I am loving my pool and privacy fence...The things that we did in that back yard last night should be against the law!
There is something different about me. I can see it in the way I walk...talk... look. Even in the way I give a slight smile to others when they speak(and you know I am not the friendliest person). I am starting to see an inner glow that wasn't there before. I have stress all around me but I feel like it is standing still and I am moving forward. I have been through a lot of things, but today, it doesn't bother me. I have been hurt by so many people, but for some reason, I don't even remember the pain. This morning, I looked in the mirror and realized that I am on the right track. Forgiving others...Loving me...Letting it all go. Today I realized, that I am happy.
Do people really know what it means to be happy? I don't think so. Many people think they know, but they have no idea what true happiness is. How can you know something that you have never felt? I thought I knew, but I am just realizing that I was content with my life, not happy. Today I can say that I am truly happy. I know this because...If my man were to walk out the door right now, I would still love him, but I could let him go. Not because I want him to leave, but because I am happy with myself. I am glad that he is here with me, and I would hate to see him leave, but I could do it. He adds to my happiness, but he is not the sole reason that I am happy.
We often think that...If I find that special someone, I'll be okay. If I can get with the right man/woman, I can feel the type of love I hear people speaking about. If I could only get the right person in my life, things will change for me. It's NEVER going to be that way! As long as you allow people to come into your space and you allow them to adjust your space to make them comfortable, you will never find what you are looking for. You have to find someone who fits in that space. Like a piece to a puzzle. There will be minor adjustments...compromises...but your happiness will never be sacrificed in the process.
My mother taught me to always be at a point to where I could take care of myself without needing anyone else. At first I thought she wanted me to be alone for the rest of my life. I soon realized she didn't mean for me to be independent to the point to where I was detached from reality. She just meant that I should never be physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, or spiritually dependent on another person. She wanted me to know me, and love me, like no one else ever will.
When you have someone in your life who loves you for you....It's an indescribable feeling. My man and I are both complete individuals. We are free. Do you know what it feels like to be free of everything? We don't need anything from each other, yet we give everything to each other. It's so much easier to give a person what they desire when it is not turned into a necessity. I am not needy at all...and it turns him on to no end when he tries to give me money and I turn him down. Now I know he will make sure I get it in some way or another (buying me gifts), but the fact that I only take from him what I need makes him desire me even more.
My friend in the hospital is doing better. So far, things are looking up...I talked to her husband yesterday for about 2 hours...alone. He got a chance to express how he felt( sad, mad, scared, confused). He is a basket case, but around her he is a pillar of strength. He has been by her side through the whole thing. One thing is for sure, my friend knows what it feels like to be loved. I think she knew the secret a long time ago. I'm just now catching up...
What type of men/women do you attract?
Why do you think that those types of people gravitate towards you?
What do you do to keep positive people in your life?
How do you get rid of the negative people around you?
There is something different about me. I can see it in the way I walk...talk... look. Even in the way I give a slight smile to others when they speak(and you know I am not the friendliest person). I am starting to see an inner glow that wasn't there before. I have stress all around me but I feel like it is standing still and I am moving forward. I have been through a lot of things, but today, it doesn't bother me. I have been hurt by so many people, but for some reason, I don't even remember the pain. This morning, I looked in the mirror and realized that I am on the right track. Forgiving others...Loving me...Letting it all go. Today I realized, that I am happy.
Do people really know what it means to be happy? I don't think so. Many people think they know, but they have no idea what true happiness is. How can you know something that you have never felt? I thought I knew, but I am just realizing that I was content with my life, not happy. Today I can say that I am truly happy. I know this because...If my man were to walk out the door right now, I would still love him, but I could let him go. Not because I want him to leave, but because I am happy with myself. I am glad that he is here with me, and I would hate to see him leave, but I could do it. He adds to my happiness, but he is not the sole reason that I am happy.
We often think that...If I find that special someone, I'll be okay. If I can get with the right man/woman, I can feel the type of love I hear people speaking about. If I could only get the right person in my life, things will change for me. It's NEVER going to be that way! As long as you allow people to come into your space and you allow them to adjust your space to make them comfortable, you will never find what you are looking for. You have to find someone who fits in that space. Like a piece to a puzzle. There will be minor adjustments...compromises...but your happiness will never be sacrificed in the process.
My mother taught me to always be at a point to where I could take care of myself without needing anyone else. At first I thought she wanted me to be alone for the rest of my life. I soon realized she didn't mean for me to be independent to the point to where I was detached from reality. She just meant that I should never be physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, or spiritually dependent on another person. She wanted me to know me, and love me, like no one else ever will.
When you have someone in your life who loves you for you....It's an indescribable feeling. My man and I are both complete individuals. We are free. Do you know what it feels like to be free of everything? We don't need anything from each other, yet we give everything to each other. It's so much easier to give a person what they desire when it is not turned into a necessity. I am not needy at all...and it turns him on to no end when he tries to give me money and I turn him down. Now I know he will make sure I get it in some way or another (buying me gifts), but the fact that I only take from him what I need makes him desire me even more.
My friend in the hospital is doing better. So far, things are looking up...I talked to her husband yesterday for about 2 hours...alone. He got a chance to express how he felt( sad, mad, scared, confused). He is a basket case, but around her he is a pillar of strength. He has been by her side through the whole thing. One thing is for sure, my friend knows what it feels like to be loved. I think she knew the secret a long time ago. I'm just now catching up...
What type of men/women do you attract?
Why do you think that those types of people gravitate towards you?
What do you do to keep positive people in your life?
How do you get rid of the negative people around you?
At 8:45 AM,
Ladynay said…
AWWWW I am truely glad your happy! It is all about loving yourself aka luvin me!
What type of men/women do you attract?
Why do you think that those types of people gravitate towards you?
Too nice
What do you do to keep positive people in your life?
Make sure I let them know their importance in my life
How do you get rid of the negative people around you?
cut them off
At 9:03 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ladynay...Good answers
At 9:19 AM,
@GaryTylone said…
I really want to be like you when I grow up!!!! ( aside from being a woman..lol..)
What type of men/women do you attract?
Confused non communicators
Why do you think that those types of people gravitate towards you?
Non communicator myself
At 9:29 AM,
Abeni said…
Same as ladynay.Seems like all the people who gravitate to me are looking for a free ride.
At 9:49 AM,
Mrs A. said…
hmmmmmm, i attract needy leeches or scumbuckets. i do this because, as sassy as i am on my blog, i am very easy-going in life. therefore, people mistake my demeanor for being gullible, easy, or a weakness (especially since i'm from the south) lately i've been getting better, so i've been hacking the losers out in dsifferent ways-letters, convos, ignoring. but i keep the good ones around by openly communicating. i like to know how they perceive me and i like to be able to tell them what i'm experiencing so we can understand each other better.
At 9:59 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
Let me find out you committing crimes behind closed doors LOL...I seem to attract those who want to talk about money....I think those types gravitate to me cause I sometimes look like I have it lol....I let those around me know I appreciate them and as far as getting rid of people I tend to ignore them or just tell them to leave me alone..by the way I loved this post...so glad you are HAPPY!!!
At 10:20 AM,
TTD said…
im glad ur happy! when ur happy u do have to cut those negative people off else they will rain on ur parade.. & u do that by stop talking to & hanging out w/ them all together.. cut off all lines of communication w/ them!
i attract all types of people.. who knows why!
you keep positive people in ur life by being a good friend to them.. the same way you want them to be towards you!
At 11:01 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@Valentino...Why don't you tell them how you feel?
@abeni...That would drive me crazy.
@lady a...Sometimes us southern belles just have to puy out fooot down.
@honey...Thank you! Uh oh... You looking like a balla!
@ttd...I have all kinds of people coming me way too. The good, the bad, and the ugly!
At 11:48 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@southern gal...the straight- forward approach always works...
At 4:09 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
What type of women do I attract?
Mainly emotionally unavailable and confufsed attention whores or hurt women that want me to save them and heal their pain and leave once they're fixed up.
Why do you think that those types of people gravitate towards you?
Beats the hell out of me. If I knew I'd change it, lol. The emotionally unavailable and confused attention whores like the attention I shower them with, I guess. Maybe they think that's what I like. I don't know. The hurt women, I guess are either attracted to my hurt and feel they have a kindred spirit or they sense that I can help them.
What do you do to keep positive people in your life?
I let them know where they stand, how special they are to me, and be as good a friend as I demand they be of me.
How do you get rid of the negative people around you?
I pretty much just dump them. I let them know that they're not good for me or too me and then cut them off.
At 9:40 PM,
Superstar Nic said…
I'm happy that you are happy. Its a wonderful feeling isn't?!?!
What type of men/women do you attract?
Why do you think that those types of people gravitate towards you? I seem to attract all types of people. I'm really open and friendly most of the time, so I think that's what attracts people to me.
What do you do to keep positive people in your life?
I try not to burden them with my problems all the time and try to enjoy their company and laugh alot!
How do you get rid of the negative people around you?
Not spending time with them or talking to them much. They usually will just drift away.
At 6:45 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...(ROTF)"Confused attention whores"...a signature "Freaky Deaky" statement!
@nic...You seem like the type of person who loves to have fun!
@chris...That's a good way to be.
At 6:45 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
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At 6:45 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
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At 12:19 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I sat down one day and thought about who I was attracting and the term seemed to fit the majority of the women I attract. They flip flop on what kind of relationship if any they want. They demand to be entertained with lots of attention but they don't ever seem to give me any attention, encouragement, hope, or anything.
At 7:54 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@freaky...so they want something for nothing...
At 6:29 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@g...It was a long and bumpy ride but I made it!
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