A way to express my thoughts to the world...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Enough Is Enough

I love kids...when they belong to someone else. I was blessed with one child, and I plan on keeping it that way. I'm not greedy. I enjoy the fact that I can go and come as I please, because her father is adamant about sharing in half the responsibility of raising her. She is old enough that I don't have to lug around a diaper bag and sippie cups, but still young enough to eat off the kids for me, things are great.

My cousin, on the other hand, has 6. It is a rare occasion that she can find a babysitter for all of them at once. I'll do it...Maybe twice a year. But no one else in the family will take on the task. They are little busy bodies. She is young(24), and she likes to go out and do things that 24 year olds do, but has a hard time doing so often, and you could imagine. I don't like to rub things in her face, but come on. She chose to have those children. Now, I'm not saying that she did it on her own, I'm just saying the there are ways to prevent it. She says that she loves her kids, and I'm sure she does, but they are stressing her out. She does not work a 9 to 5 (raising 6 kids is a job within itself), she lives off the child support from their fathers...and yes, they have different dads.

But that's not the problem. The problem is she is pregnant, again, and this time, by a married man. She is so depressed because she thought that he would leave his wife. He and his wife have a son, and she can't have anymore kids. I admit that it was selfish of him to go out and have a baby outside their marriage, but my cousin should have known better. A wife with one child v.s. a 'baby's momma" with six...You do the math. His wife has accepted the fact that he has a new child on the way and is cool with it. Now my cousin is scared that he and the wife may take the new baby. Judging on her financial status at this point, I'm sure they will have a good chance at getting the child. Now she wants to get rid of the baby. She says that she would rather not have the child, than to see it taken away from her. That is a hard decision...I'll be praying for her, and that's all I can do at this point.

Now, if it were me, and I was having a hard time with the first couple of kids, I would have stopped while I was ahead. Her mom says she needs a permanent Depo drip. If it were me, my tubes would be clipped, burned, and tied in double knots! But, she's not me, so I have to let her think for herself. I'm not saying that having kids is a bad thing, but having more kids than you can handle is.

I'm not upset because she is having another baby. That's her choice. It's my choice to NOT babysit. I'm upset because now, she is asking for MY help. Lately, she has been feeling the effects of pregnancy...and she is having a hard time with all of these kids. Her mom helps as much as she can, but she WILL NOT keep all of her kids. She says that her nerves can't take it. I ran the Kiddie Bus yesterday, because she had to go to the doctor. Dropping off kids at schools and day cares and picking them up. It was just too much. Then we got to her house, and she was in the bed, asleep. Six kids to feed, help with their homework, listen to see how their days went...I wanted to scream. I stayed there and helped out for the rest of the day. After hearing how exhausted I was, my Boo came over and helped out( I love that man!). He played outside with the kids while I cooked dinner. After they finished dinner, and had all taken showers, we watched a movie(or should I say, they watched a movie because I slept through it)and went to bed with no problems. We fixed their lunches for the next day, ironed their clothes, and laid the out so that they could be up and dressed in a timely manner the next morning. She did not get up once to make sure that things were okay. I understand that she trusts me with her kids, but there is no way that I could just stay in bed and pawn off my responsibility on someone else...I got home, took a long hot bath, and we went to sleep.

She called me while I was on the way home(I guess she finally decided to get up) to thank me for all I had done, and...Asked me to do it again today. I love my cousin, but I hung up the d*** phone, cranked up the volume on my CD player, and drove home. I was too tired to respond.

My hat goes off to all of you mothers, single or married, with a house full of kids. I love em...As long as I can send them home and get them when I want to.

So, in this situation, what do you think she should do? Keep the new baby or not?

I am pro choice, but this one has me stumped...


  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger Newy said…

    Have it, and give it to the father and his wife so they can adopt it, raising the child as their own. If she can't contend with the ones she has, she needs to also get snipped when she has this one.

  • At 8:49 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @mznewagenda...Sadly, I don't think she'll do it. She says if she can raise 6 kids, then she can raise 7. Hopefully she'll make the right choice. Whatever that may be.

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Msnhim said…

    WHF? Is she crazy? I love children and if I could afford it I'd probably have more but I dont expect to get help from outside sources. She decided to have six kids it her responsability. IF she does have this baby ( and I wouldn't advise it) its her job to take care of if....

  • At 9:11 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    I can't do it! I work from home, but in that time I actually have to get things done. I can switch from blogging to working very easily. But not baby sitting. Especially not when SHE sits at home all day. The girl is out of her mind!

  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Ming Houser, Realtor said…

    Sounds like your cousin is mentally, emotionally and physically drained...

  • At 9:54 AM, Blogger TTD said…

    im pro-choice.. so i say dont keep it... she already has SIX kids.. i'll be 24 in sept.. and i have NONE. i know that im not ready for that responsibility.. and she should be able to see that she's not either... which is why she didnt help you yesterday... i'm stopping at 2 whenever i decided im READY... if she doesnt want them to take the baby once he/she's born, then she shouldnt keep it. im sure that's the plan which is why the wife isnt trippin!

  • At 10:28 AM, Blogger nikki said…

    oh SHIT.

    she should either abort or give that kid up for adoption.

    what kind of environment are they coming up in when the only example she seems to be setting for them is one where she's a baby-making machine living off of the child support of her numerous baby fathers?

    it sounds like she's got mad issues. how was her childhood? was there abuse or something there?

    as for your situation, i think you handled it the best way you could. she shouldn't assume you're just gonna drop what you're doing just to take care of her brood. that's something she needed to think about before she got pregnant.

    and now with a married man? geez, but i'm beginning to really think marriage is just a friggin farce for folk.

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger ~HoustonNY~ said…

    I am totally pro choice - I agree with Luvin Me. She had six, so go ahead and have the seventh. It will be a struggle, as usual, but this is what she put herself into. All four of my sisters had their first child between the ages of 18 - 20. Most had more and it was a complete struggle, but they made it. If she doesn't think that she can truly take responsibility for the child, then don't have it. If she thinks that she can give it a better life by adoption, then go for that one...

  • At 11:49 AM, Blogger Ladynay said…

    I hate commenting late! UGH! My 2 cent is to have it and let her daddy raise it and the wife adopt it. She is already struggling with 6 and is drained. She needs to have that baby's best interest in mind. They can try to work out a plan where the baby gets to hang with the other siblings or whatever, but 6 is enough.

    She should really consider getting her "womanhood" taking out. My aunt had her tubes burnt and still managed to pop my cousin out! That's the truth!

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @dynasty...Yes, she is.

    @ttd...I just hope she gets it together.

    @nikki...That's a hard choice. I would hate to have a baby in this world, that I can't take care of. She has several issues. I have posted about her several times on my blog. She steals..lies... and who knows what else. I don't know what happened to her. She is the black sheep of the family. She is nothing like her brothers and sisters...I too am starting to feel that marriage is overrated.

    @dee...This is the last straw. I don't think there is any help for her.

    @terrance...I wish she would just be more responsible with her body. She has been pregnant ALL of her adult life.

    @ladynay...We've discussed the options, but right now she is leaning towards getting rid of the baby all together. I just hope that is the LAST time. She refuses to get her tubes tied so I already know she won't go any further...

  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger NegroPino™ said…

    I dont think she should KEEP the baby.....It would be selfish of her and to keep the baby and not let them adopt is just SPITEFUL and selfish

  • At 2:57 PM, Blogger Miz JJ said…

    What she needs to do is have her tubes tied. No disrespect to your cousin, but how can she give all those kids the attention they need? She can't. She should not be adding to the problem she already has.

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Ms.Honey said…

    Is this the same cousin that jacked you for some of your stuff at one point and she is pretty bold to keep having unprotected sex and expect life to get be honest I don't know what I would do, perhaps adoption or get my tubes burned off LOL

  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger Darbs said…

    I, too, am pro-choice. My first suggestion would be for her to have the baby and give custody to the father, while she can have the appropriate and fair parental rights (ie. visitation).

    BUT...since you don't think she would do that and I am pro-choice...I would suggest that she terminate the pregnancy.

    Either's a very sad situation.

    I hope that she considers tying her tubes at this point?!?!

  • At 6:57 AM, Blogger LUVIN ME said…

    @All...At this point, I have no clue what's on this girl's mind. I just know that I am not helping anymore.

    @Honey...Yes, it's her tired a**!

  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger @GaryTylone said…

    Ok...does she not know what times we live in...What if she caught something instead of a HIV...I dont understand...there needs to be a reality check. Babies are a blessing, but come on now...let her keep it, she's already connected to it.


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