I Remember Yesterday
Yesterday was a blur....
I remember waking up, getting started on my work, then leaving the house...I remember going to sleep at about 2 am.
I faintly remember a voice on the phone saying..."My kitchen is on fire."
I went over the floor plan of the house in my mind. The kitchen was located between the living room and the baby's room.
I tried to call her back but there was no answer...
I remember the flashing lights, and all the people standing around.
I remember the smoke.
A mixed feeling of relief came when I saw her standing there holding my god daughter. I was glad that they were okay.
Her husband wasn't home, as usual. He wouldn't answer his phone when she called...He had been gone since the day before...
After a few hours, it was all over.
We went back into the house. The kitchen was burned beyond repair but no other rooms were damaged.
She looked at me in despair and said, "What am I going to do. My deductible is $1500. I don't have that kind of money.?"
I told her to talk to her husband first.
She said that she knew he wouldn't have the money.
I told her that I would get back to her.
I'm really in a mess. I love my god daughter, and my friend. I don't want to love them conditionally though...But it's hard for me to give her money to help save her house a second time, when she has a husband at home to help her. I am saving for myself. I am trying to get ahead with a lot of things that I have worked so hard to get for me and mine. I'm getting married very soon...
Is it selfish of me to be thinking of myself at a time like this? I mean, I would be helping my friend, but she is not my responsibility when you look at the whole situation. She chose to be with her husband. Although I don't get into their situation, I know that he is no good for her. He probably still doesn't know what happened to his family.
Should I help her, or should I just tell her no for a change?
I remember waking up, getting started on my work, then leaving the house...I remember going to sleep at about 2 am.
I faintly remember a voice on the phone saying..."My kitchen is on fire."
I went over the floor plan of the house in my mind. The kitchen was located between the living room and the baby's room.
I tried to call her back but there was no answer...
I remember the flashing lights, and all the people standing around.
I remember the smoke.
A mixed feeling of relief came when I saw her standing there holding my god daughter. I was glad that they were okay.
Her husband wasn't home, as usual. He wouldn't answer his phone when she called...He had been gone since the day before...
After a few hours, it was all over.
We went back into the house. The kitchen was burned beyond repair but no other rooms were damaged.
She looked at me in despair and said, "What am I going to do. My deductible is $1500. I don't have that kind of money.?"
I told her to talk to her husband first.
She said that she knew he wouldn't have the money.
I told her that I would get back to her.
I'm really in a mess. I love my god daughter, and my friend. I don't want to love them conditionally though...But it's hard for me to give her money to help save her house a second time, when she has a husband at home to help her. I am saving for myself. I am trying to get ahead with a lot of things that I have worked so hard to get for me and mine. I'm getting married very soon...
Is it selfish of me to be thinking of myself at a time like this? I mean, I would be helping my friend, but she is not my responsibility when you look at the whole situation. She chose to be with her husband. Although I don't get into their situation, I know that he is no good for her. He probably still doesn't know what happened to his family.
Should I help her, or should I just tell her no for a change?
At 10:20 AM,
TTD said…
i think i would have to make her talk to her husband... and make sure she talks to her husband... depending on his reaction is how i would make my decision...
if he's a dick & won't help.. and she decides she still wants to be w/ him... then that's her bed that she made & she has to lay in it
if he's being a dick & wont help.. and she realizes to walk away from that disaster & you can afford it.. go ahead and help....
if he doesn't have it.. and you can spare to LOAN it to her, then help her out..
just remember... you don't have to give her ALL of it, when helping her out
and no you're not wrong for thinking of yourself, if you don't, then who will?
At 10:24 AM,
Shug said…
Is it selfish of me to be thinking of myself at a time like this?
No, that's not being selfish. That's being real. Like you said, she has a husband that SHOULD be there for his family and it is his responsibility to take care of them.
Should I help her, or should I just tell her no for a change?
If I were in your shoes, I don't think I would give her all of the money, but I would give her some of it. I'm really sorry her kitchen burned down. Does she know how the fire started? I really hope your friend sees this as a wake up call that she should leave her "husband" alone.
At 10:50 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...Hopefully she will see the light. I'll help her out a little, but I know she'll never pay me back.
@southern gal...If you recall, we've done that before. My friends and I helped her come up with money to pay her past due mortgage. I just hate the fact that she somes to me first, as if she knows I will give it to her.
@shug...She fell asleep with food on the stove.
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
First I'd tell her to talk to her husband and if need be I'd talk to him for her (I'm just like that lol). It's his family and I'm not trying to be funny but dang how you not gonna answer and not be found and your families life is on the line...I mean she knew what he was and choose to deal with it. I'd help her out just not $1500 worth. And no your not being selfish you're being human and a friend.
At 1:22 PM,
Ladynay said…
Does she have any other financial backups outside of you? Yes you love her and hate to see her in bad shape, but if you always the first line of defense your always gonna be her first line of defense.
At 1:33 PM,
Miz JJ said…
Being someone friend does not equal being a bank. You are not luvinme/ATM. She needs to learn to stand on her own two feet. She keeps making poor decisions: living in a house she obviously can not afford (you and your friends paid some part of her mortage), calling a man who does not support her (emotionally or financially), her husband. She has a lot of problems and it is definitely not your responsibility to fix them. She needs to take some responsibility for her situation.
At 1:57 PM,
Shai said…
It is not selfish. You have to take care of your business. I find people find ways to get stuff done even when you say no you cannot help.
She may be so used to you helping that she takes it for granted. She may even think if she sounds bad enough you will give in.
Just say you are not able to help. Dont' feel so guilty.
Why did she have 2 fires.
At 2:25 PM,
Ming Houser, Realtor said…
Help her. You'll get it back 10 fold.
At 2:45 AM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
If you can't do it don't put yourself out there like that. If it's not going to affect you then it's no big deal but don't put yourself in a bind to help someone else.
BTW..her husband is a sorry excuse for a man.
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