Welcome Back Drama
I was feeling all good yesterday and BAM! Diva had to go stir up some mess!
My friend, that has been living the double life (he has a girlfriend that he lives with and he has a boyfriend on the side) for quite some time, has gotten himself into an even bigger mess. His girlfriend is pregnant and his boyfriend is livid. To top it all off, Diva saw him out with another woman.
Diva can't keep a secret to save his life. Diva told his girlfriend about the other woman. Now this may seem petty, but the problem came in when they all met at MY house to have the discussion. I still have a headache from all this drama.
My life has been so peaceful this past week...
I didn't comment at all. After the heated discussion was over, I excused them all from my house as fast as they came in...My mission for 2007...No Drama....Even when it is knocking at my front door. We'll see how long that lasts.
Don't you just hate it when people have to put themselves into situations that they need to stay out of?
Why do they have to drag you into the mess with them?
My friend, that has been living the double life (he has a girlfriend that he lives with and he has a boyfriend on the side) for quite some time, has gotten himself into an even bigger mess. His girlfriend is pregnant and his boyfriend is livid. To top it all off, Diva saw him out with another woman.
Diva can't keep a secret to save his life. Diva told his girlfriend about the other woman. Now this may seem petty, but the problem came in when they all met at MY house to have the discussion. I still have a headache from all this drama.
My life has been so peaceful this past week...
I didn't comment at all. After the heated discussion was over, I excused them all from my house as fast as they came in...My mission for 2007...No Drama....Even when it is knocking at my front door. We'll see how long that lasts.
Don't you just hate it when people have to put themselves into situations that they need to stay out of?
Why do they have to drag you into the mess with them?
At 11:00 AM,
Ladynay said…
Don't you just hate it when people have to put themselves into situations that they need to stay out of?
Yeah but what can an outsider do?
Why do they have to drag you into the mess with them?
Cuz we let them....
At 11:38 AM,
TTD said…
i agree w/ ladynay on the last question... as soon as they came knocking at my door, i think i woulda been like.. no offense, but ya'll drama doesnt affect me & i dont want to be a part of it... so be out! i know... easier said than done, right?
At 2:45 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
Why do they have to meet at your house to discuss it? Give them the number to Jerry Springer, that show can use the excitement. LOL!
I co-sign with Ladynay. I hope you manage to keep the drama away or at least out of your house in 2007.
At 7:01 PM,
fuzzy said…
just gonna say this one phrase: Misery loves company!
At 8:38 AM,
Shug said…
Lol! Dang, why does your house always have to be the hot spot? People love to come to your house to deal with drama that has nothing to do with you.
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