A way to express my thoughts to the world...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The More I Teach You, the Dumber I Get!

With all that's going on around me these days, I don't know if I'm going or coming...

Do you ever feel like you are talking to a brick wall? It seems as if your words never permeate the brain surface of the person you are trying to get your point across to.

I had a session with my teen group last night and I was trying to explain the difference between love and lust to these young ladies. I let them know that lust can manifest itself in many ways. It can be physical or emotional...It is so strong that can control you. Love is different...It is patient and understanding. They are so ready to be grown that they miss the experience of growing up!

These girls' hormones are raging out of control. They are on a mission, and even though I know that I cannot stop the inevitable, I try to equip them early, with some knowledge that I gained a little too late...But it seems they have no clue. The more I talked to them, the more I realized that they are blind to many of the things around them. These young girls are so wrapped up in boys and sex, that their education and well being have taken the back seat. What is wrong with these kids today?

Why is it so important to have someone in your life? I enjoy my relationship very much, but I don't NEED him in my life, I WANT him in my life. I love him and he loves me. Intimacy is so much more special than just sex and lust. When feelings are reciprocated, it feels so much better! One of the girls told me that she cannot live without a boyfriend. She says that if she breaks up with someone today, she has to have someone in her back pocket to fill his place. I told her that what she said just showed how insecure she was with herself. What's wrong with being by yourself? If You don't love You, then who else will.

I see that I have a lot of work to do with these ladies. I have been focusing on issues that they have been bringing up to me, but it's time for me to bring up an even bigger issue to them. Loving Yourself! They just don't get it. They have so much to live for and so much potential. I just have to somehow bring this out of each and every one of them. I have my hands full with this bunch, but I am up for the challenge!

What are some of your ideas on how to get these girls to understand and love themselves?

Do you think that the need for someone in your life if caused by the absence of something else?

How do I get these girls to think for themselves?

I always have something going on.......


  • At 8:11 PM, Blogger Abeni said…

    Not loving yourself mainly comes from some incident/s that shaped how you feel about yourself.Maybe you can see if you can find out what happened to them and then take it from there.You also got to get them to udentify the things that make them feel worthwhile.Tough job but ....

  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger Ladynay said…

    Teaching someone *even grown folk* how to love themselves is very hard. I don't even know were to make a suggestion, but I also commend you on what your doing.

    I sure miss my younger days, the annual neighborhood water fight, boys vs. girls! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww man those where some good times!

    I used to darn near beg to go outside! Now a days parents gotta make their kids go outside! Nutz!

    Your ladies have all the time they need later on in life to be worrying about some boy and who she gonna get some from!

  • At 8:27 AM, Blogger TTD said…

    i agree w/ nay nay.. there are grown women that need to learn that lesson.. but i think that the girls may feel that way b/c that's what they see on TV and real life.. i think the problem w/ kids today is that their PARENTS dont care enough about them.. they sit them in front of a TV and thats where they get their life's lessons from. my mom was a single mother that didnt NEED a man in her life.. she would occasionally have a boyfriend and from that i've learned that its nice to have a man, but i will be just fine w/o one... sorry.. no suggestions on how to get them to change their mindsets

  • At 8:35 AM, Blogger Ms.Honey said…

    It's so sad that many young girls feel that way, I can remember when I was single for almost two years after a break up with a serious did that ever teach me about myself.

    If you don't spend time with yourself and love you then why would someone else want to do that...I'm glad they have you, great post!

  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat Chick said…

    Loving Urself is a choice. I can relate b/c It took me a while to love me. I finally realized looking for love and you don 't love and respect urself will end in disater. No relationship had a chance b/c I need them to make me happy and feel good about me. Once you know ur self worth no one can tell you any differnt

  • At 1:20 PM, Blogger nosthegametoo said…

    Wish I had some answers for these questions. The only thing I can say is keep young girls/boys busy. Too much time to think and talk about this petty mess is not good for them.

    You know, I think young girls are confusing being "free" with their sexuality, with being independent. Like girls with eating disorders, some girls use sex as the only control in their lives.

    Obviously, the fatherless kids out there shows how much their new found independence is helping them.

    No wonder Hugh Hefner is one of the biggest supporters of Women's Liberation movements. Fits his agenda perfectly.

  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    Looking at these girls, you would think that many of them had it all together. They are very smart, academically, but lack the knowledge of the world around them...As my grandmother used to say, they have book sense but no street sense. The center that I volunteer at, just got a government grant for education, so alot of these young ladies in the program go to private schools on vouchers. Some of them live in two-parent, stable homes, just in a poor area of the city. But ALL of them, no matter where they live, think the SAME. I talked to them one by one...I used to think they were a product of their environment. Now I see, they are just a product of themselves. They choose to do what they do for the lack of knowledge. Not because it is not given to them, but more because they don't want to hear it. We'll see how things go tonight. I gave them something to think about...

  • At 4:14 PM, Blogger Waddie G. said…

    I am glad that a sista like you is reaching out to younger girls and women and letting them know what life is REALLY like for a woman and how they can make some sound choices in their lives.

    I know it's hard to shove good values in some people's brains, but it's the fact that you cared enough to share your beliefs will make a difference whether they practice what you taught them or at least think and remember it.


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