we'll cry...It's good to have a friend in your life that will stick by you no matter what. Most of all, I love the fact that he has a tactful way of telling it like it is. I hate it when people tread lightly around me in fear that I won't do anything for them...I am not like that. If I'm going to do something for you, I'll do it regardless. Somehow hearing things from him makes it so much easier to handle because I know he is telling me from the heart.
Every person should have at least one good friend in their life. A person that can do or say simple things to make your day better. I have a man that does so much for me, but it is still not like my friend.
I love my friend to death and can't wait to spend the day with him.
Do you have any good friends?
At 7:29 AM,
Ladynay said…
Yeah I have a couple of real friends and they are like fam to me!
I can't STAND when kids act a fool in public and the parents don't do nothing to get it under control! Makes you wanna get up and snatch 'em up yourself!
At 7:41 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...My first thought was to snatch the kids up, but the way the parents were just sitting there made me want to snatch them up instead!
At 9:34 AM,
Msnhim said…
You see, what the parents need to do at that restaurant was woop some ass!!!!
I have my 2 Best friends that are like sisters to me, infact thats how I introduce them as my sisters. I love them to death and I know I can always count on them.
At 9:38 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@msnhim... I have never had a sister. I bet that is nice...
At 10:28 AM,
Nika Laqui said…
I hate that, CONTROL YO DAMN KIDS!!!
My son know I will sock him in a hot minute...in public, infront of whoever...I'll take him in the bathroom in a minute, cause you know white folks will try to call the police....
All I gotta do is show him my belt and he all good...
My first is a true friend, but he's more like family...then my BD, although we been through hell and hotwater, I can still talk to him about everything and he gives me his perspective...
At 10:45 AM,
Freaky Deaky said…
All of my true friends are special because I'm very picky about who I let into my life and who gets to stay. Both of my best friends are like family to me. I shouldn't even say like because I consider them both family.
You know I despise unruly kids and stupid parents. I've never seen a manager ask the family to leave because of the kids but I wish I was there to see it. I'm not normally a mushy person but ejecting them would've brought a tear to my eye, lol.
At 11:35 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@nsane...I know that's right! It's good you have someone to talk to.
@freaky...It was a first for me as well. When I say those kids were all over the place, I mean it. Plus we were at a really nice restaurant. When they were walking out, my friends and I started clapping. It was too funny!
At 2:50 PM,
TTD said…
I do.. I have one good friend from school.. she's currently in Charlotte.. I have another one that's like my brother to me... we dont see each other often but we can ALWAYS depend on each other..
At 9:07 PM,
Superstar Nic said…
I do have some good friends and I wouldn't trade 'em for nothing in the world. I have four close girl friends. Three of them and I have been great friends since highschool so I know we will always be friends cause thats a long ass time! My other good friend and I have been friends for about five years. We met as coworkers and remained friends.
At 1:54 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
I have a coupla good friends...I luv them forever!!!!...Each one provides something different and fab for me!!!!
At 6:27 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ All...It's good to have good friends that give something to you rather than take something from you...
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