Growing Older vs.Growing Up
I had to go into the office yesterday afternoon. My boss wanted to talk to me about changes that will be taking place this year. She said that he had several people that requested to work from home. One lady in particular used me in her argument. She threw in the fact that I do a very good job from home. My boss knows his employees...He knows who can handle being left alone to do their job. She is one of those people that you have to constantly remind that she has a job to do. So when my boss refused to let her work from home. She was very upset. Her second argument was, she is a lot older than I am , and she has been working for the company longer. She escalated the whole thing. To sum it all up. I had to go in. All of my work is complete. Actually I am ahead of schedule. I made of it before I took my vacation. She was even more upset by the fact that once again my work had spoken for itself.
Some people will never reach that level of maturity in which the can mind their own business and take care of themselves...
My boss made a statement yesterday that helped me reach that conclusion...He said, "Why is it that you have so many people concerned about what goes on in your office, and you're the only one there?" I thought long and hard about that statement. I could have given the obvious answer...people are jealous. But I knew what he was looking for...I simply said, "People want what they can't have."
He smiled at me and I went back home to my cozy office and finished my work. Sometimes my best arguments are the ones that require no talking from me at all. All that craziness and what did she accomplish...She still has to be in the office everyday, and I work from home...Whew...I thought she had messed it up for me!
Don't you just hate it when people try to mess things up in your life when things are going great?
Some people will never reach that level of maturity in which the can mind their own business and take care of themselves...
My boss made a statement yesterday that helped me reach that conclusion...He said, "Why is it that you have so many people concerned about what goes on in your office, and you're the only one there?" I thought long and hard about that statement. I could have given the obvious answer...people are jealous. But I knew what he was looking for...I simply said, "People want what they can't have."
He smiled at me and I went back home to my cozy office and finished my work. Sometimes my best arguments are the ones that require no talking from me at all. All that craziness and what did she accomplish...She still has to be in the office everyday, and I work from home...Whew...I thought she had messed it up for me!
Don't you just hate it when people try to mess things up in your life when things are going great?
At 8:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
i thought you were going to say that she messed it up for you! glad she didnt!!!
yes i do hate that.. why does what i do make a difference to you???
At 10:05 AM,
deepnthought said…
I hate when people concern themselves with me and it has no major concern of theres. I am glad your set up was not bothered by ms.nosybody.
At 10:28 AM,
Ladynay said…
Life throws you some curve balls to keep things interesting. :-)
Glad to hear you still have your work from home priviledges.
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't you just love haters? They just make you feel so good about yourself don't they? Tell her to get a life!
At 5:00 AM,
TrinaBeingTrina said…
That is the story of my life at work. Some people hate that I am so loved by everyone so they are always trying to get me into trouble because I do what I want and I'm cool with all the supervisors. I don't sweat it because you can't let anyone stop your shine!
At 6:38 AM,
LUVIN ME said…
@ttd...I would have been so angry!
@deep...I'm glad too!
@ladynay...Things look good from the outside. Working from home just means that I have to work twice as hard to prove that I'm not slacking...A part of me wanted her to get a chance to see what it is like on the other side.
@southern gal...As if working for a company for a long period of time makes a difference...Big business is all about money and politics. If she can't figure that out, she's in worse shape than I thought...
@shug...Too late. My boss beat me to the punch. LOL.
@Trina...Exactly...Keep Shining Girl!
At 11:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Funny how people's evil intentions never work out for them..I tell ya
Why is she so concerned about you..if she did her work I'm sure she could work from home but as you said your boss knows who can be trusted and she can't great sounds like she needs to step her game up
At 1:34 PM,
Omar Ramon said…
ur so fly they hate you even when they can't see you!!!!
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